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ioi said:
BHR-3 said:
i wont pay i have other sources where i can get the data from

You have other sources where you can get the sales for games #51-5000 in the Americas each week?

Someone else who hasn't read the thread?..

im not going to discuss my other sources in detail as thats going off topic

i was the 1st one to ask if staff are gettin it for free and some other ?s earlier in the thread no1 ever answered them then later other posters asked the same thing and they were answered immediately idk know why im being ignored

but you got to ask ur self ioi how many people actually care bout SW #51-5000? and i believe you or nordlead said it yourselfs SW data that has sales of less than 10k isnt as accurate as ur SW data for say the top 20 games each week


wat about my question about the people that pay for it will they get a colored name or be able to be categorized in the community section?

also how did u change the thread title could of swore it was different


im sure if people get colored names or are categorized maybe some might pay for it


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