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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why GTA IV, one of the 2 best games of this gen, received so much hate.

i have to say i like it, but for god's sake, not a 10!

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

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txrattlesnake said:

#thekitchensink, I don't remember any of those other games (maybe RE5 would come closest) receiving anywhere near the negative statements as GTA IV did from folks on message boards. 

And, it is still one of the top two games released this gen with the other being mgs 4.



That's what I'm saying.  You're sayingThat 360 fans didn't like GTAIV because PS3 got it, and PS3 fans hate it because 360 got it.  If that were the reason, shouldn't it apply to every single multiplatform game?

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

You're wrong, people hated it because they expected something different than GTA and when they got GTA they got all pissy.

i like it i think its a good building block for the future of GTA games for this gen

the only things that i hated about it were no tanks or plans and parachutes but i think the next GTA will have those


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thekitchensink said:
txrattlesnake said:

#thekitchensink, I don't remember any of those other games (maybe RE5 would come closest) receiving anywhere near the negative statements as GTA IV did from folks on message boards. 

And, it is still one of the top two games released this gen with the other being mgs 4.



That's what I'm saying.  You're sayingThat 360 fans didn't like GTAIV because PS3 got it, and PS3 fans hate it because 360 got it.  If that were the reason, shouldn't it apply to every single multiplatform game?


      Are 360 fans particularly fond of the PS3 version of Bioshock or Ninja Gaiden and are PS3 fans particularly fond of the 360 version of Devil May Cry?

     A lot of the hate towards the PS3 version from 360 fans comes from the fact that most reviewers said the PS3 version had better graphics.

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it obviously lived up to it's hype

i mean one of the best sellers this gen
ONLINE GTA, is like one of the best ideas ever
the game was pretty long, detailed city/cars

all i could want more is co-op
me and my bro

You should be beaten, burned to ashes then someone should throw your ashes from a plane

Actually assasins creed did a WAY better job of bringing a city to life....

DiplomaticImmunity said:
it obviously lived up to it's hype

i mean one of the best sellers this gen
ONLINE GTA, is like one of the best ideas ever
the game was pretty long, detailed city/cars

all i could want more is co-op
me and my bro


Best selling doesnt mean its good, Graphics doesnt matter if the game is boring, San Andreas had online on PC.

San andreas was a better game except for Storyline and graphics.

Storyline in GTA games are laughable anyways.

I played the game for a few missions, and I see what both the fans and the reviewers are saying.

The game, like the reviewers say, is good... it in very good. But like the fans have said, it isn't THAT good.

Though they have fixed the things have complained about (like the graphics, and a little bit of the controls), they took away what was fun about GTA... and that was the random fun. It became too realistic.

Explanation of sig:

I am a name is hard is that? (Don't ask about the 101...apparantely there are more of me out there....)

txrattlesnake said:

#thekitchensink, I don't remember any of those other games (maybe RE5 would come closest) receiving anywhere near the negative statements as GTA IV did from folks on message boards. 

And, it is still one of the top two games released this gen with the other being mgs 4.

::chuckle::  In your world maybe.  Certainly not in mine.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)