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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why PS3 sales didnt move softwares?

The only logical way to assess this is to compare brand new releases. We have one such title with partial slim sales in the US and the price drop.

Batman AA, and it was neck and neck with the 360, which to me says that the new owners buy software. If anyone thinks the joker DLC negated a 2:1 hardware lead in the states theyre delusional.

the ONLY substantial debate we can have is multiplatform big releases in comparable regions. So Japan is not debatable imo....lets discuss software sales of head to head games in the states and Others and see if the xbox 360's hardware advantage see less of a higher ration on games across both platforms.

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ioi said there was a high amount of existing PS3 owners (especially in Japan) upgrading their old PS3s to the new model PS3 Slim. Old PS3s were traded-in for new PS3 Slims. The PS3 Slim launch started off with a high first week number but will drop to around half of the 550k in the second week my guess is 300k for next weeks sales worldwide. Hardcore console owners tend to upgrade their systems to the newest model revision. PS3 Slim has 120GB and is supposed to be better than the older PS3 phat models.

Delayed PS3 purchases due to low sales in most of the weeks of this year - they waited for the PS3 Slim and the $299. The PS3 with $299 price was rumoured at the start of this year and news spreads fast. It would not surprise me that a lot of the PS3 Slims weekly sales was from delayed PS3 sales. Three weeks the PS3 price cut has been announced and that is three weeks of people buying PS3 Slims in advance creating a boost in PS3 Slim sales.

The outlay of PS3 Slim is $300 around the price of 5 games so more people bought PS3 Slim instead of buying games. More Blu-Rays could have been bought instead of PS3 games.

No new games released except for Batman:AA. The new big games of 2009 are soon to be released and people are waiting for them to arrive instead of buying the available PS3 games.

numonex said:
ioi said there was a high amount of existing PS3 owners (especially in Japan) upgrading their old PS3s to the new model PS3 Slim. Old PS3s were traded-in for new PS3 Slims. The PS3 Slim launch started off with a high first week number but will drop to around half of the 550k in the second week my guess is 300k for next weeks sales worldwide. Hardcore console owners tend to upgrade their systems to the newest model revision. PS3 Slim has 120GB and is supposed to be better than the older PS3 phat models.

Delayed PS3 purchases due to low sales in most of the weeks of this year - they waited for the PS3 Slim and the $299. The PS3 with $299 price was rumoured at the start of this year and news spreads fast. It would not surprise me that a lot of the PS3 Slims weekly sales was from delayed PS3 sales. Three weeks the PS3 price cut has been announced and that is three weeks of people buying PS3 Slims in advance creating a boost in PS3 Slim sales.

The outlay of PS3 Slim is $300 around the price of 5 games so more people bought PS3 Slim instead of buying games. More Blu-Rays could have been bought instead of PS3 games.

No new games released except for Batman:AA. The new big games of 2009 are soon to be released and people are waiting for them to arrive instead of buying the available PS3 games.

The best part about your sig is its like youre discrediting your "prediction" and "analysis" for us.

atma998 said:
Icyedge said:

Oh, and yes your prolly a MS fan, or you dont like sony. If not you wouldnt be saying those kind of assumption for any reason.

No, I'm just telling the truth : SW charts proved us that there were a lot of PS3 owners who bought PS3 Slim.

But I suppose that all people here who think that are Sony haters...

This doesn't prove anything.

CDiablo said:
Used game sales is not a valid point. Those waiting for the $299 price point could have gotten a USED PS3 for $200 for many months now. I've seen plenty PS3's go for $200 on ebay. Both the ones (20&60gig) I own I got for less than $150 on the bay.

buying a used console has different implications than buying a used game which doesn't scratch and pretty much guaranteed to work perfectly.

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For christ's sake its not hard to understand. Last week Batman-AA came out, causing sales to spike up to 1.2million, you have to look at the previous months sales to get an average of what PS3 software was selling, I'll save you the trouble, it was 920k average per week for August, a month where Madden 10 also launched. So in actual fact the real increase is from around 1m (average sales plus the expected sales drop for Batman-AA) to 1.44 million sales. So even with the guestimated 30% existing PS3 owner Slim purchases, you still have a big increase in game sales, which lines up with the increase in HW sales.

Also riding in the mix, is VGChartz SW tracking accuracy, which despite their best efforts, is often out by up to 50% some months. So these numbers we have can't entirely be relied upon for anything other than long term sales totals, after all SW figures get adjusted all the time, its bloody hard to track.

Atma998, what is your agenda with this thread. Because you clearly have already made up your mind as to why SW sales haven't increased at the same rate that HW sales increased. So you ain't asking because you want to find out, you're asking so you can argue with anyone that disagree's. All you have done is argued with whoever has suggested something other than 'all Slim sales are to existing owners' or the ol' chestnut 'ppl bought the slim for blu-ray only'.

Fact is, usual buying practise is for people to buy a new console and one maybe two games for it. Most of those people will continue to purchase games at a steady rate that reflects their enthusiasm for gaming and their set disposable income they chose to spend on gaming. Ergo, sales of PS3 SW will continue to SLOWLY increase as the console HW numbers increase. Expecting ppl that in previous weeks thought $399 was too expensive for a PS3 to suddenly have enough money to buy a $299 PS3 and every good game that has come out for it, is very unrealistic. Hence why SW sales haven't shot up to 2million.

Good points czech.

Wow, invertedreality had quite a meltdown didn't he? *shakes head*

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

Let me get this straight.

Do some people in this thread really believe that a $100 price cut and redesign of the PS3 mostly appeals to existing PS3 owners?
Stop and think about that for a second, people that obviously liked the original design and already paid $400+ for a PS3 want to go out and buy another PS3 for $300 just because of a new design with no new features. I'm sure they're are a few people out there who did, but, to say that a ton of people did this is just plain stupid imo.

Software isn't that bad guys, it increased from last week and few titles have seen pretty big boosts (MGS4 for example).
I mean, is it so hard to believe that a lot of consumers that didn't own a PS3 were waiting for the most expensive console on the market to drop into an affordable price range?

Because fans buy games when they are released, and not after 1-3 years when they were released.
Those fans who didin't buy it when it was released, bought it used for low price.
I haven't bought single new game this gen besides Killzone2,Valkyria Chronicles, Dmc 4 and Mgs4.



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