I really wished Nintendo would give online more of a focus. It makes me wonder how they expected this UGC thing to work with such a flawed mentality about online game play.
I really wished Nintendo would give online more of a focus. It makes me wonder how they expected this UGC thing to work with such a flawed mentality about online game play.
People who want online in this are silly. Super mario games were always a single player experience. NSMBwii was the initially made as a single player game and they just said "hey lets add multiplayer to it!" Shiggy said it himself that the entire level designs were created with single player in mind.
The multiplayer is fun but it isn't something that core gamers like most on this site bought NSMB for. It's bought to play by yourself and if you have a party or something you can play together for 15-20 min before popping in Smash bros or mario kart.
Those games work online because they were initially created as a multiplayer games. As the experience changes each time you play with different people. But those games are still more fun in a party setting than online.
I highly doubt anyone would want to play NSMB at 3 am in the morning anyway. That's just strange behavior on your part.
Maynard_Tool said: Local multiplayer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>^10 Online |
Fixed for ya!
nordlead said:
It does mean that Nintendo can't get the game done in a timely manner and meet their internal goals. It was stated from the start they didn't want to put online in, yet everyone complains. However, we can turn your agument around for any online game, yet I still won't see a big post complaining about it every other minute like the flack this game gets. The people in the real world complain about lack of local, the people online complain about the lack of online. The thing is, Nintendo could have waited til Q1 2010 and released with online, but it wouldn't have gained any sales, and people would have been without a big game for the holidays. I'd rather have Mario with no online than waiting 5 years like fans of GT. Besides, the skirt physics would have easily bumped this game back to Q3 2010. Also, I guess in the end I just get frustrated that people complain about no online, but they can just replace online with local and vice versa and post their agument for any game missing local, yet they refuse to. If they can't complain about the lack of local, or it doesn't matter, than online also doesn't matter. |
We have no idea if Nintendo could or couldn't have released the game on time if they added in online multiplayer. But that isn't a good reason to leave out a feature. That's actually a really crappy reason to leave out a feature. Your making a false dichotomy by saying "Mario or Mario much later with online" Especially since you yourself point out that Nintendo decided not to from the start.
And of course you could turn that argument around and complain about games that don't have local multiplayer. Games that leave out local multiplayer suck. But again, that has nothing to do with leaving out online in a multiplayer focused game. Saying "well those guys do it wrong the other way" doesn't make it suddenly ok.
And are you saying I'm not in the real world because I'd like the ability to play online games with friends? I've never even played an online game before, but I'd like to. I'd like to play Mario with my friends that aren't sitting in my living room. And plenty of people on here complain when games don't have local multiplayer. But that's not the issue. The issue is that Nintendo's flagship multiplayer game will have a disproportionate number of single player games because once you get out of highschool your friends tend to be in different places.
I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do.
Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.
Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!
Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.
After dozens of laggy as hell online games in LBP, unless there was some way to guarantee lag free play, it would be a disaster online. Not to mention that Mario platformers require more precision than LBP does.
Don't get me wrong though. LBP is a lot of fun, but unbearable lag kills the fun faster than anything else.
I do this Nintendo should have done online leaderboards though, and had challenges with online rankings. Something like that would have been a good and obvious addition to an already excellent game.
Demon's Souls Official Thread | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka
ameratsu said: After dozens of laggy as hell online games in LBP, unless there was some way to guarantee lag free play, it would be a disaster online. Not to mention that Mario platformers require more precision than LBP does. I do this Nintendo should have done online leaderboards though, and had challenges with online rankings. Something like that would have been a good and obvious addition to an already excellent game. |
I can definitely agree with this. Since they clearly designed the stages to be conducive to speed runs, an online ranking system with the ability to upload/download 'ghosts' ala Mario Kart would have been great. I'm not sure if I'd be able to compete but I've actually found it really enjoyable watching the Super Skills videos in the game.
WIzarDE said: That interview is TOTAL BS . I will tell you why it wasnt included cause next summer NSMB Wii 2 will come out and they will be like oh NOW we have online play its totally inovative and cool you gotta buy it . And everyone evereywere will be like OMG its got Online now I gotta get it day one ... End of story Nintendo lives happily ever after. ...Sad... |
What is sad is that nintendo fanboys will still praise nintendo for doing that ,when they could easily have done it in the first place .
At least, as amaterasu has said, they could have online leaderboards and speed chalenges but even this, is completely unnecessary acording to the nintendo logic of making games, if its gona sell in the 10,s of millions why add a feature that will add very litlle in terms of sales now that can be used as a selling point later in a seguel.
I think games with local multiplayer that dont devide the screen in 2 (LBP, NSMB) dont need online.. if you have mates who wish to play with you... the game will be a laugh
I found NSMB and LBP VERY much alike, LBP superior due to level building and online sharing but both so immensly fun that I just wish both will sell a buttload (NSMB Obviously will but Sadly LBP is not even near it)
Currently playing: MAG, Heavy Rain, Infamous
Getting Plat trophies for: Heavy Rain, Infamous, RE5, Burnout and GOW collection once I get it.