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Forums - General Discussion - GoT season 8 final episode 6 tonight. (spoiler discussion) Fin. The end... for ever. D&D can burn in the seven hells.



Hyped. 24 55.81%
Mildly interested. 11 25.58%
Not bothered. 5 11.63%
/indifferent/not watched/other in comments. 3 6.98%
LurkerJ said:

I always thought the books and the show would've been better without the supra-natural elements. Non of them mattered in the end anyway.

Daenerys dragons couldn't save her, the white walkers and the night king proved to be a weaker villain than silly Euron (not as silly in the books, admittedly). Jon's resurrection cheapened one of the strongest aspects of the books, not to mention, he's one of the most annoying black and white characters that gets to live, and him coming back to life was purposeless anyway, Arya would've killed Daenerys and her dragon if she wanted to. The red woman giving births to shadows (twice in the books) amounted to nothing as Stannis didn't get anywhere close to what he wanted. The three eyed raven turned Bran into a plot device who only got screen time in the 6th season to confirm theories and give us flashbacks. The mountain becoming Frankenstein had absolutely no meaning whatsoever, not once he had to defend Cersi from true dangers. Arya spent so much time learning how to become a faceless man for nothing. 

On the other hand, I was happy that Lady Stoneheart was dropped in the show. 

I was totally fine with the Others.  It should have been the signature and only substantial supernatural presence in the novels, the lone source of "magic" in a world of blood and steel.  It was the doom closing in on the kingdom while everyone squabbled and played their game of thrones.  The reason GoT caught on was that it felt so gritty and realistic as opposed to the lack of logic and detail usually inherent in High Fantasy.  The Others emphasised that.  The dramatic tension they brought to the first novel created a truly cold and foreboding atmosphere.

Then suddenly we had dragons like every other fantasy series out there and Daenerys unrealistically banana-peeling her way to a massive amount of power in a short period of time.  Her chapters felt like an entirely different novel, one more akin to standard fantasy than what was taking place elsewhere. 

Loved most of what I read and GRRM is certainly one of the most talented and skilled authors I've ever come across, especially in the fantasy field.  However, the series became far too diluted with "magic" and lost much of what made it special to begin with.  The greatest moments in the novels almost always came from humans being unpredictable and savage creatures, not from cliched fantasy shenanigans.  

Hiku said:

Goerge RR Martin is attacking Dan & David over Game of Thrones being rushed.

George: "I don't know [why it's ending]. "Ask David and Dan... we could have gone to 11, 12, 13 seasons, but I guess they wanted a life."

The 'wanted a life' is a reference to something Dan & David said before, about how they were tired of working on Game of Thrones for so long essentially, because it takes up so much of their time, and they 'want a life'.

Well thanks for not handing over the reins of the series to someone else then, dipshits.

For anyone blaming HBO over how short Game of Thrones became, there you go.
Dumb & Dumber insisted on only doing 7 seasons. George wanted them to do 10. Eventually they agreed on 8.
And they're planning 5 spinoffs. The reason it was so short is entirety on D&D.

These two don't care. They just want to get paid and move on to Star Wars.
Can't wait to see Jar Jar Binks appear out of nowhere and kill Palpatine.

Can you imagine how much worse this train wreck would have been if they got they had stuck to 7 seasons?

I was surprised to read Clarke broke the unwritten rules and not so sneakingly criticized the writers

When asked generally how she'd redo the show's final season, Clarke demurred. "Oh, my goodness. Well, I can only speak to my own character, and the people that I interact with on the show," she said. "But I would’ve loved some more scenes with me and Missandei. I would’ve loved some more scenes with me and Cersei."

"I would’ve loved some more scenes between Grey Worm and Missandei," she continued. "I would’ve loved to see a bit more between Cersei...I feel like there was...The genocide was there. That was always going to happen," she said, of Dany going Mad Queen and killing countless innocent people in King's Landing. "And I just think more dissection and those beautifully written scenes that the boys have between characters—that we are more than happy to contently sit there and watch ten minutes of two people talking, because it’s beautiful. I just wanted to see a bit more of that. But I’m in no position to critique the geniuses that have written eight seasons’ worth of wonderful stuff."

Hiku said:

Goerge RR Martin is attacking Dan & David over Game of Thrones being rushed.

George: "I don't know [why it's ending]. "Ask David and Dan... we could have gone to 11, 12, 13 seasons, but I guess they wanted a life."

The 'wanted a life' is a reference to something Dan & David said before, about how they were tired of working on Game of Thrones for so long essentially, because it takes up so much of their time, and they 'want a life'.

Well thanks for not handing over the reins of the series to someone else then, dipshits.

For anyone blaming HBO over how short Game of Thrones became, there you go.
Dumb & Dumber insisted on only doing 7 seasons. George wanted them to do 10. Eventually they agreed on 8.
And they're planning 5 spinoffs. The reason it was so short is entirety on D&D.

These two don't care. They just want to get paid and move on to Star Wars.
Can't wait to see Jar Jar Binks appear out of nowhere and kill Palpatine.

Can you imagine how much worse this train wreck would have been if they got they had stuck to 7 seasons?

I can't believe there are still people defending D&D. It is obvious to me that the money HBO was paying them was not nearly as much as what Disney offered them. So they completely butchered the show to rush on to work on the new project.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna make a point of not watching absolutely anything they are involved with.

John2290 said:
I hope Bran is truly a power hungry manipulator in the books when he returns south by ducking up and using his warg ability to much that he is lost to the wolves he possess or The night king manages to take over his mind.

Plot twist! The reason Drogon didn't burn Jon is because Bran used his warg ability to control him and he melted the Iron Throne because he had no need for it and at the small council he asks about Drogon to keep his cover but he knows full well where he is because he still has control over him.

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
John2290 said:
I hope Bran is truly a power hungry manipulator in the books when he returns south by ducking up and using his warg ability to much that he is lost to the wolves he possess or The night king manages to take over his mind.

Plot twist! The reason Drogon didn't burn Jon is because Bran used his warg ability to control him and he melted the Iron Throne because he had no need for it and at the small council he asks about Drogon to keep his cover but he knows full well where he is because he still has control over him.

Bran seeing the past, all of mankind's terrible past, and possessing that much memory is enough to turn him to someone else. Something else.

My favorite character is the Hound. I heard he finally killed his bro. I assume he survives the show? Haven't watched any of final season but can someone inform me of him?

I don't give a fuck about any other character but the Hound. I find it funny people butthurt that breaker of chains (sorry don't care to look up how to spell her stupid name) goes bad.

sethnintendo said:
My favorite character is the Hound. I heard he finally killed his bro. I assume he survives the show? Haven't watched any of final season but can someone inform me of him?

I don't give a fuck about any other character but the Hound. I find it funny people butthurt that breaker of chains (sorry don't care to look up how to spell her stupid name) goes bad.
After finding no way to kill his evil brother and getting his eyes almost gouged out,(he even stabs him in the head) he laughs and he grabs the mountain to push him over the edge of the destroyed wall of the staircase where they have been fighting and they both plummet into the fires far below the ruins of the red keep at kings landing.

Ah damn well least he accomplished his goal.

sethnintendo said:
My favorite character is the Hound. I heard he finally killed his bro. I assume he survives the show? Haven't watched any of final season but can someone inform me of him?

I don't give a fuck about any other character but the Hound. I find it funny people butthurt that breaker of chains (sorry don't care to look up how to spell her stupid name) goes bad.

The final fight:

Well that was pretty good final fight between them two. I actually used eye gouge move in first real fight (and last) I was in which happened in college dorms. Of course it wasn't as extreme but he cried for help to his stupid frat bros and ended up with a dislocated shoulder. Stoners 1, shitty Pike frat 0

Last edited by sethnintendo - on 23 May 2019