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from the PS3 side only valkyria and disgea are good and FFXIII is to early to judge. the 360 may have less games, but they are far better in quality.


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Isn't Spectral Forces 3 a 360 exclusive? And if you are including Valkyria then Operation Darkness counts for the 360. I am sure there are others also.

Technically it hasn't been confirmed yet but Persona 5 for PS3. It's basically a secret like the slim was a secret a month ago.

Proudest Platinums:
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Persona 4 Arena
3. Wipeout HD
4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
5. Super Street Fighter 4

Lost Odyssey missing from the 360 list.

Also, Valkyira Chronicles > All on both lists, combined.


Lol Lost Odyssey is still missing. Xbox JRPG fans will be upset about this.

Take a look at my photos on flickr

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I KNOW BUT CROSS EDGE IS A PS3 EXCLUSIVE AND CROSS EDGE DASH IS A XBOX 360 EXCLUSIVE LIKE NINJA GAIDEN SIGMA2 IS A PS3 AND NINJA GAIDEN 2 an XBOX 360 exclusive since they are different editions got it but i didn 't add cross edge dash because most would say what in both consoles

as of now ,the best of both systems IMO
Lost Odyssey Xbox 360
Valkyria Chronicles PS3

i just noticed last rebellion boxart looks like Valkyria Chronicles in red

i have put lost odyssey but i can 't undarstand why you can 't see it


Why do people still think that Folklore is a JRPG? It seems purely Action-Adventure to me, similar to Zelda.

PullusPardus said:
as of now ,the best of both systems IMO
Lost Odyssey Xbox 360
Valkyria Chronicles PS3

i just noticed last rebellion boxart looks like Valkyria Chronicles in red

Those are two fantastic games sir.