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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I figured out why The Conduit sucks.


It all started whenever IGN posted that Quantum3 engine demo. I was drooling at the corners of my mouth. Man did that tech demonstration look better than sex.

So about a month later, the first footage of The Conduit was shown. It best. At worst it looked like a PS1 game. Over the course of the year, we all prayed that the average first-person shooter would get a publisher, but really, who would want to pick up such an average looking game? Certainly not Nintendo, who wisely chose not to do anything with it. Who else but Sega would pick this up?

Of course Sega would pick this up. They have already published countless, bad Wii games. It wouldn't be fair to say they haven't published good Wii games as well, like House of the Dead: Overkill and MadWorld, sad but true, the crap outweighs the gold.

Back to The Conduit. Sega decides they are going to publish this aliens invade D.C. mashup of a shooter. High Voltage Software thought they would tout their graphics technology which looks about as good as late Xbox games such as the beautiful Jade Empire and Forza Motorsport. Yeah, they made a fancy graphics engine but what other games have they made? Dora the Explorer? Go Diego Go? Ben 10? Really? They made that horse fodder? Yes, there is a market for them (They sold around 1.5 million copies all together), but really? Yeah, you have to start somewhere, but at least Bungie started with Marathon. Technically, Bungie started with Gnop! but I won't get into that here.

Once again, focusing on The Conduit, E3 2009, HVS is showing off their shiny flagship title. At this point, Nintendo Power has given it an 8. Hopes are high. The fanboys are praying for their Halo Wii. June 23rd, the reviews start coming in. Oh man, a bomb has been set. The fanboys are rampant. There were like 30 Conduit threads on the front page of VGChartz. Well, maybe not that many.

June 24th. I go to GameStop and pick up my copy and am pretty excited. Even the GS employees were excited. About what? I didn't care. I had my copy of The Conduit. It was going to be awesome.

I go home, insert it into the Wii disc drive, set up my own custom controls and start playing. The intro level is amazing! Or so I thought. By the time the third mission rolled around, I was bored. This game didn't blow me away like Halo: Combat Evolved did back in January 2005 (I was late to the Halo party). But I kept playing. It was when I got to the eighth mission that I realized this was just a cookie-cutter shooter made by some amateur developer. It's not the like creators of TimeSplitters made this game (they made the equally bad Haze for PS3 zing!) or like Bungie made this game or even whoever the hell developed KillZone 2. But I wish any of them did. Maybe The Conduit would be better.

The multiplayer is pretty good. It's like HVS ripped it straight from Halo 2. Whose multiplayer was ORGASMIC. Just wish it had splitscreen. This is the Wii after all.

Actually, now that I think about it, The Conduit would have been better if Rare had made it, even after the so-so Perfect Dark Zero.


Edit 1: The Conduit sucks because it wasn't made by a real developer.

Edit 2: The Conduit also sucks because it doesn't have a good story. It's like they got George Lucas to write the story. If only Valve had made this game!


It makes perfect sense.




Edit 3: Don't get it?

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So why does it suck?

Feel free to add me as your friend-PSN ID: Bobo012893

^ yeah, why does it suck?

the only thing i know so far while playing the game is that it rocks!

probably difference in taste!?

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

was this a atemp at clever sarcasm.....Roll help him out

great post sir, HVS has no experience at making great games.

Around the Network

i thought he said it sucked because HV sucks.

SNES =/= Rol

Failed Rol attempt is fail

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

when HV was making Dora...were they still called High Voltage???...hopefully not

MaxwellGT2000 said:

SNES =/= Rol

Failed Rol attempt is fail

Lmfao! This is the best thread ever!

The fact that you like Halo means that you and I have vastly different taste in FPS. So you not liking the Conduit means I probably will like it