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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PSN vs. Xbox Live - which is better now?

Xoj said:
DirtyP2002 said:
KylieDog said:
AlkamistStar said:
@ DirtyP2002

"Live easily.

•Cross game chat
•Video on Demand (still not available in Europe for PSN)
•More content
•Monkey Island (nuff said)
•Games on Demand
•Last FM / Twitter / Facebook integrated
•Windows Live Messenger / Windows Media Center
•Everybody (!!!) has a headset"

- This.


Those features are negatives or conflicting. 


Cross game chat for example.   You list everyone having mics as a benefit, yet if people are using cross-game chat then the other people in those games cannot talk or listen to them, so anyone who uses cross game chat is as good as someone who doesn't have a mic to everyone else in the game, and to the guy using cross game chat it is like everyone else has no mic either.   That is ignoring the fact that most people don't even use their mics anyway.


A lot of those in the list the PS3 can do thanks to its web browser also, vid on demand, radio, twitter, facebook + infinitely more.

What about

  • Primetime (1 vs 100 is just the start and it is free and you can win real prizes)
  • Video Chat
  • Video Messages
  • Avatars in games like Joy Ride
  • Instant 1080p streaming --> again there is still NO VoD on PSN in Europe at all
  • Netflix
  • Sky (UK) / Canal + (France)
  • Indie Games

There are tons of things I can do on Xbox Live but not on PSN. There are just a very few things on PSN I can't do on XBL. Well the browser and Home, but thats about it.

you never used PSN RIGHT?!. Wrong

ps3 have videochat why do you think the PS3 Eye is for? it also come with built it mic a 120FPS webcam. Did not know that - sry.

PlayTV that works on SKY and every other DVB. For 72€ on / not available at currently so I do not know the US price-tag.

 the ps3 support streaming, movies are mp4. u can play them while they download even at 1080p. 1. Not in Europe at all 2. You got to have a hell of a connection to stream 1080p INSTANTLY. Thats what the Xbox360 offers. The quality is dynamic and as good as your connection let it happen. With a DSL8k connection you will get the best possible available. But even at 3000k, the results are awesome. That is something the PS3 does not offer.

 the ps3 have home where they also give real prizes in certain events, and things like when ubisoft stream it conference, and E3 conference just abit after it was aired.

You never played 1vs100 right? conferences were shown at and all the trailers were online minutes after the show.


Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

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The_God_of_War said:
Both have plenty of things the other doesn't.

XBL- cross game chat, faster updates, demos for all XBLA games, movie DL service, soon games on demand

PSN- Remote Play, gamesharing, internet browser, Home, Vidzone, more dedicated servers.

See, the problem with this is that 360's features that PS3 doesn't have is more important to multiplayer games than the PS3's features.


The only big one is dedicated servers (Home and gamesharing might be good for interaction, but in terms of enhancing experiences within games, they aren't that important, if at all).


Having said that though, they are both really close. Live still edges out PSN imo (way more features I'd actually want to use), but PSN is a very very very strong contender (even without factoring in the fact that it's free).

S.T.A.G.E - I don't even think you believe half the reasons you listed as true reasons Live is better. I mean, exclusive Guitar Hero Avatars???

OT - PSN has a big edge on Live right now. First of all it's got Final Fantasy VII so the thread should end right here. Secondly, it's free and is something that has constantly been improving. The only thing left that I actually want is cross game voice chat, something that there is already an option to use (but it is currently not available yet). Now, I'm not going to start listing every little feature because certain people in this thread have listed some pretty ridiculous things as advantages (I have 1 vs. 100 on my iPhone for gods sake, and watching movies with your friends online is an advantage???). But I will name the things that are most important to me: games. PSN gives you the opportunity to play many games online for free, as well as the chance to download even more amazing ones:

- Warhawk.
- Metal Gear Online.
- Wipeout HD.
- Resistance 2.
- Noby Noby Boy.
- Fat Princess.
- Flower.
- Killzone 2.
- Pain.
- Flow.
- Motorstorm 2.
- Little Big Planet.
- MLB 09: The Show.
- Gran Turismo 5: Prologue.

Sony has done an amazing job creating an exclusive online experience for almost every mainstream genre. Now add Gran Turismo, Uncharted 2, Final Fantasy XIV, MAG and also multiplatform games like Resident Evil 5, Burnout Paradise and almost ever sports franchise, and you will see where I am coming from.

Today 2009: PSN

2008 was live better

the best RPG's are coming 2013 !!!! oh my god, this is perfect for RPG-GAMER = ) Ni No Kuni - 25 january, Time and Eternity, tales of xillia (PS3) and the maybe best game ever: metal gear solid ground zero

The puffy shirt says Live is better.

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Sardauk said:
PSN users/Fanboys need to understand that a free service can't compete with a paying service.

The duo XBL+NXE keeps evolving faster than PSN. PSN is more a feature than a service

Feature >< Service.


That's why you have to consider what you get for what price.

It's like asking to compare a PSN or a LIVE game (usually 10$-15$) to a retail game (60$). Of course the retail game will have alot more content and alot more stuff than a PSN or a LIVE game. It's pricier! But some people will still prefer the PSN or the LIVE game because it cost them less and they can still appreciate the games.

It's all about proportions.

+PSN for the PSN games
+XBLA for the chat feature

- XBLA for the price ( i don't use online alot , so i don't really want to buy it)
- PSN for the slow updates

they both have the same unneeded features though (movies , videos , blah blah)

pearljammer said:

I completely agree with you but only in regard to how you interpret the word better.

Before I had started reading over the thread, my initial interpretation of better was: which of the two services is better suited to me or, in otherwords, which of the two is most suitable to my preference/needs.

I don't think either party would be wrong here, it's just simply a matter of whether you interpreted better as meaning of greater quality or of greater suitability; of which both are incredibly subjective. One can either be better suited to your needs, or it can be of greater quality in your opinion. However you decide which one is better, is simply up to you... I think so anyway.

OT: I'm now playing Fat Princess online, but it's the first game that I've done so in about a year. Online gaming doesn't appeal much to me, so I'd say that PSN is the better choice for me. Although, I must admit, LIVE (for the month that I did use it) seemed to be the much cleaner experience.

Well it just seems to me that adding in the price differences is more in line with asking "Which service has better value". I mean we compare a hell of a lot of things here at VGC, and it seems only in this one special case does price ever determine which of two things is better. Every other time it's a matter of the strict qualities of two opposing products. I also think of all arguments a PS3 fan would use to prove something to be better, price would be the last one, since it's completely backwards to the reasons why one purchased a PS3 over an Xbox 360 in the first place (for those that did). Price to me seems more like a compromise someone makes and not necesarily what they really feel is better. To give another example, I may want Fallout 3 more than Oblivion, but I may settle on Oblivion because it's $30 cheaper and keeps more money in my wallet. Now I did get a comparitively good game, but did I get the game I wanted, or merely the one I settled for?

I'm just not of the mind that people's inability to afford things are reasons to say something they actually feel is inferior is now the superior product. All it's really better for is their financial situation, not really for them.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Sardauk said:
PSN users/Fanboys need to understand that a free service can't compete with a paying service.

The duo XBL+NXE keeps evolving faster than PSN. PSN is more a feature than a service

Feature >< Service.


That's not a fact, it is your opinnion, and an extremely invalid one might I add (IMO). XBL users/fanboys need to understand that. I have both consoles and will not spend a penny on what Live has to offer. The mentality that if you pay for something it is better makes me laugh. Just because someting is draining out of your pocket does not make it a good thing, nevermind a BETTER thing.

And just for the record, NXE freaking sucks, and I wish I did not have to use it.

JOhnyBravoos said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
JOhnyBravoos said:
Right now, PSN is better. But only because of the web browser! If it's no web browsing then it's LIVE>PSN ;]

Since when was web browsing a deciding factor on who has the best online gaming? WOW.

Since when has intergrated Facebook/Last.FM/Twitter support and Video services been a deciding factor on who has the best online gaming? WOW seems fine for people to state that doesn't it ;]


Anyhow I've played numerous of games using the Web Browser so in a way, it has enhanced my gaming experience =]

Because the facebook and twitter entries will alert your friends to your existence on Xbox Live and help you connect with them. You can also use Facebook and twitter to boast your gamerscore. Last FM is great because its will allow us to see fresh new talents. I mean, Microsoft already shows us music videos. Why not see people we haven't seen?