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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will the Slim become Slimmer?

Why would you want it to become slimmer? Its slim enough.


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The fact of the matter is this thing runs hot, and you need space to keep it from overheating. 32nm isn't all that much different than 45nm, maybe when they get to 22nm. I don't think it will get all that much slimmer, maybe by a little bit but never like the PS2 slim.


nordlead said:
not for a long time. They could have made it a lot smaller just by taking the power supply out. It would have reduced space used, and it also would have reduced the cooling requirements which would have saved even more room as it would have needed a smaller fan.

Yes, you would have had a power brick, but that can be conveniently hidden behind the furniture, just like every other power brick I have.

I fully agree with Nordlead on this one. On top of that, if the power brick wasn't within the Slim, then the fan could have been a smaller size and it would be more thin.

quite frankly i dont give a flying pig skin fucking ass fat what they do so long as they dont go fucking around with the box art some more.

I heard they are going to get rid of the ps3 and the psp to make a PS3P; A union of the two that is smaller than a slim but four times the size of the psp. It plays both UMDs and Blu ray!!

Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad

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Carl2291 said:
invetedlotus123 said:
Carl2291 said:
1. There is no such thing as a PS3 Slim. It is the "PlayStation 3".
2. Yes, i think there will be a "PlayStation 3 Slim".
3. 2011 sometime.
4. $199

1.What the Fuck?

Another hardware revision should come near the PS4 release, something like 6 or 8 months before it and come with another price cut. This is a good way to push the demand for ps3 to it's maximum before releasing the PS4.

Should we see official new colors when? I would like to a PS3 rainbow.

Have you ever heard Sony call it the "Slim"? They haven't.

It is known as, by Sony... As the "PlayStation 3". A change from "PLAYSTATION 3".

Ummm..yes in the commercials.

A_C_E said:
Carl2291 said:
invetedlotus123 said:
Carl2291 said:
1. There is no such thing as a PS3 Slim. It is the "PlayStation 3".
2. Yes, i think there will be a "PlayStation 3 Slim".
3. 2011 sometime.
4. $199

1.What the Fuck?

Another hardware revision should come near the PS4 release, something like 6 or 8 months before it and come with another price cut. This is a good way to push the demand for ps3 to it's maximum before releasing the PS4.

Should we see official new colors when? I would like to a PS3 rainbow.

Have you ever heard Sony call it the "Slim"? They haven't.

It is known as, by Sony... As the "PlayStation 3". A change from "PLAYSTATION 3".

Ummm..yes in the commercials.

Which ones?


nen-suer said:
nightsurge said:
nen-suer said:
Sony didn't call the new model a "slim" for a reason

PlayStation One --> PSOne

Their slim model doesn't have to be called a "slim".

ok, but they have to call it something

PlayStation One --> PSOne :)

Weren't the fats labeled "PLAYSTATION 3" and now the slims just say "PS3" ?

Sony has already made a statement that they won't be making any new Hardware revisions for a LONG time(PS4, PS3 Slimmer)

2010 Hardware Sales Predictions

Wii: 20m- Sales will drop, but not by much.

PS3: 13.5m- It sold 12m in 2009, its only common sense it will sell more this year.

Xbox 360: 11m- It sold 11m in 2008 and 2009, I think it will sell the same.

My Fanboy Speech...

Why do you have to make excuses to defend a product that you purchased, but that's the only connection you have to it, you don't make it, you don't lose or gain money on it. I don't see where all of the defensiveness comes in, there is no reason for you or anybody else to feel obligated to defend it. Now I would understand if one of you were a developer for the product and you slaved over said product only to hear somebody call it stupid or a piece of junk. But none of you developed it, none of you are mature enough to realize that. Choosing a product all comes down to preference, you chose said product because it is best for you. Simple as that!

No they are sticking to their one revision per household console per gen.