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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Visceral Games:"Shame no one bought DS:Extraction, Wii support reconsidered

patjuan32 said:
NYANKS said:
This is becoming a running theme on the Wii. The Quality to sales connection on the Wii isn't as strong as on the other systems. If many Wii owners don't read reviews, all they have to go by is their eyes. "Ooh, Sonic and Mario in the SAME game, at the Olympics?! What game can be better than that?!" It's hard to overcome that on the Wii. At least thats the way it seems.

The orginal Dead Space failed to sale on the HD systems  and that game received critical acclaim from game journalist and also had high scores. There were also advertisements and a movie. Yet no one,at EA, complained about the sales. Nor did they threaten to stop supporting the HD system because of this.

Actually combined PS3 and X360 Dead Space sold more than 1.5 million so far and that is really good sales. Dead Space also sld about 370k opening week on X360 and PS3 which is also really good. DS:E only sold 50k so far on Wii.

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silicon said:
patjuan32 said:
NYANKS said:
This is becoming a running theme on the Wii. The Quality to sales connection on the Wii isn't as strong as on the other systems. If many Wii owners don't read reviews, all they have to go by is their eyes. "Ooh, Sonic and Mario in the SAME game, at the Olympics?! What game can be better than that?!" It's hard to overcome that on the Wii. At least thats the way it seems.

The orginal Dead Space failed to sale on the HD systems  and that game received critical acclaim from game journalist and also had high scores. There were also advertisements and a movie. Yet no one,at EA, complained about the sales. Nor did they threaten to stop supporting the HD system because of this.

Actually combined PS3 and X360 Dead Space sold more than 1.5 million so far and that is really good sales. Dead Space also sld about 370k opening week on X360 and PS3 which is also really good. DS:E only sold 50k so far on Wii.

Haha, beat ya to it Silicon. 1.5 is a good number, not a failure at all.

I find the thinking of some third party publishers interesting ...

You ask consumers what they want, then ignore them and produce whatever you want while only satisfying the most superficial elements of what the consumer asked for. When you announce this product consumers complain in mass numbers that you’re not producing a product they want and you continue to ignore them because "You know better." When the game releases to poor sales you blame the consumer for not buying what they told you they didn’t want.

Hobowan said:

i think that this game, and all the other core wii games from 2009 (madworld, overkill, conduit, metroid, dead space etc), are all just too late in the wii's life.

i think the core gamers who bought this type of game on the wii years ago, giving the 1.5 millions we see on re4 and cod: waw are now long gone to their ps3's and 360's, and there hasnt really been that blockbuster to tempt them off buying the latest release from the other consoles.

that and they likely traded in their wiis to get cash off a 360 :)

if the 2009/2010 schedule were all moved forward by a year becoming the 2008 and 2009 schedule, i think they would have sold more and more would have kept faith with wii core games, but the (relatively) barren years of 2008/Q1 2009 in terms of quantity of core games i think was a killer for the genre on the wii :(

Developers left it too late for these experiments and projects to work - they waited too long and their target audience was no longer there.

sad though. i preordered this and by a fair stretch it was my favourite gaming experience of this generation.

a truly magnificent title i thank EA for.

My thoughts exactly.   For most 'gamers' the Wii is now a secondary system even if it was there first.   They would rather play Demon Soul on PS360 than Dead Space on Wii.   Wii only owners tend to be mature(40+), casual, women and kids and they are not interested in this type of game.   I will get it but I've got a huge back log.  Still haven't finished RE:UC (which I picked up for $10) and I'll probably get HoTD:O (for $10) before I get this (for $10).  I know.  I'm not helping.


I want to know what third party developers have to do to get Wii owners to buy there games? EA gives Wii owners a exclusive title that scores really well and nobody buys it because its a on the rails shooter. Hell Activision is given Wii owners CoD4 ( One of the best FPS of all time ) and some of you bitched about it being too late and the graphics looking bad. Capcom, EA, Activision are trying to reach the "other" Wii crowd by making good games and very few are buying them.

Do you honestly think that these companies are going to keep throwing Wii owners a bone with sales like this? You know maybe if they throw Mario in as a playable character or gave you Links crossbow to use more people would have bought it. It worked for Sega and Sonic.

GamerTag/PSN ID JoshmyersBV (please add me I have 2 friends on Xbox Live)

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i didnt see much advertisement for hardcore wii titles only casual titles to be truthful developers think that hardcore wii titles doesn't need much advertisement when it does.. i mean thats where the money is at, i am getting this game but for christmas

NYANKS said:
patjuan32 said:
NYANKS said:
This is becoming a running theme on the Wii. The Quality to sales connection on the Wii isn't as strong as on the other systems. If many Wii owners don't read reviews, all they have to go by is their eyes. "Ooh, Sonic and Mario in the SAME game, at the Olympics?! What game can be better than that?!" It's hard to overcome that on the Wii. At least thats the way it seems.

The orginal Dead Space failed to sale on the HD systems  and that game received critical acclaim from game journalist and also had high scores. There were also advertisements and a movie. Yet no one,at EA, complained about the sales. Nor did they threaten to stop supporting the HD system because of this.

The HD game sold 1.5 million across two platforms, both with far less users than the Wii.  How much did this game sell on the Wii.  The HD games hardly failed compared to this game.

That's across two plaforms with different architechture which increased the cost of the game. Yet it did not sale a million units on either one alone. Secondly, on rail shooters never sell very well on any system. This inculdes the hugely successful PS2 and the PSX. Thirdly you are comparing a third person shooter that was not only advertised but had a anime movie released before the game came out. Nothing like that happened for DSE.


I do not understand your last sentence. "The HD games hardly failed compared to this game."

If Nintendo is successful at the moment, it’s because they are good, and I cannot blame them for that. What we should do is try to be just as good.----Laurent Benadiba


patjuan32 said:
NYANKS said:
This is becoming a running theme on the Wii. The Quality to sales connection on the Wii isn't as strong as on the other systems. If many Wii owners don't read reviews, all they have to go by is their eyes. "Ooh, Sonic and Mario in the SAME game, at the Olympics?! What game can be better than that?!" It's hard to overcome that on the Wii. At least thats the way it seems.

The orginal Dead Space failed to sale on the HD systems  and that game received critical acclaim from game journalist and also had high scores. There were also advertisements and a movie. Yet no one,at EA, complained about the sales. Nor did they threaten to stop supporting the HD system because of this.

dude you joined the HD Systems sales together.. yes it did sold 1.5 million but really it only sold 700k a piece

NYANKS said:
silicon said:
patjuan32 said:
NYANKS said:
This is becoming a running theme on the Wii. The Quality to sales connection on the Wii isn't as strong as on the other systems. If many Wii owners don't read reviews, all they have to go by is their eyes. "Ooh, Sonic and Mario in the SAME game, at the Olympics?! What game can be better than that?!" It's hard to overcome that on the Wii. At least thats the way it seems.

The orginal Dead Space failed to sale on the HD systems  and that game received critical acclaim from game journalist and also had high scores. There were also advertisements and a movie. Yet no one,at EA, complained about the sales. Nor did they threaten to stop supporting the HD system because of this.

Actually combined PS3 and X360 Dead Space sold more than 1.5 million so far and that is really good sales. Dead Space also sld about 370k opening week on X360 and PS3 which is also really good. DS:E only sold 50k so far on Wii.

Haha, beat ya to it Silicon. 1.5 is a good number, not a failure at all.

Damn, lol, your reply was written better anyway.

NPD says the game sold less than 9k for September. No wonder they're sad.

That's horrific.

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