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Forums - Sony Discussion - If the PS3 would have suffered RROD instead of the 360 ...

@ the OP

The way this thread is worded implies that you believe that RROD was a random occurance that could have happened to any of the consoles. RROD was a direct consequence of MS rushing their product to the market, and Sony and Nintendo not doing so.

It is not valid to ask, even as a theoretical, what would happen if RROD happened to the PS3, without also considering the effects of the PS3 being released 1 year before the competition.

I believe that, assuming Sony had been as generous with their warranty as MS was, then your theoretical would have
Raised PS3 sales
lowered 360 sales
Increased Sony's monetary loss
Decreased MS's monetary loss

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Well, I have had 2 PS3s fail on me, so I think I would have done anyway, I just think Sony's first party games are so good it is totally worth it

dsister44 said:

No! no one would have been able to afford a second one.

on topic: No, i bought the xbox because i know that microsoft would take care of me. Something that i do not believe sony could have afforded

When did you buy yours? Because for a good solid year, if not longer, MS was stating there were no problems. And any failure rate was well within the excepted norm. Which I believe is 3%? Think it's safe to say, they were well over that. One rumor said it was as high as 33%, but who can say. At any rate, it took them a while to finally admit that they knowingly released a crap built product, and would make up for that with a really great warranty. Better late than never I guess, but I'm still upset they refused to even admit the truth for as long as they did.

Citan said:
deadt0m said:
Destroyer_of_knights said:
it would have bombed, only the 360 can get away with it, because it's an American machine, and Americans are so patriotic that the 360 could still be selling these numbers even if it had 69% failure rate, after all America is the only country where fuel guzzlers are still made and sold despite the economic crisis and the situation with oil, but hey that's what the iraq war was for right.

Um...  great point, except that 360 is beating PS3 in Europe too.  Nice try though.

Patriot numero uno.

360 have one year head start and is barely above PS3 in Europe.

Nice try though.

More than a one year headstart, so that's two extra holiday seasons and last holiday season entry pricing went as low as 119 Euro (less than 1/3 of a PS3). At such entry pricing they are already tapping the young teen (and even preteen) demographics.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

@ Yridian

And any failure rate was well within the excepted norm. Which I believe is 3%? Think it's safe to say, they were well over that. One rumor said it was as high as 33%, but who can say.

Just to clarify that's the normal failure rate for the first year. For the 360 it is rumoured to have been more than tenfold, which IMO should have sparked a recall option for users.

Probably after the 360's second year, a majority of launch unit buyers went through RROD hardware failures (not counting other types of failures).

But worst of all, many people went through many repeat failures due to Microsoft sending out refurbished failure prone "previously" broken units.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

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the 360 u can get it for 169$ in europe
not only that it's cheaper than the PSP and DSi.
nearing 120$ ps2 price.

Like hell, if you know something has a Tech issue from the start to avoid it, simple.

But since the 360 has gotton better, MUCH better since then, thats why i got one because why buy something that'll just junk out on you ya know?

I know they all have there own respective chances, but i still say to this day 360 has the greatst chance of the big 3.

One thing MS does better then the other 2 though, they dont give you any hassles, where as sony will slap a $150 fee in your face and nintendo slaps a $100 fee. -_-

In conclusion, no.

Destroyer_of_knights said:
deadt0m said:
Destroyer_of_knights said:
it would have bombed, only the 360 can get away with it, because it's an American machine, and Americans are so patriotic that the 360 could still be selling these numbers even if it had 69% failure rate, after all America is the only country where fuel guzzlers are still made and sold despite the economic crisis and the situation with oil, but hey that's what the iraq war was for right.

Um...  great point, except that 360 is beating PS3 in Europe too.  Nice try though.

This thread is NOT about the current sales, this thread is about the hyperthetical of IF the PS3 suffered the RRoD, and weather you would of bought one as well as the hyperthetical sales of these RRoD afflicted PS3....Nice try though.

ola hermana muy buenas noches, como estan de salud   yo yalo bes tu me eciboque  y te mande tu mensaje otra ves ando como la tia sabina que cuandono se pee se orina, es undicho espanol pues lo que paso fue que bore el mio  si darme cuenta y yo crei que te lo abia mandado, perdona pero fue si darme cuenta, yo te contestabal lo que tu me decias que tom se preocupo porque tu no respondias cuando te llamaba pobre ombre tenia rason el no sabia lo que te podria pasar, pero mira como sepreocupa lo mismo emma yo me alegro que sea asi ,en cambio yo  con este bailaria de alegria, pero como dise el refran muerte deceada salud sobrada,mi virgen vendita pido que me cuide que yo no le ago mal anadien,hermana cuando recibas este email si lorecibes dime cuando te podria llamar, como andas  ahora un poco ocupada con tu casa no se si para  el fin de cemana podras pues yo te decia en el mensaje que se gun yo te mande este domingo iba a comprar algo para yebar a espana y asi fue estube todo el dia fuera decasa, pero ya tengo todo lo que quiero yebar solo meter todo ala maleta.pues este viaje es mas largo me echo 24 horas de vuelo y voy adormir un a noche en corea poque no ay vuelo directo, asi que yo sola  me da un poco de miedo pero mi virjen  ba con migo, bueno es todo por oy  saludos para todos sin mas tu hermana que te recuerda siempre cuca.

And you said that the only reason 360 survived RROD is because Americans don't care about failure rates as long as it's an American company.  And yet, 360 outsold PS3 in Europe despite RROD, so clearly you were just taking a shot at Americans that is equally applicable to Europeans.  And considering that the unstable PS2 outsold the more stable Xbox and Gamecube in every region, your snide little remark applies to Asia as well as Europe and America.  The point is that hardware failure rates don't kill sales of any console in any region, so your mindless anti-American rant was as worthless as it was pathetic.

Destroyer_of_knights said:
it would have bombed, only the 360 can get away with it, because it's an American machine, and Americans are so patriotic that the 360 could still be selling these numbers even if it had 69% failure rate, after all America is the only country where fuel guzzlers are still made and sold despite the economic crisis and the situation with oil, but hey that's what the iraq war was for right.

badgenome said:
Destroyer_of_knights said:
it would have bombed, only the 360 can get away with it, because it's an American machine, and Americans are so patriotic that the 360 could still be selling these numbers even if it had 69% failure rate, after all America is the only country where fuel guzzlers are still made and sold despite the economic crisis and the situation with oil, but hey that's what the iraq war was for right.






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