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Forums - General Discussion - GoT season 8 final episode 6 tonight. (spoiler discussion) Fin. The end... for ever. D&D can burn in the seven hells.



Hyped. 24 55.81%
Mildly interested. 11 25.58%
Not bothered. 5 11.63%
/indifferent/not watched/other in comments. 3 6.98%
Angelus said:
In the end, I'm personally just happy that Game of Thrones was made in the first place. It was an incredibly ambitious undertaking, and even during a time period where we're constantly being bombarded by quality entertainment from all fronts, GoT stood out in the best way. Regardless of how everyone feels about how they wrapped it up - and I certainly have my issues with some of their execution, and pacing - I think we can all agree that we got some of the best seasons of television along the way. It's legacy, in my mind at least, is an overwhelmingly positive one, and hopefully it'll inspire more projects in it's vein.

Great post and I agree! I bet most viewers had issues with last couple of seasons but they did wrap the thing up in 8 years. That's something the author hasn't been able to do in two decades. We can only hope he'll eventually finish his work but he seems to have many other projects as well.

At least we could/can enjoy this epic adaption of the story in the meantime. I'm already watching it again.

S.Peelman said:
At least we know Edmure Tully is still around.

Felt sorry for the dude,too kind(and clumsy) to be caught up in the Game of thrones. :p

My heart broke from the look Deanerys gave Jon when he stabbed her.

NightlyPoe said:

dane007 said:

Because the history of Westeros is full of people calmly choosing their next leader?  The only reason it worked this time was because the only people who wanted the throne were already dead and for some reason Dorne and the Iron Islands forgot they wanted independence.  That's not going to happen every time.

And being paralyzed does not necessarily mean a dude can't have children.  It depends on the specifics of the injury.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong on this one, but isn't Bran as the 3-eyed Raven immortal or at least long-lived?

The last 3-eyed Raven was ridiculously old, or was that the Weirwood tree sustaining him? 

Is Bran potentially going to be King for generations?

Hiku said:

Emilia Clarke is so cute in that clip. Poor girl didn't know what to say.

I didn't watch the TV series so I just found out what happened.  I did read the books up through A Feast for Crows, though.  Part of the reason I dropped it was because the books simply take too long for such complicated material and I got tired of reading earlier books over just to remember what was even happening.  The other part of the reason I dropped the series was because I came to hate Daenerys and the chapters devoted to her.  It was like being forced to read a much lamer book wedged in with a book I was really enjoying.  There were characters and narratives I liked less than others but hers was the only one that I just wanted to skip.

So, yeah, heh.  I'm alright with that.

Hiku said:

Many similar moments throughout the season, off the top of my head:

  • "If you want a queen, earn her", seconds later Euron nails her.
  • Yara Grejoy rightfully protesting Jon's treason, seconds later, Yara Grejoy "aye"ing Bran as king. Everyone behaving 

Anyone can say or do anything just to make the plot move forward. Euron Greyjoy is invincible until they had to nerf him. Dragons were an easy target until they needed to overpower them. Mistakes had no consequences until they wanted a certain character to die. The previous season was just as bad but few were willing to criticize it.  

pokoko said:

I didn't watch the TV series so I just found out what happened.  I did read the books up through A Feast for Crows, though.  Part of the reason I dropped it was because the books simply take too long for such complicated material and I got tired of reading earlier books over just to remember what was even happening.  The other part of the reason I dropped the series was because I came to hate Daenerys and the chapters devoted to her.  It was like being forced to read a much lamer book wedged in with a book I was really enjoying.  There were characters and narratives I liked less than others but hers was the only one that I just wanted to skip.

So, yeah, heh.  I'm alright with that.

I always thought the books and the show would've been better without the supra-natural elements. Non of them mattered in the end anyway.

Daenerys dragons couldn't save her, the white walkers and the night king proved to be a weaker villain than silly Euron (not as silly in the books, admittedly). Jon's resurrection cheapened one of the strongest aspects of the books, not to mention, he's one of the most annoying black and white characters that gets to live, and him coming back to life was purposeless anyway, Arya would've killed Daenerys and her dragon if she wanted to. The red woman giving births to shadows (twice in the books) amounted to nothing as Stannis didn't get anywhere close to what he wanted. The three eyed raven turned Bran into a plot device who only got screen time in the 6th season to confirm theories and give us flashbacks. The mountain becoming Frankenstein had absolutely no meaning whatsoever, not once he had to defend Cersi from true dangers. Arya spent so much time learning how to become a faceless man for nothing. 

On the other hand, I was happy that Lady Stoneheart was dropped in the show. 

Last edited by LurkerJ - on 22 May 2019

I understand but do explain how would a person whose paralyzed from.the waste down, procreate? 

Have u not seen the episode where jaimie pushes him off the tower? That tower was pretty high..i am suprised he survived the be honest.

NightlyPoe said:

dane007 said:

I repeat, being paralyzed does not mean that a dude can't have children.  It might mean that, or it might not.  It depends on the injury.

I'm not sure how the other part applies to my post.

Oh yea you might be onto something. 

Probably which is a gd thing. He would bebthe most experiemced king in all of westeros and the most knowledgeable

Scoobes said:

NightlyPoe said:

Because the history of Westeros is full of people calmly choosing their next leader?  The only reason it worked this time was because the only people who wanted the throne were already dead and for some reason Dorne and the Iron Islands forgot they wanted independence.  That's not going to happen every time.

And being paralyzed does not necessarily mean a dude can't have children.  It depends on the specifics of the injury.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong on this one, but isn't Bran as the 3-eyed Raven immortal or at least long-lived?

The last 3-eyed Raven was ridiculously old, or was that the Weirwood tree sustaining him? 

Is Bran potentially going to be King for generations?

LurkerJ said:

Many similar moments throughout the season, off the top of my head:

  • "If you want a queen, earn her", seconds later Euron nails her.
  • Yara Grejoy rightfully protesting Jon's treason, seconds later, Yara Grejoy "aye"ing Bran as king. Everyone behaving 

Anyone can say or do anything just to make the plot move forward. Euron Greyjoy is invincible until they had to nerf him. Dragons were an easy target until they needed to overpower them. Mistakes had no consequences until they wanted a certain character to die. The previous season was just as bad but few were willing to criticize it.  

It was the season when every individual story converged, so just watching it happen and seeing all the 1st time/long awaited character interactions was enough for a lot of people.  Once season 8 came, that novelty ran out and all that was left was bad writing.