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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Homosexuality In Games?

Valkyria Chronicles is great though. I only thought there was one gay character, Jann, but there are a few more. The potentials that have "Fancies Women" and "Fancies Men" there are guy characters that have "Fancies Men" Ted has "Fancies Men" and when he is near Melville and they fire together, Melville will say, "I'm with you Teddy Bear!"

I think it is great.

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it depends, if the setting is done so that i can relate something to her then yeah

like i was able to enjoy some tomb raider action but then again your not really questing for anything other then treasure

but i cant think of a game with a lead character of a girl that i played and went after guy and enjoyed

name a couple and i will see

but to me if Dead Space was about questing after a Guy instead of a girl there would be a drastic drop in the emotional pull department b/c the connection just wouldn't be there


I think people are becoming more and more accustomed to gay characters
either in real life or fictional. I wouldn't be surprised if a gay toon leads a big
game within this generation of consoles.

And who was gay in Fire Emblem 7??

Proud member of the Fierce Fox Force.


"I strike spurs onto my Wii controller. And against Sony and MS I fling myself,
unvanquished and unyielding. 'O Wii!!!"

-The Nintendian Philosophy

Well, while a lot of characters aren't explicitly homosexual, there are also a lot of characters that aren't explicitly heterosexual.

Off the top of my head, Samus, Link, Marcus Fenix. Honestly, I don't think touting people's sexuality has any place in most games ... I'd rather they just leave it out all-together, unless a relationship is a focus of the game, in which case I don't really care which way they swing, as long as the game is good.


Man do I hate Xander..

Pixel Art can be fun.

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mesoteto said:
it depends, if the setting is done so that i can relate something to her then yeah

like i was able to enjoy some tomb raider action but then again your not really questing for anything other then treasure

but i cant think of a game with a lead character of a girl that i played and went after guy and enjoyed

name a couple and i will see

but to me if Dead Space was about questing after a Guy instead of a girl there would be a drastic drop in the emotional pull department b/c the connection just wouldn't be there


How do you think i feel though. I have to play every single game rescuing the girl. I don't want to rescue the girl but i have to to finish the game. But that doesn't stop me from enjoying it. There are some it does but that is because the game is that good to begin with.


I hate tacked on love stories, sometimes they would be better if they weren't there at all. I like a character i can identify with as well. I don't get that much. In Resident Evil 5 even though i don't think Chris is gay, damn he is hot, he is not given an overt sexual prefrence so i can still play as him and not feel like i'm playing straight.

Dallas Valkyria Chronicals=Totally Gay
But she's awesome sauce mixed pwnage.

Ted = Totally BI
But still awesome all the way.
Point is, as long as the character is excellent and useful to the story and their sexuality isn't made to be such a big thing then they are welcomed to my party.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Why do they have to go out of their way to promote the characters sexuality? Unless the plot specifically involves a romance then why even care?

To answer the op no I would not play a game if the entire pretext for the game revolved around playing as a gay character. I don't care if your straight, gay or like fucking chickens I don't want it shoved in my face when I'm playing.

Also what an above poster said about projection of self into the character is very important. Can you imagine the faces of all the 15 year old boys when they boot up Gears of War 3 and the story revolves around Marcus finding his old boyfriend lover?


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aiden.cronus said:
I think people are becoming more and more accustomed to gay characters
either in real life or fictional. I wouldn't be surprised if a gay toon leads a big
game within this generation of consoles.

And who was gay in Fire Emblem 7??

Lucius was not actually gay, but he was more beautiful than most women and often assumed to be a lover of men.

Priscilla was actually jelaous of him because she thought that he and Raven were lovers (which is where the incest comes in)

Lightning_24 said:
mesoteto said:
it depends, if the setting is done so that i can relate something to her then yeah

like i was able to enjoy some tomb raider action but then again your not really questing for anything other then treasure

but i cant think of a game with a lead character of a girl that i played and went after guy and enjoyed

name a couple and i will see

but to me if Dead Space was about questing after a Guy instead of a girl there would be a drastic drop in the emotional pull department b/c the connection just wouldn't be there


How do you think i feel though. I have to play every single game rescuing the girl. I don't want to rescue the girl but i have to to finish the game. But that doesn't stop me from enjoying it. There are some it does but that is because the game is that good to begin with.


I hate tacked on love stories, sometimes they would be better if they weren't there at all. I like a character i can identify with as well. I don't get that much. In Resident Evil 5 even though i don't think Chris is gay, damn he is hot, he is not given an overt sexual prefrence so i can still play as him and not feel like i'm playing straight.


If the whole point of a gay character is so that gay game players can identify with them then it'll never happen because every game would rather the larger group identify and therefore buy their game.  Now if you have a character that is gay, bi, straight, whatever, and it isn't done for people to relate to but because it makes sense for the story and helps to tell a good story, I like to think everyone can enjoy that.
