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Forums - Gaming Discussion - pirated games of 2009 with numbers (mw2 5.1m)

Ail said:
vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:
vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:

It was not illegal to abstain from killing Jews in Nazi Germany....

The only places piracy is not illegal is in like Sweden and other very lax countries.

The point is, every supposed good reason for pirating has a perfectly good non-pirating solution.  You pirate it to try it out?  That's what demos are for.  You pirate it because you think it sucks?  Don't play it then...  You pirate it to show it is not worth the price?  How about rent it or in the case of PC games, just wait to get it when it is cheaper.  You can't afford to play all the great games?  Get a job.  You vote with your dollar, not with your download. 

Buying = vote.  Not buying or buying an alternative/competitor = vote.  Download = free loader that thinks they don't have to vote and should get whatever they think they deserve.

That's true, I'm sorry. It was illegal not to report them. Which towards the end basically meant killing them, or at least heavy torture.

See the way I see it pirating = vote against the game. You probably didn't even read what Valve and Blizzard had to say about piracy. Funny they have no problems but the people who release shitty games are the only ones whining about it...

I love when people bring Blizzard and Valve into this discussion.  Lets see, Blizzard, a company that makes it's riches off of monthly subscriptions, would obviously not care one bit about piracy.  If someone pirates the game, they still have to pay to play it online with the WoW servers.

And Valve.  They sell games via digital distribution.  Not just their own games, but many others as well.  Sure some Steam games are easily cracked to be released onto the torrents, but the fact that they mostly rely on digital distribution for their games, and take a large amount of revenue by selling other games, ensures they once again are mostly immune to piracy when it comes to overall revenues.  They sell very many lesser known games and indie games which tend to see less piracy then the big popular games.

For those 2 developers, I raise you 3 more that complain all the time about piracy because it takes a large portion of their revenue.  Infinity Ward, even with CoD4 saw extreme levels of piracy and spoke out about how the illegal copies far outnumbered the legal ones playing online.  Also StarDock with Demigod, reported over 80% piracy of their game.  We also have developers like EA, Crytek, as well as a plethora of developers for the PSP who all found it difficult or impossible to make profits when so many of their games were being pirated to such a great extent.

Funy, I keep bringing them up because of 2 things:

1) They make the best PC games.

2) They were fine even before this apparent piracy "issue."

While I agree for each of those you can raise me 3 that complain, but I would LOVE for you to raise me even 1 that makes games the way PC games should be made. Oh wait... They don't exist.... That's the problem. People make SHIT game (look at Modern Warfare 2) and then since they don't wanna feel liek shit blame piracy. Hell, you don't even see BioWare whine about piracy on Dragon Age: Origins, and thaat was still a dumbed down, but at least PC-centric, PC game. If you can't see the trend then you are just blind, or just don't have the natural resources to do so.

Edit: Are you also so thick you don't realize that if they had problems with piracy on their software they woudl still bitch about it, not make "piracy is the developer's fault" claims? Sure they make break even and make mad monies off other venues, but they'd still bitch. Do you HONESTLY believe that TF2 hasn't sold to just about anyone with any kind of PC because it is a PC-game with constant updates for free, made for PCs? If you do then There's nothing more to talk with about you since I'm better off talking to the chair.

There's this small company called EA that developed this little known game called the Sims which happens to be number 2 on the pirated list...

But it was probably pirated because a poor console port. Oh Wait it wasn't....

I'm also sure those few million were a HUGE pecentage of overall Sims sales... oh wait... The sims have always had huge piracy numbers. The Sims have also sold over 100 million units combined.

Come on now, you aren't even trying to make a good argument....

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


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vlad321 said:
Ail said:
vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:
vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:

It was not illegal to abstain from killing Jews in Nazi Germany....

The only places piracy is not illegal is in like Sweden and other very lax countries.

The point is, every supposed good reason for pirating has a perfectly good non-pirating solution.  You pirate it to try it out?  That's what demos are for.  You pirate it because you think it sucks?  Don't play it then...  You pirate it to show it is not worth the price?  How about rent it or in the case of PC games, just wait to get it when it is cheaper.  You can't afford to play all the great games?  Get a job.  You vote with your dollar, not with your download. 

Buying = vote.  Not buying or buying an alternative/competitor = vote.  Download = free loader that thinks they don't have to vote and should get whatever they think they deserve.

That's true, I'm sorry. It was illegal not to report them. Which towards the end basically meant killing them, or at least heavy torture.

See the way I see it pirating = vote against the game. You probably didn't even read what Valve and Blizzard had to say about piracy. Funny they have no problems but the people who release shitty games are the only ones whining about it...

I love when people bring Blizzard and Valve into this discussion.  Lets see, Blizzard, a company that makes it's riches off of monthly subscriptions, would obviously not care one bit about piracy.  If someone pirates the game, they still have to pay to play it online with the WoW servers.

And Valve.  They sell games via digital distribution.  Not just their own games, but many others as well.  Sure some Steam games are easily cracked to be released onto the torrents, but the fact that they mostly rely on digital distribution for their games, and take a large amount of revenue by selling other games, ensures they once again are mostly immune to piracy when it comes to overall revenues.  They sell very many lesser known games and indie games which tend to see less piracy then the big popular games.

For those 2 developers, I raise you 3 more that complain all the time about piracy because it takes a large portion of their revenue.  Infinity Ward, even with CoD4 saw extreme levels of piracy and spoke out about how the illegal copies far outnumbered the legal ones playing online.  Also StarDock with Demigod, reported over 80% piracy of their game.  We also have developers like EA, Crytek, as well as a plethora of developers for the PSP who all found it difficult or impossible to make profits when so many of their games were being pirated to such a great extent.

Funy, I keep bringing them up because of 2 things:

1) They make the best PC games.

2) They were fine even before this apparent piracy "issue."

While I agree for each of those you can raise me 3 that complain, but I would LOVE for you to raise me even 1 that makes games the way PC games should be made. Oh wait... They don't exist.... That's the problem. People make SHIT game (look at Modern Warfare 2) and then since they don't wanna feel liek shit blame piracy. Hell, you don't even see BioWare whine about piracy on Dragon Age: Origins, and thaat was still a dumbed down, but at least PC-centric, PC game. If you can't see the trend then you are just blind, or just don't have the natural resources to do so.

Edit: Are you also so thick you don't realize that if they had problems with piracy on their software they woudl still bitch about it, not make "piracy is the developer's fault" claims? Sure they make break even and make mad monies off other venues, but they'd still bitch. Do you HONESTLY believe that TF2 hasn't sold to just about anyone with any kind of PC because it is a PC-game with constant updates for free, made for PCs? If you do then There's nothing more to talk with about you since I'm better off talking to the chair.

There's this small company called EA that developed this little known game called the Sims which happens to be number 2 on the pirated list...

But it was probably pirated because a poor console port. Oh Wait it wasn't....

I'm also sure those few million were a HUGE pecentage of overall Sims sales... oh wait... The sims have always had huge piracy numbers. The Sims have also sold over 100 million units combined.

Come on now, you aren't even trying to make a good argument....

Seeing how Sims 3 was released this last June and sold 1.4 million units, I would wagger 3.2 millions download represent quite a significant percentage of Sims 3 sales..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

looks like MS is going to ban quite a few more 360's. Get to it boys.

And that's the only thing I need is *this*. I don't need this or this. Just this PS4... And this gaming PC. - The PS4 and the Gaming PC and that's all I need... And this Xbox 360. - The PS4, the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360, and that's all I need... And these PS3's. - The PS4, and these PS3's, and the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360... And this Nintendo DS. - The PS4, this Xbox 360, and the Gaming PC, and the PS3's, and that's all *I* need. And that's *all* I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one... I need this. - The Gaming PC and PS4, and Xbox 360, and thePS3's . Well what are you looking at? What do you think I'm some kind of a jerk or something! - And this. That's all I need.

Obligatory dick measuring Gaming Laptop Specs: Sager NP8270-GTX: 17.3" FULL HD (1920X1080) LED Matte LC, nVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M, Intel Core i7-4700MQ, 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3, 750GB SATA II 3GB/s 7,200 RPM Hard Drive

shio said:
Ail said:

The truth is Acitivision is hidding the real number of PC sales as they are using those profit to fund their secret operations in Area 51.............

There's no reasoning with Shio, don't even try he lives in his own special world( where every game on PC sells million units, piracy has no effect on companies profit at all and billions of games are sold every year on Steam).

Good for you, you just reached douchebag status. You aren't able to post a good counter-argument, so you resort to insults.

Please refute the fact that:

- Call of Duty 4 dominated Steam, D2D and Retail Top Charts for months
- Stalker didn't perform anywhere near COD4 in top charts, but still sold over 2 millions
- Crysis didn't perform anywhere near COD4 in top charts, but still sold 1.5 million in it's first six months

Crysis: Bundled with every enthusiast graphics card for a LONG time.

Stalker: Sold because it was too buggy and people needed the latest patch to play.

Call of Duty 4: just sold well.



Ail said:
vlad321 said:
Ail said:
vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:
vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:

It was not illegal to abstain from killing Jews in Nazi Germany....

The only places piracy is not illegal is in like Sweden and other very lax countries.

The point is, every supposed good reason for pirating has a perfectly good non-pirating solution.  You pirate it to try it out?  That's what demos are for.  You pirate it because you think it sucks?  Don't play it then...  You pirate it to show it is not worth the price?  How about rent it or in the case of PC games, just wait to get it when it is cheaper.  You can't afford to play all the great games?  Get a job.  You vote with your dollar, not with your download. 

Buying = vote.  Not buying or buying an alternative/competitor = vote.  Download = free loader that thinks they don't have to vote and should get whatever they think they deserve.

That's true, I'm sorry. It was illegal not to report them. Which towards the end basically meant killing them, or at least heavy torture.

See the way I see it pirating = vote against the game. You probably didn't even read what Valve and Blizzard had to say about piracy. Funny they have no problems but the people who release shitty games are the only ones whining about it...

I love when people bring Blizzard and Valve into this discussion.  Lets see, Blizzard, a company that makes it's riches off of monthly subscriptions, would obviously not care one bit about piracy.  If someone pirates the game, they still have to pay to play it online with the WoW servers.

And Valve.  They sell games via digital distribution.  Not just their own games, but many others as well.  Sure some Steam games are easily cracked to be released onto the torrents, but the fact that they mostly rely on digital distribution for their games, and take a large amount of revenue by selling other games, ensures they once again are mostly immune to piracy when it comes to overall revenues.  They sell very many lesser known games and indie games which tend to see less piracy then the big popular games.

For those 2 developers, I raise you 3 more that complain all the time about piracy because it takes a large portion of their revenue.  Infinity Ward, even with CoD4 saw extreme levels of piracy and spoke out about how the illegal copies far outnumbered the legal ones playing online.  Also StarDock with Demigod, reported over 80% piracy of their game.  We also have developers like EA, Crytek, as well as a plethora of developers for the PSP who all found it difficult or impossible to make profits when so many of their games were being pirated to such a great extent.

Funy, I keep bringing them up because of 2 things:

1) They make the best PC games.

2) They were fine even before this apparent piracy "issue."

While I agree for each of those you can raise me 3 that complain, but I would LOVE for you to raise me even 1 that makes games the way PC games should be made. Oh wait... They don't exist.... That's the problem. People make SHIT game (look at Modern Warfare 2) and then since they don't wanna feel liek shit blame piracy. Hell, you don't even see BioWare whine about piracy on Dragon Age: Origins, and thaat was still a dumbed down, but at least PC-centric, PC game. If you can't see the trend then you are just blind, or just don't have the natural resources to do so.

Edit: Are you also so thick you don't realize that if they had problems with piracy on their software they woudl still bitch about it, not make "piracy is the developer's fault" claims? Sure they make break even and make mad monies off other venues, but they'd still bitch. Do you HONESTLY believe that TF2 hasn't sold to just about anyone with any kind of PC because it is a PC-game with constant updates for free, made for PCs? If you do then There's nothing more to talk with about you since I'm better off talking to the chair.

There's this small company called EA that developed this little known game called the Sims which happens to be number 2 on the pirated list...

But it was probably pirated because a poor console port. Oh Wait it wasn't....

I'm also sure those few million were a HUGE pecentage of overall Sims sales... oh wait... The sims have always had huge piracy numbers. The Sims have also sold over 100 million units combined.

Come on now, you aren't even trying to make a good argument....

Seeing how Sims 3 was released this last June and sold 1.4 million units, I would wagger 3.2 millions download represent quite a significant percentage of Sims 3 sales..

Since you seem to know so much, I hope you are factoring the following things:

1) Game was released early on pirates sites

2) Piracy is frontloaded

3) PC games aren't frontloaded and sell huge amounts of software over time. Starcraft sold about a million in its first year, it's now over 10 mil.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


Around the Network
vlad321 said:
Ail said:
vlad321 said:
Ail said:
vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:
vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:

It was not illegal to abstain from killing Jews in Nazi Germany....

The only places piracy is not illegal is in like Sweden and other very lax countries.

The point is, every supposed good reason for pirating has a perfectly good non-pirating solution.  You pirate it to try it out?  That's what demos are for.  You pirate it because you think it sucks?  Don't play it then...  You pirate it to show it is not worth the price?  How about rent it or in the case of PC games, just wait to get it when it is cheaper.  You can't afford to play all the great games?  Get a job.  You vote with your dollar, not with your download. 

Buying = vote.  Not buying or buying an alternative/competitor = vote.  Download = free loader that thinks they don't have to vote and should get whatever they think they deserve.

That's true, I'm sorry. It was illegal not to report them. Which towards the end basically meant killing them, or at least heavy torture.

See the way I see it pirating = vote against the game. You probably didn't even read what Valve and Blizzard had to say about piracy. Funny they have no problems but the people who release shitty games are the only ones whining about it...

I love when people bring Blizzard and Valve into this discussion.  Lets see, Blizzard, a company that makes it's riches off of monthly subscriptions, would obviously not care one bit about piracy.  If someone pirates the game, they still have to pay to play it online with the WoW servers.

And Valve.  They sell games via digital distribution.  Not just their own games, but many others as well.  Sure some Steam games are easily cracked to be released onto the torrents, but the fact that they mostly rely on digital distribution for their games, and take a large amount of revenue by selling other games, ensures they once again are mostly immune to piracy when it comes to overall revenues.  They sell very many lesser known games and indie games which tend to see less piracy then the big popular games.

For those 2 developers, I raise you 3 more that complain all the time about piracy because it takes a large portion of their revenue.  Infinity Ward, even with CoD4 saw extreme levels of piracy and spoke out about how the illegal copies far outnumbered the legal ones playing online.  Also StarDock with Demigod, reported over 80% piracy of their game.  We also have developers like EA, Crytek, as well as a plethora of developers for the PSP who all found it difficult or impossible to make profits when so many of their games were being pirated to such a great extent.

Funy, I keep bringing them up because of 2 things:

1) They make the best PC games.

2) They were fine even before this apparent piracy "issue."

While I agree for each of those you can raise me 3 that complain, but I would LOVE for you to raise me even 1 that makes games the way PC games should be made. Oh wait... They don't exist.... That's the problem. People make SHIT game (look at Modern Warfare 2) and then since they don't wanna feel liek shit blame piracy. Hell, you don't even see BioWare whine about piracy on Dragon Age: Origins, and thaat was still a dumbed down, but at least PC-centric, PC game. If you can't see the trend then you are just blind, or just don't have the natural resources to do so.

Edit: Are you also so thick you don't realize that if they had problems with piracy on their software they woudl still bitch about it, not make "piracy is the developer's fault" claims? Sure they make break even and make mad monies off other venues, but they'd still bitch. Do you HONESTLY believe that TF2 hasn't sold to just about anyone with any kind of PC because it is a PC-game with constant updates for free, made for PCs? If you do then There's nothing more to talk with about you since I'm better off talking to the chair.

There's this small company called EA that developed this little known game called the Sims which happens to be number 2 on the pirated list...

But it was probably pirated because a poor console port. Oh Wait it wasn't....

I'm also sure those few million were a HUGE pecentage of overall Sims sales... oh wait... The sims have always had huge piracy numbers. The Sims have also sold over 100 million units combined.

Come on now, you aren't even trying to make a good argument....

Seeing how Sims 3 was released this last June and sold 1.4 million units, I would wagger 3.2 millions download represent quite a significant percentage of Sims 3 sales..

Since you seem to know so much, I hope you are factoring the following things:

1) Game was released early on pirates sites

2) Piracy is frontloaded

3) PC games aren't frontloaded and sell huge amounts of software over time. Starcraft sold about a million in its first year, it's now over 10 mil.

you have to add 4. Not all 3.2 million downloads equals a full working game, its very common to download a game 3-4 times because of:

1 something went wrong with the download

2 the downloader did something wrong installing the game and redownloaded the same or another version

3 one of the rar files were broken and as a result they had to download the whole game again (unless you know what you are doing and just downloaded the broke rar file again

4 the version they downloaded didnt work on the pc thay had and downloaded another version


All of the above is very common especially on pc downloads and less so on consoles but still very common.

Vaio - "Bury me at Milanello"      R.I.P AC Milan

In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird.
Now the world is weird  and people take Prozac  to make it normal.

If laughing is the best medicine and marijuana makes you laugh

Is marijuana the best medicine?

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

“If any creator has not played Mario, then they’re probably not a good creator. That’s something I can say with 100 percent confidence. Mario is, for game creators, the development bible.

Oh yeah, also Sims 3 is a very casual game. Thus it sells even more slowly than normal "hardcore" games, even on the PC.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


Meh those are only torrent numbers anyway.
Adding Usenet, filehosters and p2p networks the numbers would be waaaaay higher.

I don't know the "market"share between those, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were just as popular as torrents.

vlad321 said:
Oh yeah, also Sims 3 is a very casual game. Thus it sells even more slowly than normal "hardcore" games, even on the PC.

i just came to think of something.


All the people in the StarTrek universe are super pirates the use the replicator to get what ever they want :)


What will happen with the arguments of theese uninformed people on theese boards when the replicator becames reality?

They can hardly use the thing cause its immoral to them and illegal in their mind.

Vaio - "Bury me at Milanello"      R.I.P AC Milan

In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird.
Now the world is weird  and people take Prozac  to make it normal.

If laughing is the best medicine and marijuana makes you laugh

Is marijuana the best medicine?

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

“If any creator has not played Mario, then they’re probably not a good creator. That’s something I can say with 100 percent confidence. Mario is, for game creators, the development bible.

Ail said:
vlad321 said:
Ail said:
vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:
vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:

It was not illegal to abstain from killing Jews in Nazi Germany....

The only places piracy is not illegal is in like Sweden and other very lax countries.

The point is, every supposed good reason for pirating has a perfectly good non-pirating solution.  You pirate it to try it out?  That's what demos are for.  You pirate it because you think it sucks?  Don't play it then...  You pirate it to show it is not worth the price?  How about rent it or in the case of PC games, just wait to get it when it is cheaper.  You can't afford to play all the great games?  Get a job.  You vote with your dollar, not with your download. 

Buying = vote.  Not buying or buying an alternative/competitor = vote.  Download = free loader that thinks they don't have to vote and should get whatever they think they deserve.

That's true, I'm sorry. It was illegal not to report them. Which towards the end basically meant killing them, or at least heavy torture.

See the way I see it pirating = vote against the game. You probably didn't even read what Valve and Blizzard had to say about piracy. Funny they have no problems but the people who release shitty games are the only ones whining about it...

I love when people bring Blizzard and Valve into this discussion.  Lets see, Blizzard, a company that makes it's riches off of monthly subscriptions, would obviously not care one bit about piracy.  If someone pirates the game, they still have to pay to play it online with the WoW servers.

And Valve.  They sell games via digital distribution.  Not just their own games, but many others as well.  Sure some Steam games are easily cracked to be released onto the torrents, but the fact that they mostly rely on digital distribution for their games, and take a large amount of revenue by selling other games, ensures they once again are mostly immune to piracy when it comes to overall revenues.  They sell very many lesser known games and indie games which tend to see less piracy then the big popular games.

For those 2 developers, I raise you 3 more that complain all the time about piracy because it takes a large portion of their revenue.  Infinity Ward, even with CoD4 saw extreme levels of piracy and spoke out about how the illegal copies far outnumbered the legal ones playing online.  Also StarDock with Demigod, reported over 80% piracy of their game.  We also have developers like EA, Crytek, as well as a plethora of developers for the PSP who all found it difficult or impossible to make profits when so many of their games were being pirated to such a great extent.

Funy, I keep bringing them up because of 2 things:

1) They make the best PC games.

2) They were fine even before this apparent piracy "issue."

While I agree for each of those you can raise me 3 that complain, but I would LOVE for you to raise me even 1 that makes games the way PC games should be made. Oh wait... They don't exist.... That's the problem. People make SHIT game (look at Modern Warfare 2) and then since they don't wanna feel liek shit blame piracy. Hell, you don't even see BioWare whine about piracy on Dragon Age: Origins, and thaat was still a dumbed down, but at least PC-centric, PC game. If you can't see the trend then you are just blind, or just don't have the natural resources to do so.

Edit: Are you also so thick you don't realize that if they had problems with piracy on their software they woudl still bitch about it, not make "piracy is the developer's fault" claims? Sure they make break even and make mad monies off other venues, but they'd still bitch. Do you HONESTLY believe that TF2 hasn't sold to just about anyone with any kind of PC because it is a PC-game with constant updates for free, made for PCs? If you do then There's nothing more to talk with about you since I'm better off talking to the chair.

There's this small company called EA that developed this little known game called the Sims which happens to be number 2 on the pirated list...

But it was probably pirated because a poor console port. Oh Wait it wasn't....

I'm also sure those few million were a HUGE pecentage of overall Sims sales... oh wait... The sims have always had huge piracy numbers. The Sims have also sold over 100 million units combined.

Come on now, you aren't even trying to make a good argument....

Seeing how Sims 3 was released this last June and sold 1.4 million units, I would wagger 3.2 millions download represent quite a significant percentage of Sims 3 sales..

You can make that bet if you want, but don't be surprised if you actually lose it.  You're assuming way too much if you think the majority of those 3.2 million downloads are each representative of a potential sale.  Most of them are going to be in countries where the game isn't readily available, and once you get passed that it's still a serious concern that many people would forego the purchase due to lack of funds.  Count out the people who dled multiple times as well as the ones who just download compulsively and get files they never used, and don't forget that these sites are trackers so it's fully possible there's an overlap in data between sites.  Also, keep in mind that a lot of people would have pirated this game whereas they may have bought it used if it were on a console - in otherwords not lost sales at all for the developers.  Oh, and there are always people that pirate and go on to buy the game because they like it enough.


Really, there are dozens of factors that make pirated copies a meaningless number compared to sold copies.  There is absolutely no metric to convert pirates to buyers in the magical scenario where piracy doesn't exist, but even if were it wouldn't be anywhere near 1:1.  I doubt it'd be greater than 100:1, really.

You do not have the right to never be offended.