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Kantor said:
Majin-Tenshinhan said:
I can't believe people are acting like this is some horrible, evil, thing... ? If Sony don't own the rights to the song, it's up for grabs. Stop trying to make everything Microsoft does into some evil plot of devilry, good god.

It's not illegal, it's not evil, but of all the MILLIONS of songs in the world, why did Microsoft pick the theme song of one of the most popular games on their competitor's console to advertise their console.

It's just...odd, and a little desperate. Not evil.

Probably because they thought it went well with the advert they had. I can see why you'd call it odd, not sure why it'd be desperate since this feels really unrelated to LBP, and half of the people in this thread are acting as if it's evil. They're screaming bloody murder that Microsoft are the devil and saying they've sunk to new lows and god knows what. I just can't believe how people are reacting.