I'm not going to recommend what you get. I'm just going to say what kept me in the Sony camp:
- Free online: I'm not a big online gamer, but with the online gaming I do I don't want to pay extra for it. So far the only online "gaming" I've done on PS3 is LBP and Buzz. When close friends and family finally get round to getting PS3s I'll probably do more online, but not a lot. Epic single player games is where I'm at. I've also bought PSN games and downloaded a fair number of demos, and I appreciate being able to do that without having to pay for the privilege. And I've surfed the web a bit too, but that's not really something on which to base a buying decision, because the web browser is nothing special.
- Style: Yep, I like the look of the PS3 (phat in my case, but slim too, but I like phat better than slim) more than the 360. It's not a major factor but it is part of the whole picture for me.
- Blu-ray movies: it's not part of your criteria, but as I said I am giving you what helped me decide I have to include this.
- Exclusive games: There are some 360 console exclusive games I'd like to play, and just because most are also on PC doesn't mean I'm interested in playing them on PC, and I probably won't play them on PC because. there are enough PC exclusive games I want to play that looking at PC/360 games doesn't reallty feature. But the 360 exclusives I'm interested in (Mass Effect being the primary one) didn't make me salivate as much as the PS3 exclusive titles. Mostly because they are some of my favourite franchises (Ratchet and Clank comes immediately to mind, also Buzz is a family favourite), but also the new entrants on PS3 really got me excited: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and Valkyria Chronicles were 2 games I knew I needed to play and there was only one way I was going to get to play them. For me Valkyria Chronicles alone was worth the price of admission. LBP has also been a real hit in my house. On the day I bought my PS3 I got UC:DF, R&C tools of destruction, Valkyria Chronicles, Infamous (bundled) and LBP, and my sister got me Buzz Quiz TV (she likes playing Buzz too), how many of those games are available on 360 or PC? None. What was I supposed to do? I've played them all and I like them all. I now also own a few multiplats, but honestly my console game collection looks like it's going to be heavily dominated by exclusives simply because the exclusive titles are the ones that really get me excited.
- Gnu-Linux install option: Yeah I was duped a little bit by this. I still plan to give it a go but it seems there aren't any distros that work really well on the PS3. But it was part of my buying decision, and I'm going for full disclosure. Also not an option for slim, so you can ignore this reason.
- PS2 b/c: I still live in hope that a FW update will bring back PS2 b/c. If they can do it with PSP (which they are doing with the next FW update) then it can be done with PS2. However I also accept it may never happen. Again full disclosure means I need to inform you of my delusions, as well as my solid reasons.
- History: I had a PS1 and a PS2, so my natural preference was for a PS3.
In the end it's the exclusive games that made the decision for me, the rest is peripheral.
“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
Jimi Hendrix