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Forums - Website Topics - VGChartz Standard and Premium Memberships


What if VgChartz starts charging a monthly fee to view sales numbers?

I won't pay. 334 75.57%
I'll pay. 23 5.20%
I'll go to BugriChartz instead. 85 19.23%

Never going to pay... i would leave vgchartz forever

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Okay, my questions still:

1. Any idea of a release date for VGC 3.0? Will it change the look of the site? Will it include a feature that I've bothered Talonman about for at least a year now?

2. How will confidentiality of the data work? Am I not allowed to discuss games out of the Top 50? Will this create a bridge of knowledge between those who don't have memberships and those who do?



It's not all bad. If you can sucker a few people into paying, that should help the site and over time may improve the legitimacy of ioi's numbers.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

honestly if i was running the show i would have wat is available now as paid and for free ud get hw data monthly and top 100-200 SW monthly the GD would just show how many sold in each region and maybe the first 10 weeks rather than a full timeline

this way the site would be more simpler and might run faster for those who just like the forums

the weekly task of posting up that many #s must be a task for who ever is involved i can imagine ud get more people who'd pay for that then u would for wat ur about to do

in my opinion most of the users now that came here for the #s dont really have interest for them as they did once b4 especially on a weekly basis and that they are attracted to the forums more so they wouldnt really be affected if u did it that way

and about the thread title ioi i just thought that burgrimmar was the one to change it wonder how he did it but now u say it was u

you'll also be surprised on how much sales data is out there and how much WILL be out there in the coming years


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Kantor said:
Just as a question to all of you, do you see ioi's name and avatar on a post and think "I MUST IGNORE THIS"?

Because you've all been asking the exact same questions and complaining about the exact same things which aren't even valid issues.

Who is this ioi person?

I really don't understand what's going on... All I need is the top 10 and occasional game comparison search... Will I have to pay for that info?



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superchunk said:
Kantor said:
Just as a question to all of you, do you see ioi's name and avatar on a post and think "I MUST IGNORE THIS"?

Because you've all been asking the exact same questions and complaining about the exact same things which aren't even valid issues.

Who is this ioi person?

I really don't understand what's going on... All I need is the top 10 and occasional game comparison search... Will I have to pay for that info?



As ioi has said at least ten times in this thread:

  • The weekly top 50 for each region and WW will remain free.
  • All comparisons and totals will remain free.

This isn't really that hard to grasp, people. You're not being "forced to pay" for VGChartz. You have the option to pay for very rarely used current features and new features that will be included in VGC 3.0.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:
superchunk said:
Kantor said:
Just as a question to all of you, do you see ioi's name and avatar on a post and think "I MUST IGNORE THIS"?

Because you've all been asking the exact same questions and complaining about the exact same things which aren't even valid issues.

Who is this ioi person?

I really don't understand what's going on... All I need is the top 10 and occasional game comparison search... Will I have to pay for that info?



As ioi has said at least ten times in this thread:

  • The weekly top 50 for each region and WW will remain free.
  • All comparisons and totals will remain free.

This isn't really that hard to grasp, people. You're not being "forced to pay" for VGChartz. You have the option to pay for very rarely used current features and new features that will be included in VGC 3.0.

Maybe you need to send your sarcasm meter to the shop. lol.

I'd prefer to try the wiki approach first; set up a target monthly goal for donations, for example, and keep a chart/graph of it in the corner on the front page, maybe, showing how close the site is to meeting the goal for the month, etc, and quick link where we can click to donate money here, money there. I'd most definitely donate some $$$, and I'd rather do that than have a monthly subscription....I hate monthly bills and such.


superchunk said:
Kantor said:
superchunk said:
Kantor said:
Just as a question to all of you, do you see ioi's name and avatar on a post and think "I MUST IGNORE THIS"?

Because you've all been asking the exact same questions and complaining about the exact same things which aren't even valid issues.

Who is this ioi person?

I really don't understand what's going on... All I need is the top 10 and occasional game comparison search... Will I have to pay for that info?



As ioi has said at least ten times in this thread:

  • The weekly top 50 for each region and WW will remain free.
  • All comparisons and totals will remain free.

This isn't really that hard to grasp, people. You're not being "forced to pay" for VGChartz. You have the option to pay for very rarely used current features and new features that will be included in VGC 3.0.

Maybe you need to send your sarcasm meter to the shop. lol.

Sorry, I'm in a bad mood. My Modnation Racers beta refuses to work properly

In a bad mood, I am incapable of detecting sarcasm and assume everyone is just being annoying.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

ioi said:
Oh man, does nobody read the thread!

The subscription / membership will be to get MORE data, you will still be able to see most of the basic data each week along with all LTDs for FREE.

It's really not going to be much different to how it is now, it just offers people the chance to view more data and have more comparison tools at a small cost. What's the issue?

It's like paying for microtransactions where the data is already there but the publisher/developer wants to charge the player more.

I'll pass.