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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If Link were in GOD of WAR or Kratos in the LEGEND of ZELDA could they win?

Kratos is a god, in fact he can take down the king of gods. Link... Well what link? Even the best of him is still a man.

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the first thing Kratos would do is get some P*ssy action. He is not putting up with the whole "I want to wait" BS from Zelda :p

dsister44 said:
kratos isnt smart enough, and link doesnt know what to do with the women


lol Any of you saying kratos isn't smart haven't played the god of war games. It has some pretty fucking advanced puzzles compaired to other games.

Check out my game about moles ^

Link is the true god of war

Link in Kratos' world = Dead on the first day

Kratos in Link's world = Completely lost and clueless...

4 ≈ One

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Kratos would let Ganon go and instead spend some serious quality time with Zelda.

Link would befriend all the evil foes with his charisma, that's what would have happened.

Words Of Wisdom said:
Both characters solve puzzles and fight enemies so it's not that they're so different.

I think a lot of it would depend on whether or not they had items from their own world. Legend of Zelda games give Link a lot of amazing items while God of War games give Kratos noticeably fewer ones.

If Link were to walk into the world of God of War with, say, all his items from Link to the Past then it would be a cake walk for him. The Cape of Invisibility alone would nullify half the game and I'm sure his hookshot could duplicate some of the things Kratos used his blades for.

If Kratos were to go into one of the Legend of Zelda worlds with all his items, it's fair to say he would slice and dice all the enemies with ease. The puzzles might stump him but I think he would just find different solutions to them. In the God of War games, Kratos uses whatever he has at hand to solve a lot of puzzles so he's no less resourceful than Link however having fewer options would definitely hurt him.



Great Post.

4 ≈ One

Link would win.Kratos is not smart enough to solve puzzles.

If the master sword doesn't accept Kratos as it's master, then Kratos can't do shit.

Also, Link would have one hellofa time trying to make it in Kratos' world..... with his fairies and magic, he could stand a chance.

to many link and nintendo fanboys to give this a proper debate.

note, Kratos is not stupid....He's acually really smart capable to lead armies. Can link lead an army?

Since link cant really talk or doesnt thats one big downfall, link an surely beat GOW bosses but can he handle himself against a horrd of enemies...hard to say as the most enemies you fight in zelda are 4-5.

dont want to make this into a versus topic but Kratos would murder Link, even though i dont really like kratos and like link sooooo much more (even though link is a 2 dimentional character lol). A real fight that most still cant decide over and would destory any other (lol i think it has over the years) VS topic is.

Kratos Vs Dante

however back on topic. What i say is...

Kratos would bring curruption to Zelda.

and Link would bring light and peace to God of War.