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Forums - Sony Discussion - If the PS3 would have suffered RROD instead of the 360 ...

Would you have still bought the system? Do you think it would have sold as well as it has?

I would have held off buying the 360 had I known RROD was that bad (happened to me twice).

With the PS3, I wouldn't have bought it.

With the Wii, I definitely wouldn't have bought it.

What about you?

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the ps3 would have sold atleast 25% more due to the high failure rate everyone would of had to of bought new systems /shakes fist


If there was a similar extended warranty plan, yes I still would have bought it. As for sales, a $600 console with a terrible failure rate......ouch.



No! no one would have been able to afford a second one.

on topic: No, i bought the xbox because i know that microsoft would take care of me. Something that i do not believe sony could have afforded

the reason i bought the PS3 over the 360 is MGS4 and Final Fantasy (among other things that didn't announce yet like Team Ico games)

so no , i would still bought a PS3, i didn't not buy a 360 for the RROD reason (i didnt know it existed) , i just didnt buy it cause my friend have it and we both spent way too much money on the consoles and we both need to focus on paying the bills

so its shared consoles for now.

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I bought my 360 elite when there were rumblings about reliability 2 years ago. That was before MS upped the warranty period. Thats why I bought extended warranty. Sure enough the console failed exactly 16 months but didn't RROD so I would've been not covered by MS new RROD warranty policy. My extended warranty paid me back my original purchase price of the Elite and I bought a Jaspar arcade unit. I guess it worked out eventually. Still out the money I paid for the extended warranty.

360 got RROD because it was "rushed" to market so if PS3 and 360 had been released at the same time this gen would have looked pretty different no?

No. Not until failure rates got better.

4 ≈ One

Steroid said:
360 got RROD because it was "rushed" to market so if PS3 and 360 had been released at the same time this gen would have looked pretty different no?

Yes, you are correct. Had the PS3 been *rushed* though, it wouldn't have had Blu Ray - and this generation would have been very, very different.

Hell no i don't buy crap hardware.