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Forums - General Discussion - I am a liberal and I'm proud

SciFiBoy said:
Broncos724 said:


Doesn't it amount to the same thing though if a rich person is forced by a third party (gov't) to give some of his wealth to a poor person? The only difference is that the poor person isn't doing the stealing.

taxation is not stealing


Taxation to run government, no. Taxation for entitlements, yes.

That's why the Robin Hood line is not “Tax the rich and give to the poor”, it's “Steal from the rich and give to the poor”.

It's stealing, just government approved theft.

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TheRealMafoo said:
SciFiBoy said:
Broncos724 said:


Doesn't it amount to the same thing though if a rich person is forced by a third party (gov't) to give some of his wealth to a poor person? The only difference is that the poor person isn't doing the stealing.

taxation is not stealing


Taxation to run government, no. Taxation for entitlements, yes.

That's why the Robin Hood line is not “Tax the rich and give to the poor”, it's “Steal from the rich and give to the poor”.

It's stealing, just government approved theft.

its not stealing, its taking a fair amount of money from the rich to help the poor, i dont define helping the less fortunate as theft, i feel sorry for anyone who does


TheRealMafoo said:

Why would you think someone without government education would be ignorant, or someone without government health assistance would be ill?

One of my mothers old bosses grew up in the country, and was dirt poor. One day he had enough money to go see a football game. He walked the 15 miles to the the stadium, and when he got there, was amazed at how rich people lived. This was in the 1940's before everyone has TV.

So, he realized he wanted money. He went to the library, and read every book he could find about law. When he was done, he took the Bar and passed. When my mother worked for him, he was one of the most successful lawyers in Dallas, and he never stepped onto a classroom in his life. Everything he learned, he learned from is mother, or on his own.

Stop looking at government to solve all your problems. Solve them yourself.

Sadly, self-reliance and individual initiative, two of the cornerstones of what made the United States of American great (and why people have come to this nation in droves over the past two centuries), have been sacrificed on the altar of comfort.  We now want the government to provide our healthcare, re-distribute our wealth from those who work hard to those who feel cheated, to provide our education, protect us from our own stupidity, etc.  We no longer want to have to take care of ourselves, are obsessed with "having/shopping/playing", yet we yell, red-faced, into the news cameras demanding that companies stop hiring undocumented workers or sending jobs overseas where workers are willing to toil from dawn to dusk to simply have enough to eat.

We've become a nation of experts on how to entertain ourselves, but little else it would seem.  It saddens me to no end. :-/



SciFiBoy said:
TheRealMafoo said:
SciFiBoy said:
Broncos724 said:


Doesn't it amount to the same thing though if a rich person is forced by a third party (gov't) to give some of his wealth to a poor person? The only difference is that the poor person isn't doing the stealing.

taxation is not stealing


Taxation to run government, no. Taxation for entitlements, yes.

That's why the Robin Hood line is not “Tax the rich and give to the poor”, it's “Steal from the rich and give to the poor”.

It's stealing, just government approved theft.

its not stealing, its taking a fair amount of money from the rich to help the poor, i dont define helping the less fortunate as theft, i feel sorry for anyone who does


I am glad that spending other peoples money makes you feel better about yourself.

Personally, I enjoy the fact that I dedicated myself to something, and earn enough money to give my own income, as apposed to having to rely on other peoples money to make me feel like a better person.



its not stealing, its taking a fair amount of money from the rich to help the poor, i dont define helping the less fortunate as theft, i feel sorry for anyone who does



Helping the poor should be something done out of a generous heart, not forced upon a people by their government.  It's amazing how such an expression as "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, but teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" is so little understood by so many.

Helping a widow or an orphaned child is a great thing, but creating multi-generational families that have learned nothing but living off the government teat is a crime in itself.

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you really dont understand what im saying, not everyone is a workaholic who wants a job that pays 100k a year, many, many people want a job that pays a decent living wage and that they enjoy, working hard does not allways reap rewards, some people just arent as good as others at doing certain things, youre assuming all humans are the same, which is utter bullshit, we are all individuals, why should i be forced to pay for my healthcare and education just becuase i didnt get a job that pays me as much as yours, maybe i want a job thats right for me?

SciFiBoy said:
you really dont understand what im saying, not everyone is a workaholic who wants a job that pays 100k a year, many, many people want a job that pays a decent living wage and that they enjoy, working hard does not allways reap rewards, some people just arent as good as others at doing certain things, youre assuming all humans are the same, which is utter bullshit, we are all individuals, why should i be forced to pay for my healthcare and education just becuase i didnt get a job that pays me as much as yours, maybe i want a job thats right for me?

The question is why should I be forced to pay your healthcare because you want a job that's “right for you”?

Why do you have the right to make a choice that takes money from me? Where are my rights?

In my world we all get the same rights, even if some are rich and you don't feel they deserve there rights anymore. The US was founded to protect people like me, from people like you.

Rights are things that are inalienable, meaning you can't take them away. Forcing me to work to pay for you is indenturing me to you, and against my rights, no matter how much money I have.


What do the poor do to deserve hand outs? I'm all for it if they are deserving.
But lazy bums that just sit on their ass don't deserve anything.

Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire

by your logic we have no rights as everything can be taken away, by death

so you have NO right to earn any money, you have NO right to live, you have NO right to speak to anyone else, you have NO rights

you really want to say that Rights must be inalienable?

now, in my opinion, Rights are the basic things all humans need to enjoy a good standard of life, to get a the job they want and to live in good health, imo we should strive towards making sure everyone has these rights, no matter what there race, nationality or gender.

highwaystar101 said:

I'm a bit sick of feeling like I'm always in the wrong for my political views. Well, I just want to say I am proud to be liberal.

I am an atheist, I am pro-choice, I think pre-marital sex is acceptable, I think war should be used only in extreme circumstances, I support gay marriage, I think all people from all races, creeds and backgrounds deserve equal rights, I support better gun control, I enjoy the occasional drink, I read the guardian, I like Obama, I think prostitution would benefit for being legalised, the same for some of the less harmful drugs, I support the freedom of speech, I like renewable energy and I think it should be supported... and I'm proud.

Just because I support these things doesn't mean I don't have any morals, or I don't have good intentions. I'm a generally nice guy, people always enjoy being around me and I am an extremely hard working student (some may say a nerd).

Just because some of my views are a little liberal/controversial doesn't mean I'm a backwards thinking person. I know sometimes I get a bit angry and heated, but usually something has to really annoy me first to set me off. I am sorry for when that happens.


I agree with the bolded.