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Forums - Sales Discussion - EU Data up - PS3 77K + Reached 5 Million - WHERE TO FROM HERE??

this is funny the ps3 outsell the other consoles for 1 week and the sony fanboys think they rule the world again, the ps3 only just outsold the xbox in the uk even with a £100 price drop so i dont think the sales were that good

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There are some real comedians in this thread. First I hear a multi-plat is going to help the PS3 dominate Europe? I expect the sales to mimic NBA Live & 2K8 in the US. The PS2 will probably make double the sales of the PS3 from PES08 and Fifa 08. For those in the know PES is usually the better game but Fifa usually sells more.

Then even crazier is FF13 & GT5 selling more than MK and SSBB. Does anyone understand the sales potential of each series? GT lost a bit of it's fanbase to Forza on the Xbox and then there are people who just aren't into it anymore. Look at the sales of more recent iterations and not the highest grossing one. The same can also be said about FF. The numbers haven't been going up over time for each one. Then you also have to think about the mega install base of the PS2 and realize the PS3 doesn't have a 1/3 of that yet. At least the Wii already has over half of the Cube's install base.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


carlos710 said:
Lost tears:

Not only Mario kart and smash... you can add Mario galaxy, Wii Fit, Animal crossing, Wii Play, and even games like Wii Music, Wii Motorsports, mario & sonic, etc

Hell, even mario party 8 will outsell MGS 4 at this rate

Yes. Nintendo dominates. How about other publishers? All of those are Nintendo games...

@killerman, that has nothing to do with what we were talking about, but as we have been saying, the only one of the PS3 titles with a chance at selling close to SSB/MK or even SMG, is GT5, which happens to be a Sony 1st party title.

Ishy said:
fifa is not an AAA game....

 okeee... well AAA as being a SYTEM MOVER for the PLAYSTATION brand

31 million PS3's by end of this year


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Lost tears of Kain said:
darthdevidem said:
@Lost Tears

FF12 was very crap & it wasn't made by the usual FF guys

FF13 has "some" of the team from FFX on it + the Kingdom hearts team

I thought they were working on versuses? O well, i didnt know that

I know sakaguchi left (probably reason for major lack of story) and uematsu but i thought alot of original worked on it


Either way, the franchises has been decreasing in popularity every since 7 and 8, they need something big

 FF12 = at least partially the team formerly from Quest that made FFTactics, Vagrant Story and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.  The director of said team left Square after XII.

 I still need to play that game.  I feel like I'd like it much more than X.


BUT if FF13 works, I mean if they get it right and its marketed like FF7 except sales on the level of GT 5 from it

SO FAR, Each of SE's FF games on a new system or the FIRST FF game of a new gen has been very good



Supporter of

 SONY & Nintendo

 Consoles owned - SNES, N64, PS, GC, PS2, PSP, PS3

 I DO NOT support Xbox

My prediction for YEARS END:

WII - 18.3 Million

Xbox 360 - 15 Million

Playstation 3 - 8.5 Million

No dude I am an independant individual.

Seeking for Quality, committed and future prove technology 

31 million PS3's by end of this year


I'm pretty confident that this PS3 glory will not last more than 2 weeks.

Afterwards sales will increase during XMas,but the other console's sales will increase too.

Here is the general condition of all systems:

Wii:Its sales are stable,but expect them to see them skyrocket with the release of Super Mario Galaxy next month.

X360:Its sales are still being affected by Halo's release.Expect to see them settling down to their previous state in within the next 2 weeks.

PS3:Its currently under the effect of the release of the latest model,expect to see it settling down within 3 weeks.

PSP:Sales are stable.

DS:Sales are stable.

Obviously as the game library grows so will the desire to own a PS3, but more than a handful of must-have games will be needed to make the system itself a must-have and in all honesty after this holiday season we're not going to see the fantastic continued sales I think many are hoping the 40GB will bring in the long run. It will of course increase steady (non-holiday) sales beyond their current status just as the 60GB price drop did but the bulk of the increase will tapper off. Sure it will tapper off more slowly this time, but the real question is now what can Sony do to salvage their dissapearing third party support and exclusivity and how they can remain appealing to the customer.

Good games are on their way, but not fast enough and not with enough frequency to make the PS3 a PS2. And outside of Ratchet & Clank, Gran Turismo, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy and God of War there is really nothing to keep the PS3 from just turning into the home console version of the PSP a year or two down the road. Sony needs to find a pro-active way of increasing their product's appeal outside of games we already knew it was going to have and they could start by trying to appeal to the demographics that made the PS and PS2 a success instead of solely (and unsuccessfully) trying to chip away at the limited hardcore demographic which MS still reigns as king over.