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Forums - Sony Discussion - Demon's Souls=First AAA JRPG This Gen?

reviewers will probably give up on the tutorial level and give it a -1/10

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Well looks like a stellar title. With all the awesome titles coming out for my 360 and PS3 this holiday, this title will probably be a rental. A well received and probably chalked full of late fees rental.

TheTruthHurts! said:
Well looks like a stellar title. With all the awesome titles coming out for my 360 and PS3 this holiday, this title will probably be a rental. A well received and probably chalked full of late fees rental.

no one rents an RPG.

unless he/she never played an RPG before.


Stop making these threads!!!

4 ≈ One

So there is no character development? It is a real JRPG, or is it just an RPG made in Japan, with no story, a multiplayer focus, and dungeon crawling in place of cutscenes. I'm trying to decide on buying this or not, don't spin me.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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ZenfoldorVGI said:
So there is no character development? It is a real JRPG, or is it just an RPG made in Japan, with no story, a multiplayer focus, and dungeon crawling in place of cutscenes. I'm trying to decide on buying this or not, don't spin me.


Your charicature of this game is wholly inaccurate so I suggest reading some reviews to determine if it's for you. If you want a deep story you should look elsewhere.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

Theres tons of character customizations and development (Armor, Weapons, Magic etc). And depending on how you customize your character, for example if you add alot of armor you will run slower etc.

I thought Demons Souls is a more "M"edieval RPG than a JRPG.

Battlefield Bad Company 2 > Modern Warfare 2

Demon souls is not the game for ppl who gives up easily.

NicholasCage said:
I thought Demons Souls is a more "M"edieval RPG than a JRPG.

yea it defintely has that typical WRPG medieval vibe thats why its a JRPG in name only