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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What Console will MGS:R sell the most on?

Metal Gear Solid 4 - 4.04M

Japan - 680k

America - 1.68M

Others - 1.68M


Like GTA before it, this was once known as a PS franchise (despite having previous games on the original Xbox console, + others)


So what Console will sell more copies of MGS:R?


Others - PS does have this in the bag, but sales can be stolent in Microsoft market the shit out of it, and they will. You know Microsoft are going to make their mark and behave like its their franchise (just like GTA) for comparison GTA on 360 in Others sold 2.53M with the PS3 version slightly ahead at 2.95M

Others will go to the PS3 but if Microsoft play REALLY hard it won't be a massive gap.

America - A lot of people bought a PS3 for MGS in America, the one thing helping them in this case. However the userbase of the 360 is double that of the PS3 here and GTA4 360 in America blew PS3 GTA out of the water. WHEN Microsoft spend milliosn on advertising this. They will win America.

Japan - Very obvious who will win here, but the latest MGS only sold 680k in Japan, just over 1/6 of total sales, the 360 version could be happy to get 100k out of this, if MGS:R can do as well as MGS4 in Japan, thats a 600k win right there.


IMO it all comes down to America and how well Microsoft play this deal, the ball is sitting firmly in Sony's court though.



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On ps3 because of Japan.


PS3 version...
MGS fanbase is already on PS3 for the most part, and by the time of release PS3 should have had a pricecut, or GT5.


PS3, Kojima said that this game is going to be primarily aimed at the Japanese market

ps3 as thats were the fan base is

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ps3 of course.

I'd say PS3 as well. Most people that has a copy of MGS4 would want to pick this up as well.


It will sell more on the PS3 in all regions. I don't see how you can think its close.


How did Metal Gear Spin off's behaved saleswise in the past years in other platforms?