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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Homosexuality In Games?

Khuutra said:
To answer the OP:

Marcus Fenix is canonically straight, to the best of my knowledge. This is pushed home a lot harder in Gears 2 than in the original.


Okay, i thought there was more to him in the 2nd one.

I thought Sky had a nice background it gave him depth and i loved talking to him trying to change him LOL

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Xxain said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
Khuutra said:
Xxain said:
somebody xplain Marcus Fenix being gay plz!!!......and we been playing with gay charcters already - Cloud and Zack Sephiroth is one group of lovers, Magna Carta guy, Roxis and the red haired guy, Sora and Riku, just because they didnt doesn't mean there not gay


Just ignore the troll.

Also, I actually think the romance between the main character (F) and Silk Fox was most interesting.  Sky was nice but I found him more useful in battle than likable personality-wise.


how am i being a troll??....honesty nobody finds the relationship between Roxis and Axel alittle strange??

Just because two dudes are close doesn't mean that they're gay.


Me personally yeah, but only b/c I like to identify with my main characters, if Dead Space was about going in to get my boyfriend that would be a big turn off for me b/c being straight I could care less about if the guy dies, but since I am straight and I am going after a girl I can more easily slip into that character

I think the best option is to just leave it open ended, from now on games should give the option from the start

Simply ask are you gay, would you like to go after a gay rescue or a straight rescue

That way every one wins no?


heres what im trying to say, if we have charcters that interpreted as gay whats it does it matter??? all these guys who look like girls charcters

Xxain said:
heres what im trying to say, if we have charcters that interpreted as gay whats it does it matter??? all these guys who look like girls charcters

....Being effiminate does not make you gay.

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mesoteto said:
Me personally yeah, but only b/c I like to identify with my main characters, if Dead Space was about going in to get my boyfriend that would be a big turn off for me b/c being straight I could care less about if the guy dies, but since I am straight and I am going after a girl I can more easily slip into that character

I think the best option is to just leave it open ended, from now on games should give the option from the start

Simply ask are you gay, would you like to go after a gay rescue or a straight rescue

That way every one wins no?



So can you not play as a girl then, if her mission was to save her boyfriend? There are a lot of girl main character. Like in final fantasy X-2 you were doing all of it for Tidus. Could you not play it then since obviously you couldn't identify with her?

To my knowledge, there isn't a gay character in Persona 4 (no I don't think he's gay ¬_¬)

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Khuutra said:
Xxain said:
heres what im trying to say, if we have charcters that interpreted as gay whats it does it matter??? all these guys who look like girls charcters

....Being effiminate does not make you gay. gonna back not gettin my point across

I'd like to think I am. I don't have anything against homosexuals in any way.

But on reflection, your questions about Nathan Drake and Isaac Clarke made me realize that I would not have found those games to have the same appeal, which means I'm still stereotyping a lot...

There's no question videogames need more lesbian and gay characters, just like any other mainstream media. But I'd also argue videogames need more and better depictions of *all* romantic relationships, both same-sex or straight. And no, this doesn't have to mean overt displays of sexual activity, though these things shouldn't be censored, either. One of the real joys of FF12 was watching sophisticated characters flirt, tease each other, and in general carry out high romance right underneath the audience's nose, very much like a Bollywood film.