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honestly if i was running the show i would have wat is available now as paid and for free ud get hw data monthly and top 100-200 SW monthly the GD would just show how many sold in each region and maybe the first 10 weeks rather than a full timeline

this way the site would be more simpler and might run faster for those who just like the forums

the weekly task of posting up that many #s must be a task for who ever is involved i can imagine ud get more people who'd pay for that then u would for wat ur about to do

in my opinion most of the users now that came here for the #s dont really have interest for them as they did once b4 especially on a weekly basis and that they are attracted to the forums more so they wouldnt really be affected if u did it that way

and about the thread title ioi i just thought that burgrimmar was the one to change it wonder how he did it but now u say it was u

you'll also be surprised on how much sales data is out there and how much WILL be out there in the coming years


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