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TheRealMafoo said:

Why would you think someone without government education would be ignorant, or someone without government health assistance would be ill?

One of my mothers old bosses grew up in the country, and was dirt poor. One day he had enough money to go see a football game. He walked the 15 miles to the the stadium, and when he got there, was amazed at how rich people lived. This was in the 1940's before everyone has TV.

So, he realized he wanted money. He went to the library, and read every book he could find about law. When he was done, he took the Bar and passed. When my mother worked for him, he was one of the most successful lawyers in Dallas, and he never stepped onto a classroom in his life. Everything he learned, he learned from is mother, or on his own.

Stop looking at government to solve all your problems. Solve them yourself.

Sadly, self-reliance and individual initiative, two of the cornerstones of what made the United States of American great (and why people have come to this nation in droves over the past two centuries), have been sacrificed on the altar of comfort.  We now want the government to provide our healthcare, re-distribute our wealth from those who work hard to those who feel cheated, to provide our education, protect us from our own stupidity, etc.  We no longer want to have to take care of ourselves, are obsessed with "having/shopping/playing", yet we yell, red-faced, into the news cameras demanding that companies stop hiring undocumented workers or sending jobs overseas where workers are willing to toil from dawn to dusk to simply have enough to eat.

We've become a nation of experts on how to entertain ourselves, but little else it would seem.  It saddens me to no end. :-/