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Forums - PC Discussion - Modern Warfare 2 pre-order sales are failing hard

1. Shio, I'm pretty sure you've been proven wrong about that 8-10 milllion figure before (it might have even been by ioi), and you still try to convince people of it. Give us a break.

2. Vlad, stop trolling. Consoles are putting out great games all the time, and your fanboyism (I love that word) must prevent you from seeing that.

3. Zenfoldor, stop acting like your opinion is fact, or what you say is absolute. You still do it, and you still get owned.

4. People will still buy this game, even with this petition. These same people will get over their hissyfit and buy the game anyways once the hype train starts.



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MontanaHatchet said:
1. Shio, I'm pretty sure you've been proven wrong about that 8-10 milllion figure before (it might have even been by ioi), and you still try to convince people of it. Give us a break.

2. Vlad, stop trolling. Consoles are putting out great games all the time, and your fanboyism (I love that word) must prevent you from seeing that.

3. Zenfoldor, stop acting like your opinion is fact, or what you say is absolute. You still do it, and you still get owned.

4. People will still buy this game, even with this petition. These same people will get over their hissyfit and buy the game anyways once the hype train starts.

2. If PC games are being reduced to console online quality, I would hardly call that improving gaming. It's quite the opposite.

4. Didn't OP say that Steam preorders were a massive failure compared to MW? See, PC gamers know what they are buying, we do not accept companies trying to screw us over.


madkiller said:
shio said:
madkiller said:
shio said:
richardhutnik said:

Well, revenues being stagnant, and more and more online, means that there is a desire for more control over things by the companies, to increase revenue.  Activision is now shifting to what they can have to maximize revenues, and if it bombs on the PC, then they end up no longer doing Modern Warfare on the PC.

If MW2 bombs on PC, you can damn well expect Activision will change it's ways and start doing a proper job on the PC versions of their games. COD4 sold millions and millions on PC, and I doubt they are insane enough to stop releasing COD on PC.

madkiller said:

This is not going to affect the sales of MW2 even a little bit. I used to play FPS games exclusively on the PC, including CoD 4, but I now play mostly on Xbox 360 because I have more friends that play there now. Xbox Live is just so good for getting together with friends to play together that I don't mind the fact that the FPS games are not quite as good as the PC versions because of controls and dedicated servers. Also, I am an achievement whore and work hard getting as many as possible. I finally have my achievement completion percentage above 50% and am pretty happy.

The PC sales for certain games like this are going to be an afterthought at this point. The fact that there is only 1 version of the game for PC, but 3 for the consoles shows that Activision is not nearly as worried about PC sales anymore. They have seen the huge disparity between the sales for CoD 4 and CoD 5 between consoles and PC and know where they need to put most of their focus. The significance of PC sales is just not what it used to be because consoles have come a long way with features where PC doesn't have as big an advantage like it used to. Over time the advantage will just get smaller as more and more features are added to the consoles.

I don't think it is a good idea to remove dedicated servers, but I can see why they want to do it and as an original old school PC gamer going back to the Oregon Trail days I wouldn't be too mad at them because I still want this game more than any other for a very long time. This game is going to outsell just about every game this generation with the exception of the crappy Wii pack in games like Wii Sports and Wii Play...

Collector editions are non-factor, especially when both special editions of MW2 can't be done in DD copies of the game, which is where most of the sales of PC games are made.

No one knows for sure how much COD4 sold on PC, but there have been rumors that it was above 8 millions. All I can say is that I wouldn't be surprised if COD4 PC sales won't be too far fromthe 10 million milestone.

The thing now is that PC gaming is cheaper than Console gaming. Infact, in my opinion, PC gamers get the best out of almost everything.


First of all, digital distribution does NOT make up the majority of PC sales yet, not even close. Secondly, the sales figures released for CoD 4 as a whole along with what we know that it sold for PS3 and 360 suggest the PC sales were more in the 4-5m range. Having been around PC gaming for its ENTIRE history I can tell you that besides MMOs that just don't exist on consoles that PC gaming has declined majorly over the last few years.

There are more PC games being sold on DD services than Retail... I thought this was already common knowledge. Steam alone has been estimated to have made $600m in North-America, in 2008. Chart Track expects Steam to increase 78% in 2009, to $1.1 billion in NA.

If the PC sales of COD4 was 4-5m in retail, then it has a definite chance of reaching 8 to 10 millions sales lifetime on.

And what is this "PC declining" stuff?! Why are you arguing against facts?! PC gaming has been increasing steadily, and has never been healthier. There are far more PC games being developed than console games.

LMAO, wow dude, you really are trying hard with a bunch of unsubstantiated BS. Show anyone here some kind of proof that PC sales are going better through DD or that PC sales are up overall. Sorry man, but making up a bunch of crap does not make you look very good. Every game released on PC alongside consoles get killed in sales by the console versions. This is especially true for the biggest games like CoD 4. It is nowhere near 8m on PC and never will be, especially since the sales of CoD 4 will virtually disappear in 3 weeks when MW2 is released...

Unsubstantiated BS?! Dude, where have you been?! There have been several reports saying PC gaming is increasing well even in the middle of this huge transitional shift.

How about this, list as many console games as you can that were released alongside the PC version (and PC version was ported well) that outsold that the PC version. You get brownies for being able to list games that weren't console-centric.

As for COD4, the game is still selling well on PC, and above WaW. The terrible decision that IW made recently just added reason not to choose MW2 over COD4.

MontanaHatchet said:
1. Shio, I'm pretty sure you've been proven wrong about that 8-10 milllion figure before (it might have even been by ioi), and you still try to convince people of it. Give us a break.

2. Vlad, stop trolling. Consoles are putting out great games all the time, and your fanboyism (I love that word) must prevent you from seeing that.

3. Zenfoldor, stop acting like your opinion is fact, or what you say is absolute. You still do it, and you still get owned.

4. People will still buy this game, even with this petition. These same people will get over their hissyfit and buy the game anyways once the hype train starts.

1. That never happened. No one has been able to prove that COD4 didn't or won't sell 8-10 millions. On the other hand I also haven't proved the contrary, but atleast I gave a much more rational and informed response than the ones against me. COD4 just peeked in at 10th a few days ago on Steam, as it still does every now and then. And is also the second best-selling Activision game on Steam right now, only below MW2 (which means COD4 was best selling Activision game until a few days ago)

3. Zenfoldor does like to get himself in that position.

4.4. People will still buy ofcourse, but less than before. COD4 dominated Steam for months, so the fact that MW2 couldn't even get Top Spot as soon as the pre-orders came means that it is suffering from something. But the most important part is that the lack of dedicated servers will do more damage the longer the game is out, rather than the release time. Without DS, the decline of built communities, no mods and overall worse experience will deeply affect word-of-mouth, and word-of-mouth is HUGE on PC.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
I think it's great. As a CoD4 player, online, I wasn't able to connect with a vast majority of the community. Anywhere I would go, there would either be an overbearing host, cheating, racism without punishment, a clan beatdown, and huge skill disparities between my teammates and the people I play against. This basically holds the player experience above modders experiences and cheaters experience. It holds the community together, and disparages elitist attitudes and absolute unfair user control. It also moves the PC and its biggest games, more towards a uniform console type system where all players have equal rights and privileges, and rules and limits.

If you don't like it, tough. Console sales make this game exist in its current form, not PC sales. You can buy it or skip it. I think CoD4 was one of the most pirated games of all time, if I recall. I find that much more abhorrent than such a minor issue as lack of DSS.

As for the preorders, they are huge on consoles, and that's what matters to the developers. Do you think that's not true?

This way, MW2 will have a more casual appeal even on PC, and might actually draw new fans in, not the same old stagnant elitist PC fans. In 5 years, MW2 will still be accessible to new gamers on PC. It wouldn't be, without this move.

This is the direction the industry is moving, btw. PC fans have no voice. Money talks. Piracy doesn't. With the glee over the DRM experiment failing, wouldn't it have been nice if that experiment succeeded instead? Maybe it would have allowed the games to sell better, and publishers wouldn't be laughing in the face of your "free gaming" mantra. Did you think that the DRM experiment would end the war? Why didn't you expect them just to try something more drastic? This is a real game. This isn't some independent developer trying to make a name for himself amongst PC pirates, so he can get paid to develop a console game in the future. This is the top dog here. They aren't playing around with you, they don't need to. They do not need your support.

You're going to buy this anyway. Or pirate it. This move will have no effect on that decision for most gamers. It won't hurt Activision financially, it will help the game for casual PC gamers, and Activision will have stood major ground in an effort to wrangle in the free wheeling come-what-may PC community.

If they cave, I'll be dissapointed.

Wow, this post is so full of fail it hurt my eyes to read it!

First of all, any company that does not want to please their consoumers deserve to die.

Second, the casual PC gamers and the Hardcore ones are THE SAME GAMERS. We have no casual/hardcore divide going on like some people belive . I personally don't even believe that gamers can be categorzed into two groups. You game on PC, then you are a PC gamer, simple as that.

Third, an industry that does not want to please it's consoumers needs to die. businesses are about plesing consoumers and by that getting money, not getting money and by that pleasing consoumers.

Fourth, you say we are going to buy this anyway? Didn't preoders for the PC version fail hard? :) PC gamers are not as easily manipulated as console gamers. And there are no casual/hardcore PC gamers, there are only PC gamers. The gamers that doesn't know as much about games will simply follow the word of mouth that the more experianced players have, and it's not going to look good for MW2.

fifth, did I mention that companies and industries that do not wish to please their consoumers and that are moving in the opposite direction of their consoumers needs to die?



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Signed, Activion is fucking things up way too much lately.






shio said:
MontanaHatchet said:
1. Shio, I'm pretty sure you've been proven wrong about that 8-10 milllion figure before (it might have even been by ioi), and you still try to convince people of it. Give us a break.

2. Vlad, stop trolling. Consoles are putting out great games all the time, and your fanboyism (I love that word) must prevent you from seeing that.

3. Zenfoldor, stop acting like your opinion is fact, or what you say is absolute. You still do it, and you still get owned.

4. People will still buy this game, even with this petition. These same people will get over their hissyfit and buy the game anyways once the hype train starts.

1. That never happened. No one has been able to prove that COD4 didn't or won't sell 8-10 millions. On the other hand I also haven't proved the contrary, but atleast I gave a much more rational and informed response than the ones against me. COD4 just peeked in at 10th a few days ago on Steam, as it still does every now and then. And is also the second best-selling Activision game on Steam right now, only below MW2 (which means COD4 was best selling Activision game until a few days ago)

3. Zenfoldor does like to get himself in that position.

4.4. People will still buy ofcourse, but less than before. COD4 dominated Steam for months, so the fact that MW2 couldn't even get Top Spot as soon as the pre-orders came means that it is suffering from something. But the most important part is that the lack of dedicated servers will do more damage the longer the game is out, rather than the release time. Without DS, the decline of built communities, no mods and overall worse experience will deeply affect word-of-mouth, and word-of-mouth is HUGE on PC.

1. It was this thread. You have some good evidence, but a lot of your arguments consist of piecing together downloadable charts and old press releases until it sort of fits.

3. Well, I laugh.

4. I doubt a large amount of people will refuse to buy the game. Modern Warfare 2 has been running on an immense hype train for a year now, and a lot of people will still buy even with this change. I expect the same for Starcraft 2 and LAN.



^Blizzard are at least looking into a LAN soloution, and are heavily supporting modding with powerful editor tools. Blizzard may be starting to worry me, but don't ever confuse them with what IW is doing with MW2.

Also, as shio said, word of mouth on PC is stronger than any marketing campaign will ever be.



I just begin to hate Activision after so many bad moves.