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Forums - Sales Discussion - 50% market share thread

Since the PS3 and 360 are working as a "team", it would benefit Nintendo if PS3 sales drop following the release of "big recognised brands" (i.e. SF4, RE5, after all it's those games that boosted console sales, rather than Killzone 2). As for the 360, I don't really know.

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Squilliam said:
The Wii is a fake console. If I don't acknowledge its existance it won't have power over me.

Well, it's still crisis for Sony !!!11one

They're still just at 41.9% marketshare. A large drop from 75% (or 87 if you don't count tha wood-box)



It isn't all bad though...

Nintendo 3rd gen = 82.2%

Nintendo 4th gen = 51.5%

Nintendo 5th gen = 23%

Nintendo 6th gen = 12%


It's not really that shocking that a company can drop from being dominant to relatively... insignifficant... in short time.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Some people have been saying the Wii will have more than 50% of home gaming (without considering PCs) for a long time and still not reaching it. Wii is only maintaining huge sells in the US so...

Play my LittleBigPlanet level: Mystic Runner. Thanks!

Wii will end with about 45%

PS3 will end up with around 30% marketshare

360 will leave the market before the others, cemented in 2nd place but PS3 will eat that lead up right away and 360 will end on around 25%


Carl2291 said:
Wii will end with about 45%

PS3 will end up with around 30% marketshare

360 will leave the market before the others, cemented in 2nd place but PS3 will eat that lead up right away and 360 will end on around 25%



Seriously 30% market share for PS3 - lol. Yeah right . More chance of Wii reaching 70% market share then there is of PS3 getting up 30% market share.

Ironically X360 is around 30% market share at the moment.  Japan market is sluggish and is not really helping PS3 sales. I hope the Japan market goes down further and no way back for PS3 this generation. 3 million PS3s sold in 2.25 years is not great all. Ok X360 has sold a lot slower 1 million in 3.25 years but it was expected to sell slow in Japan.

The gap between X360 and PS3 outside of Japan stands at a staggering 10.25 million consoles.

I see X360 falling to 20 to 25% market share by end of generation. Ps3 will fall to 15 to 20% market share. Wii will be between 55 to 65% market share by end of console generation. Around 300 million hardware units will be sold in total for this generation.

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For the Wii to get to 50% it will have to start selling more than the XBOX360 and the PS3 combined. It's not doing that. 45% looks more realistic to me. Which is still really good.

i would understand such a thread of u were a noobi........

numonex said:

So we hear about  Nintendo's Wii soon reaching 50% market share in 7th generation console wars against its arch enemies Microsoft's XBox 360 and last by no means least Sony's PS3.

Well Nintendo closes in on a milestone of 50% market share drastically improving upon last generation Gamecube which only managed 12% market share. 13% market share for XBox. 75% market share for PS2.

Cut to the chase anyway PS2 was 75% market share last generation and now PS3 is only 21.4% market share after 100 million consoles have been sold. From PS2 to PS3 we have seen more than a 50% drop in market share.

What happened to Sony? Nintendo celebrate 50% market share while Sony dwells on where their 50% market share from last generation go.

Anyway I hope you people can fill me in on what happened to Sony.

So what will PS3's final market share end up on?

Wii will eat up the market share and close in on 60%+ market share at the expense of both PS3 and X360 losing more ground on the runaway express train that is Nintendo's Wii.

What happened to sony?  They made a system few people want and even fewer could afford.

As for Marketshare... can't say.  It's really a tough call with the Wii having a new expanded audience plus the 360 and PS3 doing a lot better due to their difference from the market leader.



As far as the Wii hitting 50%, I think there's a decent chance it won't happen at all. If it does happen it won't be sustained.

The reason is, quite simply, the Wii is just not accelerating in sales any more. In Japan it seems to have come pretty close to a plateau. It is being outsold by the PS3 semi regularly now. If you combine PS3 and 360 sales Japan almost evens out the Wii's advantage from North America.

In Europe the Wii is indeed number one but not by much. The Wii is actually losing ground if you combine 360 and PS3 sales.

Also the PS2 didn't just have the most hardware sales but by far the most software sales as well. In this case the Wii may have a lot of hardware sales but the 3rd party Software sales are just not there. There are not real 3rd party hits on the Wii especially not the 10 million sale mega hits the PS2 has tons of. The HD consoles combine for WAY more software sales then the Wii still, especially 3rd party software.

When the PS3 drops the price I think 30% is very realisitic. I would bet the gen ends something like 30% PS3, 45% Wii 25% 360. That's about 2 years from now with a big PS3 price drop happening this year as a built in assumption.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me

Impulsivity said:

When the PS3 drops the price I think 30% is very realisitic. I would bet the gen ends something like 30% PS3, 45% Wii 25% 360. That's about 2 years from now with a big PS3 price drop happening this year as a built in assumption.

Wait... You believe that if the PS3 will drop the price, it will outsell the 360? 

And what stops Microsoft from having a similar pricecut, making Sony's uneffective?


And don't even get me started on the effects of a 100$ Wii price cut!