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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Visceral Games:"Shame no one bought DS:Extraction, Wii support reconsidered


I came into this thread after 140+ replies were already made, and I read the first 50 replies. What I would have said has probably been stated by the reasonable posters, so I'll just say this:

Dead Space: Extraction failing in the marketplace was absolutely EXPECTED from the moment it was announced.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

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The real problem Dead Space Extraction has is not because it's a bad game, it's actually pretty good for the genre.

The real reason is value, the game is overpriced for so little content, takes controle away from the gamer with so many cutscenes, and the stigma of what the game could have been if they took the same design choice as with the HD Dead Space game. A gamer knows when he or she is getting the shaft, even though they put some effort to it. The game is no shoverware by all means, but it falls short for what many of us expect.

BMaker11 said:
trestres said:
October 19, 2009 by The News Team Filed Under: Wii

The following comes from a Visceral Games staffer, who happened to be posting on GAF...

It is a shame nobody bought this. As much as everyone made fun of Frank Gibeau's "experiment" it will actually influence the SKU plan with respect to the Wii just like he said in his interview.

I really don't get why people are avoiding this game. Does no one read the reviews or check out the footage? This is an absolutely fantastic game. There's no other on-rails shooter that comes even close to what this project pulled off. Please, leave a comment and let me know why you shied away from the title. It looks like Wii fans are going to miss out on anything like this from EA in the future.


I guess it's a shame Wii owners are not buying everything that is thrown out as a test.

Yes...because every time quality games come out, you guys don't buy them. So when a developer knows they're taking a risk, they let the consumers know. Then, it turns out that the product is quality, and not just some shovelware, and you guys still don't buy.

It really is a shame, because you've failed all the "tests" so far. 3rd parties doubted the Wii, so none of their big projects come to the Wii. When a good game finally does, you don't buy.

Yes, shame

Rather, every time a 'quality' game on the Wii fails to meet  'expectations' somebody makes a thread about it. I would love to have seen how this would have sold on the HD consoles, even with the existing fan base from the first game. 

I think what Wii owners have voted with their wallets is that 'tests' aren't quality. I mean come on, "if you buy this game which we admit isn't our best effort we promise we'll make a better one next time".  That's how the whole shovelware cycle started.  If DSE sold well on a smaller budget and shorter development time what incentive do the publishers have to fund a larger project if they can just release DES2 on a smaller budget and watch it sell to people who bought the first one. 

Furthermore, there is a very big gap between shovelware and a game worth buying for most people.  This game certainly isn't shovelware, but it's far from the best or most unique game in the Wii's library, even among recent releases.


Finally, for the person who suggested that this game is more worthy of my hard earned $50 than NSMBW, thankyou, I laughed heartily.

i dont like how some of you guys are blaming the developers for not buying it >_>

inverted3reality said:
still waiting on those games. That being said, i still feel the developers are totally in the wrong here.

Uh, Chrizum responded about 50 posts ago.

As for those taking this opportunity to troll on the Wii - once again... NMH, Zack & Wiki, or MadWorld type games have never sold high, on any system. They wouldn't even do much better if they were on the PS2, if at all.
edit: Not implying DS:E fits in this category, but the former games were brought up. DS:E is not selling for reasons people have already stated in the thread. 

It's true that there have been few hugely successful core 3rd party games on the Wii. However, that's entirely because most third parties have never given the system a chance. Monster Hunter 3 is the best example for what happens when third parties put effort into a Wii exclusive. Games like DQX, ToG, and Epic Mickey are also taking the Wii seriously, and will end up selling well.

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I've finally played it. To me it has a total identity crisis. IMO, light gun shooters are made to be arcadey, just like HotD. This would be an awesome game as a TPS/FPS, not as a light gun game.

^Click on cards to level'em up!!!^ =D

theRepublic said:
Garcian Smith said:
woopah said:
dead space fans were put off my console choice
core wii gamers were put off by genre
lightgun fans put off by price point

who exactly are they selling this game to?

Good question.

A good product is marketed like this: "Hey, look at all of these cool bells and whistles that you'll get if you buy [product]! [Product] is awesome!"

Most of the "test games" for the Wii from third parties have been marketed to core Wii gamers like this: "Buy [product] if you want to see more of [product category]. And we swear that the next [product] will be better than this half-hearted effort! All we need are sales of this one!"

Do you see what's wrong with this picture? Third parties are marketing their core-market "test games" to nobody. The only incentive that they present for buying one of these "test games" is to see other games on the core market. They think that consumers (core-market consumers in particular, but also consumers in general) are stupid enough to throw their money away on a product that has no discernable benefit to them except for a vague promise of something better in the future that you'll have to pay even more money for.

Basically, they're approaching the whole concept wrong. If they had released a game that consumers wanted for its own benefits, they would have succeeded. But this "test game" garbage is nothing more than negative marketing, and time and again the sales numbers have shown that it doesn't work because consumers are too smart to fall for it. And then, each and every time, the developers or publishers of the "test game" wring their hands and state, "Look! There's no market for core games on the Wii!"

In reality, they're just self-fulfilling their own dire prophecies.

Excellent posts.  Both of you.


Really great posts. Deserve the praise.

Now, think how much money publishers are losing on Wii now.

They lose when they publish these stupid "test games" that nobody want

They lose when they fail to release good software on wii, and fail on make profit over the huge install base.


All of this, just out of stupidity.



11ht11 said:
i dont like how some of you guys are blaming the developers for not buying it >_>

it's the truth.

when you don't make customers with your products, when you don't sell, you fail in business

NYANKS said:
This is becoming a running theme on the Wii. The Quality to sales connection on the Wii isn't as strong as on the other systems. If many Wii owners don't read reviews, all they have to go by is their eyes. "Ooh, Sonic and Mario in the SAME game, at the Olympics?! What game can be better than that?!" It's hard to overcome that on the Wii. At least thats the way it seems.

The orginal Dead Space failed to sale on the HD systems  and that game received critical acclaim from game journalist and also had high scores. There were also advertisements and a movie. Yet no one,at EA, complained about the sales. Nor did they threaten to stop supporting the HD system because of this.

If Nintendo is successful at the moment, it’s because they are good, and I cannot blame them for that. What we should do is try to be just as good.----Laurent Benadiba


patjuan32 said:
NYANKS said:
This is becoming a running theme on the Wii. The Quality to sales connection on the Wii isn't as strong as on the other systems. If many Wii owners don't read reviews, all they have to go by is their eyes. "Ooh, Sonic and Mario in the SAME game, at the Olympics?! What game can be better than that?!" It's hard to overcome that on the Wii. At least thats the way it seems.

The orginal Dead Space failed to sale on the HD systems  and that game received critical acclaim from game journalist and also had high scores. There were also advertisements and a movie. Yet no one,at EA, complained about the sales. Nor did they threaten to stop supporting the HD system because of this.

The HD game sold 1.5 million across two platforms, both with far less users than the Wii.  How much did this game sell on the Wii.  The HD games hardly failed compared to this game.