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Forums - Website Topics - Stop allowing Gifs in signatures

infamous8 said:
twesterm said:
infamous8 said:
trashleg said:
there are like 100 posts here arguing about whether or not gifs should be allowed or whatever, all i would say is if it's inappropriate, report it. if its a spoiler, report it. don't go on a big sig-cull just cos a few people break the rules.


Heres the thing though - If You have to report it...than obviously youve already seen the spoiler in their gif. Reporting it is then useless because its already too late.





But it still shouldn't stop you from helping other people out.

And honestly, I haven't seen anything in someone's sig that would make me angry. If you really wanted to be picky you could even call the above Pirates gif spoiler because OMG Johnny Depp and tentacle guy are fighting!!! (honestly can't remember their names at the moment -_-) but that would just be silly. Sometimes people need to learn to chill a little and not let little things ruin the experience.

I think we can all agree that major plot spoilers DO ruin the experience.


You may not have any interest in playing the games that Ive seen with spoilers here, but I do.

I completely agree that major plot spoilers shouldn't be shown, I just haven't seen any.

Captain Jack (aha! remembered!) fighting squiddy?  Expected.

God of War being brutal and doing a brutal thing like ripping someone's head off?  Expected.

It's not that I do or do not have interest in the games shown, it's just those things I've seen aren't spoilers.  If they're in a trailer, they are fair game.

There are some things that we should go out of the way to shelter people from-- porn, bad links to viruses and such, actually offensive material, real spoilers, ect, and there are some things you just have to grin and bear.  If you're the one being picky and choosing not to know anything about a game other than the name, then it's your burden to shield yourself because you're the one going out of the norm.

I encourage you to report anything you think might be a spoiler, but when you're that uptight about it dont' expect everything to be acted on.

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Kratos ripping someones head off is definitely a SPOILER.

We know its a brutal game, but we don't need to know EXACTLY HOW and WHO that is going to happen to.

"I don't have time to play video games anymore, but if I did, I would definitely choose the PlayStation 3 instead of the 360" - President Barack Obama

infamous8 said:
Kratos ripping someones head off is definitely a SPOILER.

We know its a brutal game, but we don't need to know EXACTLY HOW and WHO that is going to happen to.

We don't know whose head he's ripping off, we just know he's doing something brutal.  All I see it as is something from a trailer to get people excited.  I said, if it's something from some kind of trailer then it's probably fair game.

Do you get pissed off when you go to the movies too because there's no option other than getting there late to skip the previews?  It's the same exact thing.

We shouldn't punish everyone else because some people are overly sensative.  I would agree with you if they showed Kratos killing the final boss with the uber secret unlocked armor and then actually revealed major story elements, but it doesn't.  All he's doing is just ripping someone's head off and then showing it off.

It's a hype piece meant to build hype and that's why they're showing it.

Do you also get angry at the gif where Kratos runs up a wall and swings onto the horse or where he rides the giant to kill a bunch of enemies? 

twesterm said:
infamous8 said:
twesterm said:
infamous8 said:
trashleg said:
there are like 100 posts here arguing about whether or not gifs should be allowed or whatever, all i would say is if it's inappropriate, report it. if its a spoiler, report it. don't go on a big sig-cull just cos a few people break the rules.


Heres the thing though - If You have to report it...than obviously youve already seen the spoiler in their gif. Reporting it is then useless because its already too late.





But it still shouldn't stop you from helping other people out.

And honestly, I haven't seen anything in someone's sig that would make me angry. If you really wanted to be picky you could even call the above Pirates gif spoiler because OMG Johnny Depp and tentacle guy are fighting!!! (honestly can't remember their names at the moment -_-) but that would just be silly. Sometimes people need to learn to chill a little and not let little things ruin the experience.

I think we can all agree that major plot spoilers DO ruin the experience.


You may not have any interest in playing the games that Ive seen with spoilers here, but I do.

I completely agree that major plot spoilers shouldn't be shown, I just haven't seen any.

Captain Jack (aha! remembered!) fighting squiddy?  Expected.

God of War being brutal and doing a brutal thing like ripping someone's head off?  Expected.

It's not that I do or do not have interest in the games shown, it's just those things I've seen aren't spoilers.  If they're in a trailer, they are fair game.

There are some things that we should go out of the way to shelter people from-- porn, bad links to viruses and such, actually offensive material, real spoilers, ect, and there are some things you just have to grin and bear.  If you're the one being picky and choosing not to know anything about a game other than the name, then it's your burden to shield yourself because you're the one going out of the norm.

I encourage you to report anything you think might be a spoiler, but when you're that uptight about it dont' expect everything to be acted on.

exactly. this is a forum... all for one and one for all! (catch your pants before they fall!) and all that jazz.

infamous8, i understand exactly what you;re saying but if a gif is long enough to give something away, cant you look away before you see all of it? failing that, if its so short that you catch it all in a second that can it really give away that much of a plot? im not arguing im just wondering. i havent found any gifs that have been major spoilers... as for the kratos one, there was a thread entitled "OMG kratos rips a head off" but that was right after E3... the time of year when speculation and game-gossip is probs at its peak - sometimes you just have to grin and bear it and think "if they wanted us to know that, then it must be an awesome part of the game".


Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.

I'm sorry, but I have to laugh at the hilarity of this thread from infamous8:

2. Blatantly ripping off the battle from Act 4 of MGS4. The end of Gears 2 when you ride that giant animal (forgot the name) is damn near IDENTICAL to the battle in MGS4 where you are driving Metal Gear REX.

WTF Epic? Gears2 came out 5 months after MGS4, and considering that part is at the very very end of Gears2 ...I wouldnt be surprised if Epic developers played MGS4 and thought it was awesome and then copied it and added it as a last minute addition to Gears 2.

Same goes for grabbing an enemy CQC style from behind, and using him as a shield while shooting.

OMG!!!! You're posting spoilers!!!!!

If I felt like being a jerk I'd warn you for posting spoilers.  :-p

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How does a gif showing kratos ripping a head off a spoiler? We all know what he's capable of.

NJ5 said:
Gifs in sigs should be disallowed for bandwidth and browser slowdown alone... the same goes for flash videos and huge (in file size) images.

QFT. Some of the users here have sigs in the region of 1 meg. That's too big.

Just hide them.

4 ≈ One

I'm going to have to agree that it's getting beyond silly. I just saw a sig composed of a 3 meg GIF and an 8 meg GIF. That's a sig that's bigger than any Super Nintendo game, around the size of a small N64 game. I can't see any reason why anyone needs an 11 megabyte signature... Hell, that's bigger than windows used to be.

Ugh, give it a few years, and we're going to be getting sigs in the range of 600+ MB. :-/

volrath50 said:
I'm going to have to agree that it's getting beyond silly. I just saw a sig composed of a 3 meg GIF and an 8 meg GIF. That's a sig that's bigger than any Super Nintendo game, around the size of a small N64 game. I can't see any reason why anyone needs an 11 megabyte signature... Hell, that's bigger than windows used to be.

Ugh, give it a few years, and we're going to be getting sigs in the range of 600+ MB. :-/

HD Signatures = Teh Future. I'm sure teh cell can handle it :P

FootballFan - "GT has never been bigger than Halo. Now do a comparison between the two attach ratios and watch GT get stomped by Halo. Reach will sell 5 million more than GT5. Quote me on it."