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Forums - Gaming Discussion - SEGA offers Shenmue exclusivity in exchange for project funding!

Zipper said:
I can't see why Microsoft would be interested in this game
The first two games didn't sell well and I doubt just how many Xbox 360 owners care about the game
Even if it was super popular in Japan, the 360 is kinda dead there

they just formed a team for the 360 and japan and made a deal for 3 exclusive games starting with MH, that's hardly a sign of giving up.  Shenmue 2 was on xbox so it has a little history on xbox, in the US the only system shenmue 2 was available on was xbox.  I can see why it wouldn't be a great investment because the games were never profitable by themselves.  Still, MS is the most likely candidate if it were to happen.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

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nen-suer said:
I know Sony got Yakuza....but i really hope they get Shenmue too

SEGA can use Yakuza engine to minimize costs

We know Sony's opinion on exclusives now, it's pretty unlikely that it happens.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

Not remotely interested in this so it can go to any system for all I care.

johnsobas said:
nen-suer said:
I know Sony got Yakuza....but i really hope they get Shenmue too

SEGA can use Yakuza engine to minimize costs

We know Sony's opinion on exclusives now, it's pretty unlikely that it happens.

I can hope...

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Sorry forgot to mention...

I would want sega to put Valkyria 3 on ps3 instead, PLZ SEGA!!! PLZ!!!!

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Shenmue is a finacial bomb, unfortunately.

i don't think the big three will be interested.

Man I hope MS picks this up. I've been waiting too long for Shenmue 3.



 My money is on MS.... partly because they have the cash to toss on a title that probably wont make huge immediate returns in terms of actual dollars, but would go a long way towards netting a lot of positive publicity and winning the "hearts" of more gamers. Partly because it might help them in JPN, especially in aforementioned terms of perception. They can afford to take the hit, and they need more niche yet quality titles to help seperate themselves from PS3.

 I do not see how Ninty would have a need or desire to spend money on it, just does not seem like the type of project they would want to fund themselves.


 Overall, it slightly sucks if its MS... because I do not want a 360. But if Shenmue 3 comes to 360.... I will buy a 360. Hopefully I am wrong, and it shows up on ps3 =)

I think that the only ones who might bite on this are Microsoft, but even that seems like a long shot.

Sorry, Sega, I think you'll have to front the money yourselves if you ever want to please fans.

I always thought Sony would be the kind of company to take on risky projects like Shenmue, the only reason why is mainly because of their funding of games like Little Big Planet, Heavy Rain and Demon's Soul's. Otherwise I think Nintendo should do it, but they most likely won't. Microsoft could but from my experience I havn't seen many risky, niche titles from them, but that seem's to be changing with Alan Wake.

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.