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Forums - Sony Discussion - MS doesn't only steal games, songs too!

Both the defense and accusation reeks of fanboyism.

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Alby_da_Wolf said:
Xoj said:
Squilliam said:
Xoj said:
kowenicki said:
......and sony stole it from my cd collection..... i might sue!

Get real people, its a tune like any other tune, Sony dont own it. Do people think those songs are original songs just for the game? lol.

PS. good album... go buy it.

actually they do, its from columbia records

which is owned by sony music.

You just pwned this thread, but perhaps not in the way you intended.

Sony sold Microsoft the right to use the jingle in this thread, therefore they themselves approve of its use. Microsoft just as much stole the tune as Sony stole Windows for their VAIO laptops.

or just think its free adverstising to Little big planet =)... making microsoft look silly.

sony didn't have to pay much to use the song since it's theirs, microsoft had to pay and it made unroar for LBP.


Heh, I thought almost the same, actually going further. If Sony is clever enough, it can exploit this little accident to get even more free publicity for LBP than it would anyway get leaving reactions go by themselves

And, as I wrote on page 6 of this thread, I can't believe Sony didn't give use permission on purpose. 

But the most amusing thing are MS fanboys in blue funking denial!!!    



microsoft was probably trying, but really it's easy to backfire, especially since LBP Will never be multiplatform =)., and monies from microsoft yum.

even sony is moneyhat i tell you :P

Squilliam said:
Good work! I think thats a nice steal. IMO there hasn't been enough stolen off Sony recently and this is a good way to make up for lost time.


Superb move by MS, even just to pi*s off sony and it's fanboys lmao! and the connect for free thing, it is FREE to connect to live (Silver)....

It wont allow you to do half the things in the advertisement until you start paying for it, so to say connect for free after showing what it can do is very misleading, o and as for using the theme from Lbp That's pretty desperate, basically they have also just advertised lbp Cause thats what most people think when they hear the song

I can't believe people are acting like this is some horrible, evil, thing... ? If Sony don't own the rights to the song, it's up for grabs. Stop trying to make everything Microsoft does into some evil plot of devilry, good god.

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i guarantee hardly anyone thinks of little big planet when they hear the song.

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

MrBubbles Review Threads: Bill Gates, Jak II, Kingdom Hearts II, The Strangers, Sly 2, Crackdown, Zohan, Quarantine, Klungo Sssavesss Teh World, MS@E3'08, WATCHMEN(movie), Shadow of the Colossus, The Saboteur

Majin-Tenshinhan said:
I can't believe people are acting like this is some horrible, evil, thing... ? If Sony don't own the rights to the song, it's up for grabs. Stop trying to make everything Microsoft does into some evil plot of devilry, good god.

It's not illegal, it's not evil, but of all the MILLIONS of songs in the world, why did Microsoft pick the theme song of one of the most popular games on their competitor's console to advertise their console.

It's just...odd, and a little desperate. Not evil.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

"Connect for Free" ?

"........but play for fee!" ***

***-Edited by Microsoft Marketing Team

Kantor said:
Majin-Tenshinhan said:
I can't believe people are acting like this is some horrible, evil, thing... ? If Sony don't own the rights to the song, it's up for grabs. Stop trying to make everything Microsoft does into some evil plot of devilry, good god.

It's not illegal, it's not evil, but of all the MILLIONS of songs in the world, why did Microsoft pick the theme song of one of the most popular games on their competitor's console to advertise their console.

It's just...odd, and a little desperate. Not evil.

Probably because they thought it went well with the advert they had. I can see why you'd call it odd, not sure why it'd be desperate since this feels really unrelated to LBP, and half of the people in this thread are acting as if it's evil. They're screaming bloody murder that Microsoft are the devil and saying they've sunk to new lows and god knows what. I just can't believe how people are reacting.

yeah its not like sony used a picture from  Forza in one of their presentations before. Oh wait they did