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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will the Slim become Slimmer?

Carl2291 said:
1. There is no such thing as a PS3 Slim. It is the "PlayStation 3".
2. Yes, i think there will be a "PlayStation 3 Slim".
3. 2011 sometime.
4. $199

1.What the Fuck?


Another hardware revision should come near the PS4 release, something like 6 or 8 months before it and come with another price cut. This is a good way to push the demand for ps3 to it's maximum before releasing the PS4.


Should we see official new colors when? I would like to a PS3 rainbow.

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invetedlotus123 said:
Carl2291 said:
1. There is no such thing as a PS3 Slim. It is the "PlayStation 3".
2. Yes, i think there will be a "PlayStation 3 Slim".
3. 2011 sometime.
4. $199

1.What the Fuck?

Another hardware revision should come near the PS4 release, something like 6 or 8 months before it and come with another price cut. This is a good way to push the demand for ps3 to it's maximum before releasing the PS4.

Should we see official new colors when? I would like to a PS3 rainbow.

Have you ever heard Sony call it the "Slim"? They haven't.

It is known as, by Sony... As the "PlayStation 3". A change from "PLAYSTATION 3".


invetedlotus123 said:
Carl2291 said:
1. There is no such thing as a PS3 Slim. It is the "PlayStation 3".
2. Yes, i think there will be a "PlayStation 3 Slim".
3. 2011 sometime.
4. $199

1.What the Fuck?


Another hardware revision should come near the PS4 release, something like 6 or 8 months before it and come with another price cut. This is a good way to push the demand for ps3 to it's maximum before releasing the PS4.


Should we see official new colors when? I would like to a PS3 rainbow.

Sony do not refer to the console as the slim, they went for a reimaging of the brand as the PS3, the point Carl was making is that it's not technically supposed to be the "slim" revision.  Yes it's smaller but there will be a even smaller model released later in the PS3's life that is the true slim model in the same vein as it's predescessors for the PSX and PS2.

Introducing,the new,amzing,smaller.....PS3 "actress"!!!!!!

"They will know heghan belongs to the helghast"

"England expects that everyman will do his duty"

"we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender"


it will get to PS2 slim by about 2012....will sell alot

but wont matter as everyone will be dead....DAM

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Yeah a source said they could make it ~20% smaller.
Too lazy to search the link.

I think they will make a smaller version one year before the release of the PS4

i agree with everyone here. once it hits 199 another redesign is coming. =]
and i might just by another PS3 by then if the redesign is smexy enough. (i have the phat 80gig one with software emulation.)

End of 2010 Predictions (Original Prediction Made: Jan. 1, 2010---Revised April 1, 2010---Revised Again July 1, 2010---Revised Again on Nov. 1, 2010)

PS3: 46 MIL (April Revision: 44 MIL, July Revision 43 MIL, Nov. Revision 45MIL)

360: 44 MIL (April Revision: 46 MIL, July Revision: 48 MIL, Nov. Revision 49MIL)

WII: 82 MIL (Apr. Revision: 84 MIL, Jul. Revision: 82 MIL, Nov. Revision: 82MIL)

THE MUST BUY LIST of 2010: Gran Turismo 5

THE BOUGHT LIST of 2010: White Knight Chrnociles, Heavy Rain, Final Fantasy 13, God of War 3, Modnation Racers, Sports Champions

It could. I don't know if it could get to the size of the PS2 slim but it still has room for improvement. The current one is nice though all the same.

I say if it happens, it won't happen till 2012 and it will be $199 then (maybe 149-179 absolute minimum). People forget that prices fall slower and slower the cheaper it gets. After this massive production cost reduction, it would take much longer now to drop the costs another $100. A redesign in 2011 or earlier wouldn't make them any money as they would never let themselves be profitable on hardware and the redesign would not save them much more money at this point.

Maybe one or 2 more die shrinks left, taking out the power supply, and shrinking the casing is about all they could still do. I highly doubt they will be able to shrink the motherboard much more other than to coincide with the die shrinks which would not be very significant.