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Waiting on the eventual Mueller media leaks. Any day now, just like Comey. Moral men of law and the people. Crucial information and opinions to make sure justice is rightfully served. They won't let us down! #contextoo

I thought this was an interesting article about Trump administration and Fox News from the Mueller Report.

I still can't believe we have a political party regularly lying with impunity about literal infanticide.

TallSilhouette said:

I still can't believe we have a political party regularly lying with impunity about literal infanticide.

It's pretty horrific. That party has pushed me to the left, doing as much with their horrific actions to make me progressive as Bernie did with his campaign speeches. But for all the conservatives' sake that can't conscience a Democratic vote, I wish there was another party that they felt comfortable voting for, because I feel like the impunity comes from the fact that huge swaths of the population bury their heads in the sand because they know they'd have nowhere to go if they abandoned the Republicans. They'd have to give up political power for principle, and these are not people used to being out of power.

HylianSwordsman said:
TallSilhouette said:

I still can't believe we have a political party regularly lying with impunity about literal infanticide.

It's pretty horrific. That party has pushed me to the left, doing as much with their horrific actions to make me progressive as Bernie did with his campaign speeches. But for all the conservatives' sake that can't conscience a Democratic vote, I wish there was another party that they felt comfortable voting for, because I feel like the impunity comes from the fact that huge swaths of the population bury their heads in the sand because they know they'd have nowhere to go if they abandoned the Republicans. They'd have to give up political power for principle, and these are not people used to being out of power.

This is why Winner Takes All has to go the way of the Dodo. It's the reason why there's effectively only 2 parties when it comes to the presidency, House and Senate. Eliminate it, and third parties suddenly become viable votes, especially in states with a higher population where there are more seats to take. 

Bofferbrauer2 said:
HylianSwordsman said:

It's pretty horrific. That party has pushed me to the left, doing as much with their horrific actions to make me progressive as Bernie did with his campaign speeches. But for all the conservatives' sake that can't conscience a Democratic vote, I wish there was another party that they felt comfortable voting for, because I feel like the impunity comes from the fact that huge swaths of the population bury their heads in the sand because they know they'd have nowhere to go if they abandoned the Republicans. They'd have to give up political power for principle, and these are not people used to being out of power.

This is why Winner Takes All has to go the way of the Dodo. It's the reason why there's effectively only 2 parties when it comes to the presidency, House and Senate. Eliminate it, and third parties suddenly become viable votes, especially in states with a higher population where there are more seats to take. 

We are definitely at the point that given better options and a better voting system, support for the Republican party would collapse. Also the Democratic party probably would have split by now if there were a real way for the new factions to maintain representation. We'd probably need a combination of ranked choice voting and proportional representation to manage that. But if we're fantasizing about alternate political systems and the potential parties they could produce, under ranked choice with proportional representation, the United States Pirate Party would be the next major American political party, so help me God, I'd do whatever was necessary to make it happen.

SpokenTruth said:
Any idea why Trump congratulated the number 2 drafted player for the NFL but not the number 1 player?

Yeah, Trump is looking for media attention again.  Another one of his dumb as move to get the news cycle talking about him.  At the end of the day, I believe we stop caring about the stupidity on display constantly by Trump so lets move on.

the-pi-guy said:
From the WashingtonPost:

"Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III wrote a letter in late March complaining to Attorney General William P. Barr that a four-page memo to Congress describing the principal conclusions of the investigation into President Trump “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s work, according to a copy of the letter reviewed Tuesday by The Washington Post.

“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,” Mueller wrote. “There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations.”

In his letter to Barr, Mueller wrote that the redaction process “need not delay release of the enclosed materials. Release at this time would alleviate the misunderstandings that have arisen and would answer congressional and public questions about the nature and outcome of our investigation.”

Mueller’s report described 10 significant episodes of possible obstruction of justice but said that because of long-standing Justice Department policy that says a sitting president cannot be indicted and because of Justice Department practice regarding fairness toward those under investigation, his team did not reach a conclusion about whether the president had committed a crime."

I mean, I didn't really need more evidence that Barr is a shill, but I'll take it.

Both Cruz and Barr aren't taking this very seriously with those smirks. First Kav/Ford and now this? There's no lighthearted disbelief in politics. It's almost like they are in a guild of their own.

Barr knows the game, he understand that the house has to subpoena him first before he can be in contempt. Everything that Barr has done so far has been pretty much right on script. His job is not to serve the US but to serve and protect Trump. Everything so far has been stalling tactics, misinformation and basic stone walling. Barr knows that right wing publications will say everything is political and dismiss anything he has or will do, left wing sites will pretty much condemn him but in the end he will continue to play his hand pushing but not breaking any of the norms and get sent to jail or impeached.

We will see if he stumble in this game of cat and mouse. Pelosi is already calling contempt for lying to congress so we will see how much traction that gets.