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Forums - Sony Discussion - Blue Ray customers screwed over again!! Must Read!

I remember there was a time when DVD early adopters were screwed because audio went from 4.1 Dolby Pro Logic to 5.1. DVD was so doomed (sarcasm of course.) Nothing but more FUD from the anti-gaming crowd. Move on.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

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Nice summary and video ^^, that pretty much clears up the whole thing, the Ars article was actually less informed and actually was spreading FUD/trolling. Although the possible fee for backup is still a cause for concern.

This is just for movies now, what about games?

wow I'm sorry you can't burn copies to give to your friends *tear*

wow who cares... honestly people you are making a big deal out of such a small feature. Its called Torrenting the movie if you need a backup copy. You legally own the movie therefore you can legally download it via torrents

I mostly play RTS and Moba style games now adays as well as ALOT of benchmarking. I do play other games however such as the witcher 3 and Crysis 3, and recently Ashes of the Singularity. I love gaming on the cutting edge and refuse to accept any compromises. Proud member of the Glorious PC Gaming Master Race. Long Live SHIO!!!! 

blu-ray for a start

and the ONLY problem with blu-ray is the price of the movies, £20 new? after 4 years NO! £10 new like DVD's..YES

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This reminds me of all the HD-DVD fanboys on way back. Always complaining about some small thing and touting BR's demise.
Then HDDVD died and they all ate crow.

It is Blu-Ray

caps are justified here. the madness needs to end. the levels of ignorance can not continue.
It has been long enough

Its spelled Blu-Ray
*runs screaming into the street*

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

"FUCK SHIT ASS" pretty much sasys it all.. / Thread! :D

So we are now complaining that we can't have software that supports piracy? Why would I as a customer have to back-up my software, would that not just take up more space on the shelf and more money on the BD-RW's? Why would anyone need to back-up/copy a CD/DVD/BD unless they were either pirates or just clumsy with their disc. If you are a pirate then you have no right to complain. If you are clumsy then that's your own damn fault the discs get scratched (unless you own a 360...kidding!!!).

So am I missing any other reason as to why any consumer would have to 'back-up' their BD's?

This thread fails as many have said. It is a POOR attempt at slamming Sony (the OP is the one who failed to point out in his/her dislike of Blu Ray that it isn't a SONY only product).

PURE flamebait is all this is and not even that good of a job at it. The OP probably wants to copy and distribute illegally to friends or pirate the blu rays. I have had zero problems with my blu rays and have zero reason to back them up (although I can make one back up if I need to).

I know there are a lot on here who probably support piracy through some misguided notion of "sticking it to the man" but I am sick of it. The idiot pirates are making my games cost more among other things. Stop pirating you thieves, it isn't "cool" or whatever you consider it to be.