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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Xbox 360's lifespan is almost up. 180 days left before the end...

Now that the Xbox 360's lifespan has almost come to an end. I think its time to celebrate the good times we've had with the machine before the end... to celebrate the machine which will sell almost 50% more in the same time frame as the famed Xbox 1 and had so many good games released for it.

Many people wrote the Xbox 360 off before its life even began, they said it wouldn't even last as long as the original Xbox. Well they were proved wrong! The Xbox 360 is going to last longer than the original Xbox by one more day, which is a testament to Microsofts good work in extending the lifespan of this venerable machine.

Not many people or consoles get to be celebrated before the end of their lifespans, but for this machine I want things to be different. The Xbox 360 as worthwhile as my Microsoft Vista 64 installation on this gaming HTPC and as worthwhile as my Microsoft Blu Tooth media keyboard/mouse combo.

The Xbox 360 was never as long as a Wii Fit balance board, nor as fat as a PS3, or as white as a Wii. It seemed to be always destined to be somewhere in the middle of everything. A solid contender which never really stood out, and kind of blended into everything. A perfect example of the mediocrity we expect from Microsoft. Never really stood out except for the games which could be played almost exclusively on the Xbox 360 if one had a PC or just waited.

  1. Bioshock
  2. Orange Box
  3. Gears of War
  4. Oblivion
  5. Halo 3
  6. Gears of War 2
  7. Braid
  8. Mass Effect
  10. Geometry Wars 2
  11. Forza 2
  12. Call of Duty 2
  13. Left 4 Dead
  14. Fable 2
  15. Project Gotham 3
  16. Geometry Wars
  17. Fight Night Round 3
  18. Project Gotham 4
  19. Splinter Cell Double Agent
  20. Dead or Alive

The list of games in order of metacritic which are still, were or just semi exclusive games.

So now, I leave it to you, the fans of the Xbox 360 to say a few words before the end of the lifespan of this venerable machine.



Around the Network

Why is it ending in 180 days... the nextbox won't be unveiled until next year, with a probable release in 2011

lol if another system comes out before 2012 no 3rd parties will support it unless it pulls a nintendo and keeps the same specs

Rememeber, the Xbox 360 was only destined to last 4 years because the original Xbox only lasted that long.


Long live the 360! Even if you will be gone in 180 days, you will be always in our memories! And your lil bro will come and take over everything you have achieved and make it even better!

What are you looking at, nerd?
Around the Network

xbox 360 will live on through live.

Why so convinced its cycle is almost over. I would expect it to have at least 2 more years. With that being said, I also expect Microsoft to be the first to release a next generation console.


Squilliam said:
Rememeber, the Xbox 360 was only destined to last 4 years because the original Xbox only lasted that long.

I should have known it would be one of these threads

Seriously... how bored are you?


LOL... next thread

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business