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I think that $99 is simply too much to pay for the data. I delve into the depths of it sometimes, but not enough to really justify paying that much. For hardcore people, yeah $99 is a great level but for the weekend warriors I think you should simply match Xbox Live's cost. People are familiar with the cost of Xbox Live, $50 per year gives you some pretty great service and I would suspect that many people could justify that to access some numbers but not $99.

Oh yeah you should give the people who pay the option of having yellow forum names. People would want it for two important reasons:

1. It distinguishes them as someone who is willing to pay for information, so their words should be taken a little more seriously.

2. People are vain!

P.S. I guess you ought to firestorm anyone who looks at the Microsoft forum the wrong way as I suspect these are your biggest group of willing subscribers!

Do you know what its like to live on the far side of Uranus?