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Wow, let's see:

I can choose from an emo-kid, that all he does is bitch about how nobody loves him and wants attention and had to lie about his entire life pretending to be a badass to make friends or

A kid that can't get a hint that a princess wants to do him if he makes a move (but never does)

Wow, defintely a battle between titans!!!

What are you looking at, nerd?
Around the Network

Cloud would win, and FF VII is so much better than any Zelda game.




StanGable said:
Wow, let's see:

I can choose from an emo-kid, that all he does is bitch about how nobody loves him and wants attention and had to lie about his entire life pretending to be a badass to make friends

Well, someone cleary did not understand the story.


Aion said:
Cloud would win, and FF VII is so much better than any Zelda game.

Oh no you didn't >:O


link would win......period.

Around the Network

link has better games, buy cloud has personality(even if it really is not his own), it also depends which link, TP link and his face when he opens a chest makes me want to punch him in the face, WW is to cute for me to take him seriously, OOT/MM link is the best one since fierce diety pwns all, and alttp link is the most stylish one with his pink hair.


Soriku said:

Lionheart > All

Serious post?


Holy damn it's as if the Sony/FF fans all have the same beeper. As soon as someone mentiones Cloud online, they flock to the thread in droves.

Yeah... emo-boy with freaky hair-do versus the guy who does nót whine but trudges forward banishing evil where he goes and inspires the world with hope.

I'll be with Link, thank you.

The Doctor will see you now  Promoting Lesbianism -->


Carl2291 said:
Soriku said:

Lionheart > All

Serious post?

Agree with Soriku or GTFO his internet


MrBubbles said:

I think this is all about the sword.  Link carries around his normal or undersized swords...and cloud carries around his big sword.  

Your thoughts?...Is just another "sizes matters" situation?

I think part of it has always been the ambiguity of Link's age.  He ranges from young to teenager-ish to adult in various games.  Anyone making the same sexual jokes about Link as Cloud might be a pedo.

The other part is that Link has never had that rough and tough image.  People feel insecure compared to Cloud so they make fun of him to hide their own insecurities.  People don't do that with Link because whereas Cloud has that firmly defined personality, a lot of people project themselves into Link.  When someone plays FF7, they control the cast but the cast each has distinctive personalities.  When people play Zelda, they become Link.  Link's ambiguous and player-defined character is something that Miyamoto has spoken of and one of the highlights of the series.