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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What Console will MGS:R sell the most on?

Is this a stealth action game, or is it a Ninja Gaiden clone? We know nothing about this game and your talking sales.


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I'm seeing some strange predictions here.

First of all, you can't compare GTA 4 and MGS Rising. GTA 4 was the sequel to a PS2 (timed) exclusive, not a PS3 exclusive (and the eclusive DLC for the 360 also helped the sales).

There are 4 million MGS 4 owners, 4 million PS3 owners who are interested inthe MGS franchise (clearly not everyone is going to buyt it). That's why the PS3 version will outsell the 360 version quite a bit, even in America.

I think it'll be PS3 due to the fanbase (I know one of my major motivations for getting one was MGS4), but I think it'll be a lot closer then people are saying. A lot of people can't aford a PS3 so instead have a 360 and haven't had a taste of Metal Gear this gen.

PS3 version will outsell the 360 by at least a million.

there was nothing from Rising on the Sony Conference. Are you sure that it will come to PS3?

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!