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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Mad World, WTF happened!?!?!?!

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The PAL version of the game was serious lacking in technical front. No 480p, no 60Hrz, huge black bars. Not that i mind  because the game is still awesome but it was a huge turn off for a lot of Wii core gamers on my country.

This industry in this last 15 years was preaching for how "beast" machines of technical raw power will move games on the next level and market it well on the mainstream crowd with eye candy-3d CG engines with gore. Thats why games like Odin Sphere,Okami,No More Heroes,MadWorld,Viewtiful Joe never reached a platinum level on sales but received critical acclaim by the press.

The artsy style this games had always refered by the juvenale crowd as "kiddy", this mob was also the mainstream odieunce of the videogame market. The same odieunce that companies bombared them with huge marketing campains that if you want to be the best or the coolest or the most badass videogames player out there you must buy the console with the best graphical fidelity that offers the best cinematic expierience.

Artsy games are not maistream they are really "hardcore" by nature of gameplay and visual style and in this industry the "hardcore" gamer of the 80' that loved this kind of games(because she/he love all kind of games without any descrimination between them) is replaced by the "hardcore" gamer of 00' which was the maistream gamer of the big boost of the industry of the big marketing campains that transformed him into a brand loyalist and a decriminate prick(the definition of a fanboy).

Platinum Games create their products with a lot of love and care for their fans but in this industry that alone is not enough to be succesfull. Gamers have a big responsibility to place their trust to every assfuck that place the word "expert" as title and writes on the videogame press. By today standars press creates a climate that favores the industry publishers and places their "pen" to the service of the one that pays more to market their games so they can push the gamers to their well placed trap.

Word of mouth is the most trustfull method to judge a game and pass it to the next guy or gal that is interested in the genre of each specific product .

MadWorld is suffering because of the way this industry works not because of the "hardcore" or "core" or "casual" demographic on the Wii or any console. The blame should go to the real gamers of today thats forming the market and this are brand loyalists and non gamers(uninformed new gamers).

The sad thing is that this market is so huge but it has no room for games like MadWorld but has instead a huge crowd for games like the next World War II FPS.

This is a MadWorld indeed.

^^^ Wierd post. "Blame" the gamers/consumers for the product not being successful?

What a wierd way to look at it.  The game reviewed critically well.


nouthing happen to madworld. now leave it alone

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

idk what happened, it look like it flopped, but we'll see

You should be beaten, burned to ashes then someone should throw your ashes from a plane

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I picked it up today at Walmart in Canada for 39.99$. I thought I'd give it a try and see what the fuss is all about. I played it for about 10 minutes. So far I've found the camera to be quite infuriating and the graphics (though good in style) lack the polish that would have made the game that much better. For example, the characters you talk to in the game in cut scenes are static images yet they show the main character moving and talking. What's with that? And that load screen they use is ultra pathetic. Is that the best the art team could come up with? I'm also not liking the major aliasing. No More heroes also had a lot of aliasing but it didn't bother me as much. The black and white style makes the aliasing stand out that much more.

So far my opinion of the first 10 minutes is that the game came out half baked. It could have been much better had it been refined for another 6 months and they should have hired more competant camera animators.

Also, the lock on system is broken.....

I have yet to see anything in the game that couldn't have been done with full color and texturing on the Wii so far. I have a feeling the black and white artwork was used to cut costs and not for performance reasons.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

DarkNight_DS said:
I picked it up today at Walmart in Canada for 39.99$. I thought I'd give it a try and see what the fuss is all about. I played it for about 10 minutes. So far I've found the camera to be quite infuriating and the graphics (though good in style) lack the polish that would have made the game that much better. For example, the characters you talk to in the game in cut scenes are static images yet they show the main character moving and talking. What's with that? And that load screen they use is ultra pathetic. Is that the best the art team could come up with? I'm also not liking the major aliasing. No More heroes also had a lot of aliasing but it didn't bother me as much. The black and white style makes the aliasing stand out that much more.

So far my opinion of the first 10 minutes is that the game came out half baked. It could have been much better had it been refined for another 6 months and they should have hired more competant camera animators.

Also, the lock on system is broken.....

I have yet to see anything in the game that couldn't have been done with full color and texturing on the Wii so far. I have a feeling the black and white artwork was used to cut costs and not for performance reasons.

How about for artistic reasons? Though the black & white scheme probably did cut some costs.

DarkNight_DS said:
I picked it up today at Walmart in Canada for 39.99$. I thought I'd give it a try and see what the fuss is all about. I played it for about 10 minutes. So far I've found the camera to be quite infuriating and the graphics (though good in style) lack the polish that would have made the game that much better. For example, the characters you talk to in the game in cut scenes are static images yet they show the main character moving and talking. What's with that? And that load screen they use is ultra pathetic. Is that the best the art team could come up with? I'm also not liking the major aliasing. No More heroes also had a lot of aliasing but it didn't bother me as much. The black and white style makes the aliasing stand out that much more.

So far my opinion of the first 10 minutes is that the game came out half baked. It could have been much better had it been refined for another 6 months and they should have hired more competant camera animators.

Also, the lock on system is broken.....

I have yet to see anything in the game that couldn't have been done with full color and texturing on the Wii so far. I have a feeling the black and white artwork was used to cut costs and not for performance reasons.


let go of C once you lock onto something, then it will stay locked on, I had that same problem when I first started, and you also spam C through out the game to get your camera to look forward then no camera issues.

I was saying for months that people looking to Madworld to see how "hardcore" games can perform on Wii were deluding themselves. As many people have said here, this is a niche title. It's too weird to be a massive seller, and it's not very deep either.

Original games that break from the norm usually don't sell very well on any console. Don't try to pretend that Madworld would be selling a lot better on PS360 - it wouldn't. Madworld is not what most people have in mind when they ask for "hardcore" titles on the Wii.

"Hardcore" has a very narrow definition these days. To me, it seems to describe a conventional game in a conventional genre with some sort of depth to its story and/or gameplay an preferably of an established franchise.

Look at Red Steel - it sold over a million being an unknown franchise and not very good at all. Why? Because it's something normal - a FPS with a cliched story. That's what people want.

The "hardcore" gamers ain't hardcore at all, IMO.

Ya I don't get the whole underperforming thing though since most every store in my area doesn't have a copy of the game. I grabbed the last copy from Walmart and it looked like they must have gotten at least 10 copies in. So, maybe the price drop worked and maybe it might sell well at it's new price point.

If the game was released for the 360 or the PS3 it would have only gotten about a 7/10 and most everyone would have avoided buying it. My reasons are as follows:

- The game would have gotten online if it was for the HD consoles or it would have gotten panned for not having it. Why is it acceptable not to have online in a Wii game? A coop mode and deathmatch etc would have been added for the HD consoles

- Bad Camera

- Obviously cheap production values with cut scenes

- Poor control layout. Why is the jump button mapped to Z? Yes I believe there is an option to change this but why should I have to?

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.