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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The XenoChronX vs Persona 5 Debate

I dunno guys, I'm looking at VGChartz numbers and it looks like Xenoblade outsold every Persona game ever released. Of course circumstances are changing all the time, but some of you seem awfully confident in P5, which will probably get most of its Japanese sales on PS3, right?

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spemanig said:
I've never understood the appeal of Persona to anyone who isn't 13-17 and in high school, if I'm honest.

I predict this post will be discussed harder than the actual thread topic.

OT: It could go either way...Nintendo's pushing Xenoblade a lot harder this time around, while Persona seems to have grown as a franchise since the last installment. I'm curious if the PS3 version is going to severely cut into the sales though. We shall see...

EDIT: My first comment was unclear, didn't want anyone to think I'm not a fan of this game.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

No way in hell. P5 is the anticipation. Granted they only thing they share is that they are RPGs which is like Comparing Fallout and Chronotrigger, but Persona's fanbase has been growing while Xenos has been shrinking. P5 and Xeno will tie in Japan, P5 will barely beat out Xeno in US, and absolutely dominate Xeno in the UK. All on the PS4.

??? Xenoblade (this isn't related to Xenosaga or Baiten) has no itteratively established franchise to say "fanbase has been X". Its ONE title of a limited worldwide and dated release, we have no idea what its fanbase is or isn't as it hasn't been tested beyond a brand new IP that launched during the dying era of the Wii. (And outsold every installment of Persona...unless we add up every re-release.)

Dunno, all I know is i'm getting both.

spemanig said:
I've never understood the appeal of Persona to anyone who isn't 13-17 and in high school, if I'm honest.

Why is that? Never played a Persona game, so is it the story? Gameplay?">"><img src="

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Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
fatslob-:O said:
It'll definitely be very close ...

Xenoblade Chronicles on the WII didn't even garner a million copies yet the PS4 on the other hand is having trouble in Japan which is an important territory for sales of Persona games but on the bright side we can expect that Persona 5 will have better legs on the PS4 due to the platforms sheer momentum of increasing the userbase.

Persona has UK, Xeno doesn't. And unlike Japan, they aren't just gonna get the PS3 version.

It's a tough toss up for sure no matter how you look at it ... 

Japan isn't a whole lot of concern to Xenoblade Chronicles sales considering it only accounted for 20% of the total sales whereas half of Persona's sales come from japan and the PS3 is still the more popular platform there. 

Persona 4: The Golden's sales in europe only accounted for 15% compared to Xenoblade's 30%.

FYI Persona doesn't have a very large following in Europe so whether it has the UK or not doesn't make a whole lot of difference. 

Slade6alpha said:
spemanig said:
I've never understood the appeal of Persona to anyone who isn't 13-17 and in high school, if I'm honest.

Why is that? Never played a Persona game, so is it the story? Gameplay? 

You know how it is.  Mario games are about a plumber so only plumbers enjoy them.  Kind of like that.

the_dengle said:
I dunno guys, I'm looking at VGChartz numbers and it looks like Xenoblade outsold every Persona game ever released. Of course circumstances are changing all the time, but some of you seem awfully confident in P5, which will probably get most of its Japanese sales on PS3, right?

SMT didn't get popular until Persona 3.  It was still a niche sort of popular, but popular nonetheless.  Persona 3, Persona 3 FES, and Persona 4 were all released after the Wii, 360, and PS3 released. 

If you look at how much Persona 4 has sold on the Vita in comparison to how much Xenoblade sold on the Wii, it does kind of point out how popular Persona is in comparison to Xenoblade.  Not only is it on the Vita, but it's a port and it's only sold 150k less.  Xenoblade was a Gamestop exclusive release so it hasn't got as many sales as it could have, but Persona has never had the chance to get as many sales as it could have either.

the_dengle said:
I dunno guys, I'm looking at VGChartz numbers and it looks like Xenoblade outsold every Persona game ever released. Of course circumstances are changing all the time, but some of you seem awfully confident in P5, which will probably get most of its Japanese sales on PS3, right?

I don't know either ... 

Persona as a franchise has done some growing but unless the PS4 gets some more traction in Japan it's going to be a hard battle between the two for sure. One of the territories for selling Persona 5 on the PS4 seems crippled for the most part so it's definitely stretching it to say that victory is guaranteed or likely for Persona 5 ... 

While xenoblade outsold every Persona game (Though it didn't outsell Persona 4 + Golden. or all the P3 releases combined and Barely outsold Golden).

I think Persona will definitely outsell xenoblade.

Mainly because of Wii-U. I think a lot of people that liked xenoblade won't have a wii-u. A lot of the people that like persona will/still have a PS3.

Thus, I don't see persona sales increasing. I just see xenoblade x sales decreasing.