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Forums - Website Topics - VGChartz Standard and Premium Memberships


What if VgChartz starts charging a monthly fee to view sales numbers?

I won't pay. 334 75.57%
I'll pay. 23 5.20%
I'll go to BugriChartz instead. 85 19.23%
gamefreak4ever said:
geddesmond2 said:

I'm not sure I know exactly what this means. Does it mean you won't be able to log onto the site and search for a game to see how much its selling?? Example I'm talking to a friend on PSN about Killzone sales. I won't be able to check VG chartz for the sales data unless I pay

You have a point.  Maybe if it was broken down as to whats expected or what we will receive then it may be different.  Sony is now talking about a subscription plan. 

What? No. You can always view all sales in the game database as long as you are a member of the website (i.e. registered for a free account). So you can search any game in the database and get its total sales.

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ioi said:
BHR-3 said:
i wont pay i have other sources where i can get the data from

You have other sources where you can get the sales for games #51-5000 in the Americas each week?

Someone else who hasn't read the thread?..

im not going to discuss my other sources in detail as thats going off topic

i was the 1st one to ask if staff are gettin it for free and some other ?s earlier in the thread no1 ever answered them then later other posters asked the same thing and they were answered immediately idk know why im being ignored

but you got to ask ur self ioi how many people actually care bout SW #51-5000? and i believe you or nordlead said it yourselfs SW data that has sales of less than 10k isnt as accurate as ur SW data for say the top 20 games each week


wat about my question about the people that pay for it will they get a colored name or be able to be categorized in the community section?

also how did u change the thread title could of swore it was different


im sure if people get colored names or are categorized maybe some might pay for it


                                                                      Play Me

Wait... there are sales charts on this site? I only come for the forum... >_>


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

ioi said:

All you are doing is paying to see more data and have more tools (for the 50th time), not buying some kind of "bragging right" - that is what vg$ and the coloured names / user statuses are for.

Well.. there goes my hope of someday buying icecream with vg$.... :(


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

I wouldn't pay for it, but that's because I don't use it much in the first place. That said, as long as the price is reasonable, I could see why some people would.

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ioi said:
BHR-3 said:

im not going to discuss my other sources in detail as thats going off topic

i was the 1st one to ask if staff are gettin it for free and some other ?s earlier in the thread no1 ever answered them then later other posters asked the same thing and they were answered immediately idk know why im being ignored

but you got to ask ur self ioi how many people actually care bout SW #51-5000? and i believe you or nordlead said it yourselfs SW data that has sales of less than 10k isnt as accurate as ur SW data for say the top 20 games each week


wat about my question about the people that pay for it will they get a colored name or be able to be categorized in the community section?

also how did u change the thread title could of swore it was different


im sure if people get colored names or are categorized maybe some might pay for it

Lol, i'm confused!!

It is the #51-5000 sales that you will have to pay for from now on if you want to see them. That's the whole point. That is the data that you can't get anywhere else and only a select few people are interested in so it comes at a premium. For people like yourself who just want to see the top 50 then things will be no different to how they are now. IF and only IF you want more data will you have to pay. Get it yet?

As for sources - there are no other sources, that's the point. Unless you have an NPD subscription you can't see how games outside of the top 20 are doing each month. So saying you don't want to pay for data #51 - 5000 each week because you have other sources makes no sense.

As for your other questions - you don't get a colored name since (as I've said 2-3 times already) the sales data memberships are nothing to do with forum memberships and you won't know who has signed up and who hasn't. It's totally independent. I had already answered this. I changed the thread title since I have full database access to the site and can do whatever I want since I created it and wrote it all

Paying for coloured names or whatever - you are thinking of something totally different and again totally missing the point here. This isn't about a status or about buying some kind of better membership. The access to data is totally seperate to your site membership from that point of view. All you are doing is paying to see more data and have more tools (for the 50th time), not buying some kind of "bragging right" - that is what vg$ and the coloured names / user statuses are for.

well good luck with it and all

i knew wat you meant i just wanted to know bout the colored names i dont really like looking at none of the charts on here now i just like to make predictions in the forums as i said i have other sources now dont take no offense by that though im not trying to hate on ur site or anything like that

i do think that we should have some kinda way of knowing who pays for it doesnt have to be a color name it could be a category under type in the community section im not saying that im going to pay for it and want to be able to brag but u have so many different cats. like banned IM users ect. adding this wouldnt be to hard to do


                                                                      Play Me

Just as a question to all of you, do you see ioi's name and avatar on a post and think "I MUST IGNORE THIS"?

Because you've all been asking the exact same questions and complaining about the exact same things which aren't even valid issues.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

I am too cheap to pay but as long as i see a benefit to coming here i will keep coming.

I think that $99 is simply too much to pay for the data. I delve into the depths of it sometimes, but not enough to really justify paying that much. For hardcore people, yeah $99 is a great level but for the weekend warriors I think you should simply match Xbox Live's cost. People are familiar with the cost of Xbox Live, $50 per year gives you some pretty great service and I would suspect that many people could justify that to access some numbers but not $99.

Oh yeah you should give the people who pay the option of having yellow forum names. People would want it for two important reasons:

1. It distinguishes them as someone who is willing to pay for information, so their words should be taken a little more seriously.

2. People are vain!

P.S. I guess you ought to firestorm anyone who looks at the Microsoft forum the wrong way as I suspect these are your biggest group of willing subscribers!

Do you know what its like to live on the far side of Uranus?

Fuck this, I'm going to Gaf.

Just joking.

I wouldn't pay because the free model offers me all that I use anyway, but I don't disagree with this three-tier system.