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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Killzone 2 Quality/Graphics is possible on the X360!!

Steroid said:
Taz! said:
Steroid said:
Gears of War is better looking then RE5. Why do people always talk about RE4.5 like it's the king of anything?

Like who?

No-one in this thread has

Some people have but not in this thread.

So why did you bring it up? 

Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!

Around the Network
ironman said:
Steroid said:
Taz! said:
Steroid said:
Gears of War is better looking then RE5. Why do people always talk about RE4.5 like it's the king of anything?

Like who?

No-one in this thread has

Some people have but not in this thread.

So why did you bring it up? 

I was mistaken that it had been brought up. Call 911.

I hope the graphics are better!

I'm tired of the whole, "Killzone 2 graphics are only possible on the PS3."

Microsoft just keeps on bouncing back.

Sephiroth357 said:
I hope the graphics are better!

I'm tired of the whole, "Killzone 2 graphics are only possible on the PS3."

Microsoft just keeps on bouncing back.

*looks at your PS3 sales prediction for the end of 2009*


Steroid said:
ironman said:
Steroid said:
Taz! said:
Steroid said:
Gears of War is better looking then RE5. Why do people always talk about RE4.5 like it's the king of anything?

Like who?

No-one in this thread has

Some people have but not in this thread.

So why did you bring it up? 

I was mistaken that it had been brought up. Call 911.

So admit you were wrong instead of trying to cover your tracks. 

Anywho, I can't wait for this game to come out! Then we can really compare. 

Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!

Around the Network

I think we should not assume anything based on footage, screenshots or videos.
Wait the game release.

For now, Killzone 2 has the crown of best console graphics.

xbox to have a better game then killzone 2 one year latter then kz2... but wasnt xbox much easier to program to... why 2 years late ... one year in lunch date of the games and another one that xbox was already around while ps3 was in development... if ps3 is that much harder to program to that means that if possible to go around things like they are doing now for xbox and bring things much better then killzone2 in ps3????

Proudest Platinums - BF: Bad Company, Killzone 2 , Battlefield 3 and GTA4

I really haven't been blown away by any of these games yet... why all the hype?

Believing in the PLAYSTATION®3......IS.......S_A_C_R_I_L_E_G_E

....... eh what? i dont think that game look any better than killzone.

i dont have anything other to say =s your threads are weird.

sergiodaly said:
xbox to have a better game then killzone 2 one year latter then kz2... but wasnt xbox much easier to program to... why 2 years late ... one year in lunch date of the games and another one that xbox was already around while ps3 was in development... if ps3 is that much harder to program to that means that if possible to go around things like they are doing now for xbox and bring things much better then killzone2 in ps3????

Well, HOW long were they working on KillZone for?  Meanwhile, while the graphics are arguably "inferior", 360 has had a parade of superior games on pretty much every other level...  The graphics are pretty much the only thing KillZone excels at.  It brings nothing else to the table.

Believing in the PLAYSTATION®3......IS.......S_A_C_R_I_L_E_G_E