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PS3, Better Value

Great games namely Demon's Souls, God of War III(coming soon), AGENT(coming soon), Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain(coming soon), Resistance 2, Killzone 2, Uncharted, God of War Collection, The Last Guardian(Sequel to Shadow of the Collosus in the ICO Trilogy)(coming soon), inFAMOUS, Metal Gear Solid 4(give it a try), Little Big Planet, Ratchet and Clank series, MAG(coming soon), Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Final Fantasy XIV(coming soon)

All great exclusives, I named many games not out yet that gives you something to look forward to.

2010 Hardware Sales Predictions

Wii: 20m- Sales will drop, but not by much.

PS3: 13.5m- It sold 12m in 2009, its only common sense it will sell more this year.

Xbox 360: 11m- It sold 11m in 2008 and 2009, I think it will sell the same.

My Fanboy Speech...

Why do you have to make excuses to defend a product that you purchased, but that's the only connection you have to it, you don't make it, you don't lose or gain money on it. I don't see where all of the defensiveness comes in, there is no reason for you or anybody else to feel obligated to defend it. Now I would understand if one of you were a developer for the product and you slaved over said product only to hear somebody call it stupid or a piece of junk. But none of you developed it, none of you are mature enough to realize that. Choosing a product all comes down to preference, you chose said product because it is best for you. Simple as that!