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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What Console will MGS:R sell the most on?

i dont think mgs rising will sell as much as mgs4 on a single platform but it will do well though.

the extra sales from ps3 version in japan will make ps3 version sell more WW

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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360, simply because the userbase will be around 10 million more by the time it comes out

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

PS3, easily.

Keep in mind that this:

A lot of people bought a PS3 for MGS in America, the one thing helping them in this case.

...applies to all territories. I see the game selling significantly more on ps3 in Europe, and it might have a small lead on 360 in NA, but probably less so than even SFIV.

colonelstubbs said:
360, simply because the userbase will be around 10 million more by the time it comes out

Say hi to SF4, DMC4, RE5 for me =)

so do we know this game is coming to PS3?

If it does, it will sell better on PS3. Almost all Japanise games sell better on PS3 (RE5, DMC4, SF4...)

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Japanese franchises with strong history on PS platforms tend to do better on the PS3 than on the 360.

Probably related to the userbase difference in Japan.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).


Wanna bet?

(lol easiest bet ever)

its a spin of

So if it will sell half of MGS4 on PS360 combined, that'll be big

it´ll sell very well on 360, but yes: PS3 Version.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

PS3 easily

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Maybe PS3 but I would imagine there will be a big interest in this for 360 owners.
Either way a smart move imo.