People who want online in this are silly. Super mario games were always a single player experience. NSMBwii was the initially made as a single player game and they just said "hey lets add multiplayer to it!" Shiggy said it himself that the entire level designs were created with single player in mind.
The multiplayer is fun but it isn't something that core gamers like most on this site bought NSMB for. It's bought to play by yourself and if you have a party or something you can play together for 15-20 min before popping in Smash bros or mario kart.
Those games work online because they were initially created as a multiplayer games. As the experience changes each time you play with different people. But those games are still more fun in a party setting than online.
I highly doubt anyone would want to play NSMB at 3 am in the morning anyway. That's just strange behavior on your part.