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Forums - Sales Discussion - Am I the only one disappointed in Uncharted 2's 800k?

I don't know if you could tell but my post was sarcasm.

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Even if we are to go by previous generations sales those games didnt debut at 800k. So you are still premature.

madkiller said:
A_C_E said:
madkiller said:
A_C_E said:
madkiller said:
Smashed said:
madkiller said:
No way in hell does this game get Game of the Year over MW2...

On topic: I think it is pretty sad that most of the PS3 fanboys seemed happy with 800k for the biggest exclusive PS3 game of the year when the Xbox 360 big exclusives all sell 1.5m-4m. Hell, ODST almost tripled it in first week sales and it got a lot of bad hype for being $60 for being an expansion, while Uncharted 2 got nothing but the biggest good hype we have seen this year...

Pardon me?

Wait wait a minute, why are we bringing a fucking HALO game into an Uncharted 2 thread? WHY?

Please god tell me what relation they have, have you FORGOTTEN how big the Halo franchise is? I see you're a microsoft fan, I would have thought you've known better.

This game will get game of the year, HANDS down. MW2 will NOT get higher scores than Uncharted 2. Who gives a flying fuck on how much it sold? Really, do SALES make the quality of the game?

Jesus christ, I can't believe you even brought Halo in the conversation with Uncharted 2.. My god, This site has officially gone to shit.

You are such a troll dude, that was beyond troll, that was more of trying too hard.

Sicken me.

Excuse me, but high review scores do not equal game of the year either pal. The fact is that Uncharted 2 is a great game, but just cannot compete against the really huge games that are all going to outsell it this year. AC2, MW2, L4D2, etc etc etc are all going to be huge compared to Uncharted 2. Plus, having played Uncharted 1 I think that the franchise is severely overrated. The graphics for instance are not that great in many situations. I happen to think the water in both look terribly fake and look more like plastic than water. I brought Halo into it as a specific example of sales, I am not comparing the games whatsoever. I am strictly stating the fact that the Xbox 360 exclusive games blow the PS3 exclusive games away in sales numbers and yet the PS3 fanboys seem happy about the sales still. If I was a PS3 fanboy I would be pissed that the biggest PS3 exclusive of the year sold a measly 800k first week...

First of all, your excused, second of all, your a ***boy. High review scores are in perfect line with the general population's views so when you take that into consideration you have to realize that the people who award the GOTY contenders the title of being GOTY are most likley going to go with the game that has the higher ratings. Your saying that Uncharted 2 won't get any GOTY awards because of games that don't even have a single review in yet, but I don't know why you think that when the whole gaming community is going absolutely nuts over Uncharted 2. I agree though that AC2/MW2 will outsell it but I don't see both them getting the ratings and love that Uncharted has earned. Uncharted will sell more than L4D2 though I can tell you that right now.

The reason why people would be happy about these sales is because it did 6 times better than the first Uncharted and the first one had some of the best legs seen on the PS3 and I expect to see the same effect with Unhcarted 2. People love this game for what it is, just look at the sales hike it gave the PS3. This game is considered by the average reviewer and general population as the best game out this generation so far and you think that 3 other games are gonna just brush that away because they are hyped? That's not how it works but it could happen I guess. Last I had checked though 800k wasn't measly, just look at L4D's and Orange Box's first week sales, quality>sales bud.

LMAO, are you freaking kidding me? Best game of the generation???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

And it will not outsell L4D2 sorry to tell you. It will be lucky to get 2.5m when it is competing with so many bigger games in the next month and then more in the first 3 months of next year. There are just too many games that are way bigger than Uncharted coming out for it to do anything other than decent sales for the holidays...

You mean are the reviewers kidding you? No, I'm sure they take their job pretty seriously there. And I'm sorry to tell you bet L4D2 is not going to sell more than uncharted when it is competing against MW2 which is also a FPS. Name a big adventure shooter coming out, can you name one? I can't lol, MW is THE game this year for online play and online is the biggest driving factor for L4D2 so wouldn't you think that L4D2 would be the most affected title this holiday season? I see AC2 and UC2 doing much better than L4D2 which will be left in the dust of MW2's sales.

You really should stop now, you are just making yourself look ridiculous. 99% of reviewers wouldn't know a good game if it bit them on the aXX. That being said I have not seen a single review, person, magazine, or anyone or anything that has ever said Uncharted 2 is the best game of the generation but you. It is not even in the top 10 best games of the generation. And if you think that Uncharted 2, an 800k week one PS3 exclusive game is going to get game of the year over the most hyped, biggest game of the generation (MW2) then you are completely nuts and should seek counseling immediately...

Interesting post. I love how folks say reviewers don't know good games. The publishers and developers - and their PR firms - continue to send games for review. If we sucked, they would ignore us and never send us a single game.

Ajescent said:

Don't get me wrong, 800k+ is a damn good tally but I think this game deserved a lot more than that. I think this is my personal game of the year and will be so for many others but I think it deserved a million at least in the 1st week.

Game of the Year not the same as best-seller.  Uncharted 2 is not a game-changing, system selling brand.  I write this as a fan of Nathan Drake, by the way.  I am suprised it actually did that well.

madkiller said:
No way in hell does this game get Game of the Year over MW2...

On topic: I think it is pretty sad that most of the PS3 fanboys seemed happy with 800k for the biggest exclusive PS3 game of the year when the Xbox 360 big exclusives all sell 1.5m-4m. Hell, ODST almost tripled it in first week sales and it got a lot of bad hype for being $60 for being an expansion, while Uncharted 2 got nothing but the biggest good hype we have seen this year...

If Gran Turismo or God of War 3 were released this year, Uncharted 2 wouldn't be considered the biggest PS3 exclusive.

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Every game deserves to sell as much as it's capable of selling.

huh...I went to sleep thinking this thread will be ignored, I didn't expect such a meltdown.

The whole point of me making this thread is because I felt Naughty Dog did exceptional work on Uncharted 2 and it deserves every sale/accolade etc it gets. Usually I roll my eyes at people who rant about sales and what not (I guess I forfiet that right after making this thread) but I feel the right credit was needed where it was due. U2 is an exceptional game and worthy of untold praise, I just have a feeling that everyone will overlook it for game of the year awards and give it to the likes of MW2 and ACII just because they feel that more people will agree with those games instead of something not as popular.

By popular I mean, MW2 isn't even out yet and people are marking it as GOTY when we've yet to see it in full action, not saying MW2 is gonna suck or anything, usually I don't like FPSs but even I can tell that it's gonna be good but at the same time I feel folks will just give it GOTY without much thought if any of this makes sense. MW2 and the likes all have history and a wider appeal (i.e being on multi-consoles) as a result they will be more likely to get bigger look in for GOTY than Uncharted 2.

I actually forgot that U2 Europe sales only counted 2days instead of 5 or whatever but I have a feeling that in future months to come when people have the daily sales arguements, U2 will be brought in and people will say it didn't break 1mil in the first week and "forget" it wasn't a full week every where which I think is a little sad but there we go.

Undoubtably the lifetime will be more deserving and so on but still, I was still hoping for that 1mill "first week".

Regardless, as I've said, it's gonna be my personal GOTY and I guess on the long run that's all that matters.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

madkiller said:
No way in hell does this game get Game of the Year over MW2...

On topic: I think it is pretty sad that most of the PS3 fanboys seemed happy with 800k for the biggest exclusive PS3 game of the year when the Xbox 360 big exclusives all sell 1.5m-4m. Hell, ODST almost tripled it in first week sales and it got a lot of bad hype for being $60 for being an expansion, while Uncharted 2 got nothing but the biggest good hype we have seen this year...

Hmmm. So sales mean Quality ? Well Wii fit FTW becuase even that lame thing outsold your halo.

Atto Suggests...:

Book - Malazan Book of the Fallen series 

Game - Metro Last Light

TV - Deadwood

Music - Forest Swords 

Ajescent said:
huh...I went to sleep thinking this thread will be ignored, I didn't expect such a meltdown.

The whole point of me making this thread is because I felt Naughty Dog did exceptional work on Uncharted 2 and it deserves every sale/accolade etc it gets. Usually I roll my eyes at people who rant about sales and what not (I guess I forfiet that right after making this thread) but I feel the right credit was needed where it was due. U2 is an exceptional game and worthy of untold praise, I just have a feeling that everyone will overlook it for game of the year awards and give it to the likes of MW2 and ACII just because they feel that more people will agree with those games instead of something not as popular.

By popular I mean, MW2 isn't even out yet and people are marking it as GOTY when we've yet to see it in full action, not saying MW2 is gonna suck or anything, usually I don't like FPSs but even I can tell that it's gonna be good but at the same time I feel folks will just give it GOTY without much thought if any of this makes sense. MW2 and the likes all have history and a wider appeal (i.e being on multi-consoles) as a result they will be more likely to get bigger look in for GOTY than Uncharted 2.

I actually forgot that U2 Europe sales only counted 2days instead of 5 or whatever but I have a feeling that in future months to come when people have the daily sales arguements, U2 will be brought in and people will say it didn't break 1mil in the first week and "forget" it wasn't a full week every where which I think is a little sad but there we go.

Undoubtably the lifetime will be more deserving and so on but still, I was still hoping for that 1mill "first week".

Regardless, as I've said, it's gonna be my personal GOTY and I guess on the long run that's all that matters.

You created a "PS3 exclusive sold badly" thread, and you thought it would be ignored? You've been here long enough to know the opposite is true.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

In America it did better then I thought, did worse in Others and I had no clue what to think about Japan since that place makes no sense at times...

Former something....