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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Mad World, WTF happened!?!?!?!

Dinomax said:
NanakiXI said:
Bodhesatva said:

Look fellas, I understand the "wait and see" approach in some occassions, but the game has sold 20k total in 2 weeks in Others. It's not even in the top 40 anymore in the UK after only 2 weeks. It's already selling half as much this week as it sold last week, and while Wii games do tend to have longer legs, games like this do not.

It's almost inarguably a bomb. A dud. It also bodes very poorly for more games of its nature on the Wii, as it was clearly considered a trial by other publishers.

That's the way the cookie crumbles. No one likes admitting that their system of choice has flaws, but this is a fumble for the Wii.

Just be happy that the Wii has caught so many passes this generation. Can't win em all.


Bolded. Yup exactly where I was going with the Haze argument. The only thing that got me is that 360 and PS3 gamers are forced by some Ninty fans that there is no doubt one of their games failed. On the other hand Ninty fans will say otherwise about their games.

I am a Ninty fan but I by no means think they are invincible.

My bias is usually always based on the underdog. Last generation I was rooting for GameCube to come back. This generation it will be the PS3. Granted they will not finish first, it has never been a better time to be second than this generation. Since all systems this generation are doing quite well with each other than past generations.


Can we at least wait for NPD data before declaring the game a bomb?


Because its happened so many times on all systems that certain game has bombed because we simply didn't have the data then jumped to conclusions and acted like asses?




I agree that we should wait. Though it won't be much better hopefully it is undertracked like SFVI.

Yes we do make asses of ourselves. I just want to show that Nintendo isn't the exception that's all. Though I wish it was more of a Haze quality game that sold like this. I want this game to have legs and sell for many months to level off a shady launch.

This game should have done 100k first week with some legs. It is not Sega nor Nintendo's fault. It is the fault of the gamers passing a gem to buy polished turds. This game deserves more, even if it has decent LTD numbers.

I blame Need for Speed and Madden! XD

And Wii Fit! :P

FootballFan - "GT has never been bigger than Halo. Now do a comparison between the two attach ratios and watch GT get stomped by Halo. Reach will sell 5 million more than GT5. Quote me on it."

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This definantly doesn't help the argument that the Wii is for casual gamers, not hardcore :)

It seems to me as though third parties are being praised for just about anything they release on Wii and yet many of these games people are pointing out as being must buys are NOT must buys.

For example: Deadly creatures: Bad camera angle, glitchy controls. Could have used a little more time in the oven to fix these issues.

House of the Dead overkill: Glitchy graphics and way too much cursing. Could have used a bit more time in the oven and a director that knew when to call it quits with the curse words.

Madworld: Bad camera, too much cursing, short game. Could have used a bit more time in the oven to fix the camera and add in replayability.

Now let's look at those same games another way, how marketable are these games.

Deadly Creatures: Highly marketable if the developer put some work into it. This game should have had some advertising during saturday morning cartoons for boys such as spiderman, teenage mutant ninja turtles etc.

House of the Dead overkill: Not very marketable, it's a game based on B rated movies (which usually means low budget crap). Should have been advertised on some late night horror themed cable channels.

Madworld: Sin city.... that's your audience.... comic books. Are comic books popular still?

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

What confuses me is why people expect highly niche titles to sell as well as the games that actually appeal to the audience which the Wii itself caters to by default. The illusion that somehow the Wii crowd at large is "waiting" for this sort of game is just ridiculous. There have been plenty of games like MadWorld already released on Wii. None of them have ever come close to being mega-blockbusters. Why would this one be any different?

If the answer is because of the internet outcry for such games, then just remember, the ones who speak loudest rarely speak for the majority...

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

Sky Render said:
What confuses me is why people expect highly niche titles to sell as well as the games that actually appeal to the audience which the Wii itself caters to by default. The illusion that somehow the Wii crowd at large is "waiting" for this sort of game is just ridiculous. There have been plenty of games like MadWorld already released on Wii. None of them have ever come close to being mega-blockbusters. Why would this one be any different?

If the answer is because of the internet outcry for such games, then just remember, the ones who speak loudest rarely speak for the majority...

It probably doesn't help that a lot of the people wanting these types of games don't actually want to pay for these games.  You are much better off releasing a game for everybody then to release an M rated game as your target audience will most likely just download the game or buy the game used.


Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

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McClaren said:
This definantly doesn't help the argument that the Wii is for casual gamers, not hardcore :)


There is no argument for that, only the illusion by people trying to put down the Wii's success.

This game wouldn't have done much better on the 360 or PS3 either.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

If you had actually played this game you'd be able to tell what a tiny budget it must have had. Not that that's a bad thing, it masks it well, but if you look at it from a purely financial standpoint I think the most expensive thing in the whole game might be that Steven Blum voices Jack. And that's probably not expensive at all.

Now, quote me on this, I am 100% sure that Sega have seen, or will see, a return on their investment for this title. Maybe not right now, but within a month or two.

Platinumgames, which is essentially Clover studios with a new name, has never made a high selling game. Nor have they ever made a bad game.

Their best selling title is Okami for the PS2, at 0.15 million sales. If we include the Wii version of Okami, which was ported by ready at dawn studios, then their high score jumps to 0.21 million.

Lets say that Madworld ends at a mere 0.3 mill, which should be easily manageable.

Great success, well done Platinumgames and Mad World

LordTheNightKnight said:
Why does the OP forget Wii game sales can't be judged by the first few months?

Maybe the OP is not a believer in the Wii Legs Fairy?

Maybe there's no such thing as the "Wii game sales" as a whole, because the various demographics among Wii owners are so diverse? Maybe it makes more sense to look at the sale pattern for games that appealed to an at least related target demographic?

Let's look for related examples in the past:

- 3rd person quirky, over the top action game: No More Heroes

- uncommon visual style: Okami

- violent content: Manhunt

Hmm, no Legs Fairydust traces on these.


"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman

Gamerace said:

The Wii is a family console and most owners have wives. kids or are themselves women. There's no way this is getting played in front of the women and children (some women will be exceptions and may love it but we're talking avg non-gamer Wii Fit wife here). Most families have a budget and the misses is having a say on which game gets bought. Mr Wii owner may want MadWorld but he may have to wait for his birthday to get this game that only he will ever play (and chances are it won't be the gift his wife or kids bought for him, hope he was a brother). Also Mr Wii may decide to get a game that he can play anytime instead of one where he has to wait for everyone else to go to bed first. Lastly, it's expensive. $55 (Cdn) for a 6 hour game with little replay value and severe restrictions on when it can be play and only daddy wants it vs buy a game like Mario Kart that everyone will play all the time, or 2 $30 games that everyone can play all the time, or 3 $20 games....



Because the Wii is a social machine it lives in the living room, and not tucked away on a second TV in a bedroom or something. And with the age of my children, that means I'd only ever get to play it after midnight and with the sound off.

And that's the *only* reason I don't have it already.

This will likely be a significant factor, not so much for 'hardcore' games as such but for those with extreme violence.