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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Official Fat Princess League

^ this

as i know, those lists are updated with the weekly store update, so fp couldn't be there yet

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KylieDog said:
...and always join the text chat room.

whats the chat name? xxain invited me to one a couple days ago "vgz charts pre match" or something like that. i dunno if its the right one cuz theres never any1 in it except me n like 1 other person. i just finished playin with xxain and outlaw and neither were in teh chat, so im thinkin i have an old one or something

I want to play!

But is it more US or EU players? If the majority is US i think the lag will destroy the fun.
PSN: mafkka

where i play people i know never talks >_>

hatmoza officially gives out his PSN ID in this thread! Be honored Xxain!


I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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Patch hasn't been released yet, as far as I know, but last night I actually got to play a 3 or 4 successful matches. The first one only had about 8 humans in it, but it was full with humans the next round. It gets CRAZY. I wish I, or anyone on my team actually, had a mic. Because there was little to no organization, and my team lost almost every time. They should give everyone with FatPrincess a half-off coupon for a mic. :D

No reviewers in the League who can write an Official VGC Review?


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Im planning a review

^You're not review team though.

There actually aren't that many PS3 reviewers. Just Torillian and Machina, isn't it?

EDIT: Also ssj12 and spdk1 (though he may be a 360 reviewer, he reviewed a multiplat game). And signalstar. Torillian does most of them, though, it seems.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective
