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Forums - Sales Discussion - EU Data up - PS3 77K + Reached 5 Million - WHERE TO FROM HERE??

HappySqurriel said:
Mars said:
Wojtas said:
Mass effect? Halo 3 for that matter? Those two games are coming out now, true, but it seems to me that they, along with eternal sonata are going to be the pushers of xbox units.

Now think that Ratchet and Clank....are going to drive PS3 sales this winter?

So Mass Effect is a big title for 360 with it being a new unknown ip. Yet Uncharted is not For the PS3 and Eternal Sonata will push 360 units yet Ratchet will not push PS3 at all.

Wojtas do you know what Hypocrisy is ?

The question isn't the impact of one or two games, the entire library has to be considered ...

The XBox 360 has already seen the release of Bioshock, Halo 3, Project Gothem Racing 4, and will see the release of Mass Effect along with the bulk of the PS3's library this christmas season; the XBox 360 will also be at a lower price than the PS3 in a very attractive bundle.

Basically, I wouldn't be surprised if the XBox 360 outsells the PS3 2 to 1 (in North America) over the holiday season; and the Wii outselling the PS3 3 to 1 worldwide.

And PS3 has quality buys like Resistance, Motorstorm, Heavenly, will have Ratchet, Uncharted, Haze, Time Crisis, possibly UT3 still.

PS3/360 both have their exclusives and share quality games like COD4 Assasins among others, lets also now look at hardware. 360s is known to be awful quality, any one can easily find that out by a liitle googling if they reaserch theit possible buy for the holidays.

I wouldn't be surprised if PS3 out sa;es the 360 2-1 world wide and does around 70/80% of what the wii does.

Around the Network

@Mars and Darth.....MGS4 and FF13 combined will not manage the numbers of either SSB or Mario Kart, wheras GT5 does at least have a chance of selling similar numbers, though i expect it to only be about 2/3 of the top selling of the two. (about 7-8 million...though that will take a while seeing as PS3 will have a userbase of less than 15 million when it releases...assuming i am right with a summer 08 release)

GTA4 i am very unsure about due to the franchise never launching on an MS system at the same time before, and again due to the userbase issues....but i suspect it will sell a lot of copies on 360, but not really increase hardware much, whereas on PS3 it might not sell as many immediate copies, but will help hardware more and have better legs.
even so, i dont think the PS3 version alone of GTA4 will manage 8 million, something SSB and MarioKart have a really good chance at. (i would guess 10M+ for both)

Mars said:
HappySqurriel said:
Mars said:
Wojtas said:
Mass effect? Halo 3 for that matter? Those two games are coming out now, true, but it seems to me that they, along with eternal sonata are going to be the pushers of xbox units.

Now think that Ratchet and Clank....are going to drive PS3 sales this winter?


So Mass Effect is a big title for 360 with it being a new unknown ip. Yet Uncharted is not For the PS3 and Eternal Sonata will push 360 units yet Ratchet will not push PS3 at all.

Wojtas do you know what Hypocrisy is ?

The question isn't the impact of one or two games, the entire library has to be considered ...

The XBox 360 has already seen the release of Bioshock, Halo 3, Project Gothem Racing 4, and will see the release of Mass Effect along with the bulk of the PS3's library this christmas season; the XBox 360 will also be at a lower price than the PS3 in a very attractive bundle.

Basically, I wouldn't be surprised if the XBox 360 outsells the PS3 2 to 1 (in North America) over the holiday season; and the Wii outselling the PS3 3 to 1 worldwide.

And PS3 has quality buys like Resistance, Motorstorm, Heavenly, will have Ratchet, Uncharted, Haze, Time Crisis.

PS3/360 both have their exclusives and share quality games like COD4 Assasins among others, lets also now look at hardware.  360s is known to be awful quality, any one can easily find that out by a liitle googling if they reaserch theit possible buy for the holidays.  

I wouldn't be surprised if PS3 out sa;es the 360 2-1 world wide and does around 70/80% of what the wii does.

My list contained only games that were released withing (approximately) 4 months of Christmas ... The equilivalent list for you would be

Heavenly Sword (a game which has demonstrated pretty 'meh' sales), Ratchet and Clank (the sequel to a game which had strong but not remarkable sales on the PS2), Uncharted (an unproven series, could sell well or not), Time Crisis (a gun game which means it's ensured poor sales) and Haze (a Ubisoft FPS so it could be as great as XIII or Red Steel) ...



I agree MGS won't do those numbers, no MGS

But It'll be frickin good game, better than Gt5 or FF13 definetely

GT 5 WILL and GT series HAS BEFORE done those numbers

FF13 SHOULD do as well as GT 5 as FF series has done 8 Million + before


lets not get too overconfident

Ps3 won't be outselling 360 2:1 unless WKS is released in JAP just before xmas

Supporter of

 SONY & Nintendo

 Consoles owned - SNES, N64, PS, GC, PS2, PSP, PS3

 I DO NOT support Xbox

My prediction for YEARS END:

WII - 18.3 Million

Xbox 360 - 15 Million

Playstation 3 - 8.5 Million


HAZe isn't just an "Ubisoft" FPS, its an FPS made by the Timesplitter guys

expect quality

Supporter of

 SONY & Nintendo

 Consoles owned - SNES, N64, PS, GC, PS2, PSP, PS3

 I DO NOT support Xbox

My prediction for YEARS END:

WII - 18.3 Million

Xbox 360 - 15 Million

Playstation 3 - 8.5 Million

Around the Network

Darth you can't just look at the top selling game of the series and say it will sell that, else MGS4 will sell 5M+ and GT5 will sell 15M+

you have to look at the bigger picture, i don't expect MGS4 to get more than 4 million, and i don't expect FF13 to top 6 million.....those are very much maximums for the more like 3.5m and 5m respectively.
GT5 maximum could be over 10 million, but i doubt it and think 8 million is more likely.

Mars said:

I wouldn't be surprised if PS3 out sa;es the 360 2-1 world wide and does around 70/80% of what the wii does.

You mean during the holidays? You're in for a big disappointment...


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

darthdevidem said:

ROFL at SSBB/MarioKart VS GT5, MGS4, FF13


Dont kid yourself, theres a little chance that ff 13 will even be 08

Heck do you understand that the wii userbase will be considerable larger then the ps3, and SSBB and mario karts are easily 2 of the very top franchise?

k stop laughing

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.
Diomedes1976 said:
Right now most games are coming for both consoles .ANd the price of both is about the same right now ...but the PS3 has wifi ,BR and free online .Dont see why most people would keep buying 360 .

two words

quality games

something sony needs if they expect anything

also its


                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.
Mars said:
carlos710 said:
Mars said:
Wojtas said:
Well fancy that Mars. You mean that Assasins Creed isn't a strong title now that it's going to be released on the xbox? Maybe you're talking about GTA 4? No wait, you must be talking about CoD 4: Modern Warfare. Stop acting the goat.

He said strongest titles.

And i said Ratchet and Uncharted NOT games coming out in 2008, you want to comapre 08 feel free top post anything multiplatform aginast Killzone LittleBigPlanet GranTurismo5, also exclusives like MGS4 or FF13.

And my original post still stands, Sony own games are PS3s strongest and sales prove me right.

i get it you two want to make the PS3 look bad in any way possible, saying its best games are on 360 is one of them but we all know that not true. So cut the crap and post something intelligent.

rofl at Killzone or LittleBigplanet vs Mario kart / Smash bros brawl

2008 = Even bigger Nintendomination


 Wow what a intelligent insightfull post.  Ill try to get down to your level.

 rofl Mario/Smash vs Final Fantasy 13 / Gran Turismo 5
2008 = death of wiination.


hey that was pretty fun. 


Youve got to be joking, i expect smash and kart to DESTROY both of those, think about it, i really want you to

FF 12 sold 5 million, on a 100+ million console, sad Smash sold what 6 or 7 million on a 21 million console?

I hope you understand that userbase wise, smash will most likely destroy both of those alone, at least overtime and if trends stay the same


                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.